Asuransi Ramayana Tbk dividends

Last dividend for Asuransi Ramayana Tbk (ASRM.JK) as of May 20, 2024 is 65 IDR. The forward dividend yield for ASRM.JK as of May 20, 2024 is 8.55%. Average dividend growth rate for stock Asuransi Ramayana Tbk (ASRM.JK) for past three years is 15.87%.

Dividend history for stock ASRM.JK (Asuransi Ramayana Tbk) including historic stock price, dividend growth rate predictions based on history, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

Asuransi Ramayana Tbk Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-05-03 65 IDR 1480.00 IDR 1480.00 IDR
2023-07-06 65 IDR 1600.00 IDR 1600.00 IDR
2023-07-04 65 IDR (18.18%) 1660.00 IDR 1660.00 IDR
2022-07-04 55 IDR (19.57%) 1570.00 IDR 1508.15 IDR
2021-07-19 46 IDR (-14.57%) 1640.00 IDR 1521.07 IDR
2020-08-11 53.8462 IDR (-10.16%) 1653.85 IDR 1490.89 IDR
2019-05-13 59.9359 IDR (-15.00%) 846.15 IDR 737.95 IDR
2018-05-17 70.5128 IDR 846.15 IDR 685.67 IDR
2017-06-02 70.5128 IDR (5.26%) 846.15 IDR 628.53 IDR
2016-06-02 66.9872 IDR (11.76%) 846.15 IDR 576.16 IDR
2015-05-29 59.9359 IDR (54.55%) 846.15 IDR 530.54 IDR
2014-06-18 38.7821 IDR 719.23 IDR 419.02 IDR
2013-06-11 38.7821 IDR (28.57%) 726.28 IDR 400.64 IDR
2012-06-19 30.1639 IDR 379.25 IDR 726.28 IDR
2011-06-21 30.1639 IDR (43.36%) 501.44 IDR 998.15 IDR
2010-06-18 21.0409 IDR (-25.53%) 378.74 IDR 184.36 IDR
2009-06-22 28.2550 IDR (14.43%) 300.58 IDR 138.19 IDR
2008-06-19 24.6909 IDR (2.68%) 319.91 IDR 133.25 IDR
2007-06-18 24.0468 IDR (0.90%) 225.44 IDR 86.65 IDR
2006-06-23 23.8321 IDR 246.91 IDR 84.78 IDR


Price: IDR1,520

52 week price:

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 8.55%

Payout Ratio: 22.26%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 130.00 IDR

Earnings Per Share: 292.04 IDR

P/E Ratio: 5.31

Exchange: JKT

Sector: Financial Services

Industry: Insurance - Property & Casualty

Market Capitalization: 471.6 billion

Average Dividend Frequency: 1

Years Paying Dividends: 18

DGR3: 15.87%
