Carisma Therapeutics, Inc. dividends

Dividend history for stock CARM (Carisma Therapeutics, Inc.) including historic stock price, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

Carisma Therapeutics, Inc. Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2023-03-08 2023-03-08 0.3610 USD (-76.48%) 3.10 USD 3.10 USD
2023-03-06 2023-03-10 1.5348 USD 3.10 USD 3.10 USD


Price: $1.41

52 week price:

Payout Ratio: -13.94%

Payout Ratio Range:

Earnings Per Share: -2.59 USD

P/E Ratio: -0.62

Exchange: NGM

Sector: Healthcare

Industry: Biotechnology

Market Capitalization: 60.9 million

Years Paying Dividends: 1
