10X S&P 500 dividends

Last dividend for 10X S&P 500 (CSP500.JO) as of May 20, 2024 is 0.40 ZAc. The forward dividend yield for CSP500.JO as of May 20, 2024 is 0.00%. Average dividend growth rate for stock 10X S&P 500 (CSP500.JO) for past three years is 3.67%.

Dividend history for stock CSP500.JO (10X S&P 500) including historic stock price, dividend growth rate predictions based on history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

10X S&P 500 Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2023-10-11 0.4003 ZAc (-0.83%) 8174.64 ZAc 8174.64 ZAc
2023-04-19 0.4036 ZAc (14.29%) 7475.59 ZAc 7475.23 ZAc
2022-10-12 0.3532 ZAc (20.41%) 6549.95 ZAc 6549.29 ZAc
2022-04-12 0.2933 ZAc (13.03%) 6437.51 ZAc 6436.51 ZAc
2021-10-18 0.2595 ZAc (-2.99%) 6559.40 ZAc 6558.08 ZAc
2021-04-15 0.2675 ZAc (-13.09%) 5879.86 ZAc 5878.45 ZAc
2020-10-14 0.3078 ZAc (-20.17%) 5769.12 ZAc 5767.47 ZAc
2020-04-15 0.3856 ZAc (34.31%) 5169.58 ZAc 5167.83 ZAc
2019-10-09 0.2871 ZAc (-9.28%) 4418.79 ZAc 4416.97 ZAc
2019-04-10 0.3164 ZAc (44.26%) 4007.22 ZAc 4005.31 ZAc
2018-10-24 0.2193 ZAc (32.31%) 3961.71 ZAc 3959.51 ZAc
2018-05-02 0.1658 ZAc (-9.01%) 3384.29 ZAc 3382.23 ZAc
2017-09-27 0.1822 ZAc (-65.69%) 3390.86 ZAc 3388.63 ZAc
2017-03-29 0.5310 ZAc 3077.50 ZAc 3075.30 ZAc


Price: ZAR97.39

52 week price:

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 0.00%

Dividend Per Share: 0.40 ZAc

Exchange: JNB

Sector: Financial Services

Industry: Asset Management

Average Dividend Frequency: 2

Years Paying Dividends: 7

DGR3: 3.67%

DGR5: 4.27%
