Digrin.com pricing
Digrin is the ultimate tool for dividend investors, with a free tier to start. Our platform was created and is maintained by a fellow dividend investor who understands that manual tracking in spreadsheets is a thing of the past.
As much as we'd love to offer Digrin for free, website hosting, developing new features, fixing bugs, and managing financial data all come at a cost. By becoming a supporter, you'll help us cover these expenses and keep Digrin running smoothly.
Since 2014, Digrin has been helping dividend investors take their portfolios to the next level, and we're not going anywhere anytime soon. Monthly supporters can receive a full refund within 7 days, while yearly supporters have 14 days to change their minds.
You can cancel your subscription renewal at any time through your account settings. By becoming a supporter, you'll join a community of passionate dividend investors who understand the value of our dividend portfolio tracker. We hope you'll consider supporting Digrin today.
Basic | Supporter | |
Price | FREE | €4.16 a month billed annually
Subscribe annually
or €7.99 billed monthly Subscribe monthly |
Portfolio overview, Stock Screener, Watcher | ✔ | ✔ |
Create portfolios | 3 | 20 |
Broker integrations (sync transactions) | Interactive brokers daily |
Interactive brokers daily + on demand sync every 5 minutes |
Portfolio import/export | Import transactions CSV | Import transactions CSV Export transactions CSV |
Portfolio transactions | 50 monthly | 500 monthly + commission support |
Portfolio dividend calendar | (6 months history + 6 months forward) Export to your calendar (iCalendar format) |
✔ (full history + 10 years forward) |
Portfolio performance | ✔Comparing to SP500 (SPY) | ✔Comparing to SP500 (SPY) + custom stock/ETF |
Estimated earnings | Earnings data for stocks e.g. GOOGL plus single closest earnings date in your portfolio | ✔All earnings dates in portfolio + earnings export for calendar (iCalendar format) |
Portfolio statistics | Current and previous year | ✔Full history |
Portfolio heatmap | Current month | ✔Select time range |
Stock buys from digrin.com investors | Older than 7 days | All buys |
Stock Financials | Assets and Liabilities | Shares, Cash and Debt, profitability metrics, ... |
Estimated Taxes | Except current year | All years |