Dividend Growth Investing - Dividend Portfolio Tracker
DIGRIN is a free dividend portfolio manager focused on providing dividend growth investors
a tool to track and manage their portfolio easily and in real-time.
Working on a freemium model, having most functionality for free and paid membership available for additional features or supporters.
What will my portfolio look like?
Check out an VR finance portfolio as an example.
How can I research stocks?
For example check stock detail for Apple
Getting your portfolio to Digrin
There are multiple options to get your portfolio to DIGRIN:
- Manually add your transactions
- Import your portfolio from a CSV file (supported brokers - digrin, fidelity, interactive_brokers, yahoo, trading212, degiro, portu, robomarkets, revolut, robinhood, xtb, etoro, lightyear, interactive_investor)
- Connect your brokerage account with our API - Interactive brokers only