HUB CO. LTD dividends

Dividend history for stock 3030.T (HUB CO. LTD) including historic stock price and split, spin-off and special dividends.

HUB CO. LTD Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2020-02-27 7 JPY (-50%) 882.00 JPY 882.00 JPY
2019-02-26 14 JPY (600%) 949.97 JPY 957.00 JPY
2018-02-26 2 JPY (100%) 1222.82 JPY 1250.00 JPY
2017-02-24 1 JPY (-90%) 602.30 JPY 616.67 JPY
2016-02-25 10 JPY (7.14%) 625.70 JPY 641.67 JPY
2014-02-26 9.3333 JPY (6.33%) 445.47 JPY 471.11 JPY
2013-02-26 8.7778 JPY (17.91%) 270.61 JPY 291.78 JPY
2012-02-27 7.4444 JPY (1240.00%) 216.36 JPY 240.33 JPY
2011-02-24 0.5556 JPY 130.19 JPY 149.00 JPY
2009-02-24 0.5556 JPY (-80.00%) 85.13 JPY 97.78 JPY
2008-02-26 2.7778 JPY 114.46 JPY 132.22 JPY


Price: ¥778

52 week price:

Earnings Per Share: 18.03 JPY

P/E Ratio: 41.92

Exchange: JPX

Sector: Consumer Cyclical

Industry: Restaurants

Market Capitalization: 9.6 billion

Average Dividend Frequency: 1
