KEIHIN CO LTD dividends

Last dividend for KEIHIN CO LTD (9312.T) as of April 29, 2024 is 63 JPY. The forward dividend yield for 9312.T as of April 29, 2024 is 3.28%. Average dividend growth rate for stock KEIHIN CO LTD (9312.T) for past three years is 13.33%.

Dividend history for stock 9312.T (KEIHIN CO LTD) including historic stock price, dividend growth rate predictions based on history, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.


Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-03-28 63 JPY (-10%) 1770.00 JPY 1770.00 JPY
2023-03-30 70 JPY (40%) 1614.00 JPY 1614.00 JPY
2022-03-30 50 JPY 1445.07 JPY 1510.00 JPY
2021-03-30 50 JPY 1318.57 JPY 1425.00 JPY
2020-03-30 50 JPY 1015.62 JPY 1136.00 JPY
2019-03-27 50 JPY 1201.62 JPY 1403.00 JPY
2018-03-28 50 JPY 1380.01 JPY 1670.00 JPY
2017-03-29 50 JPY 1292.02 JPY 1610.00 JPY
2016-03-29 50 JPY (25%) 1128.36 JPY 1450.00 JPY
2015-03-27 40 JPY 1467.20 JPY 1950.00 JPY
2014-03-27 40 JPY (33.33%) 1143.03 JPY 1550.00 JPY
2013-03-27 30 JPY 1523.28 JPY 2120.00 JPY
2012-03-28 30 JPY (200%) 842.35 JPY 1190.00 JPY
2011-03-29 10 JPY 642.12 JPY 930.00 JPY
2010-03-29 10 JPY (-82.14%) 689.69 JPY 1010.00 JPY
2007-03-27 56 JPY 1839.00 JPY 2720.00 JPY
2005-03-28 56 JPY 2842.27 JPY 4290.00 JPY
2004-03-26 56 JPY 1464.52 JPY 2240.00 JPY
2003-03-26 56 JPY 899.99 JPY 1410.00 JPY
2002-03-26 56 JPY 865.70 JPY 1410.00 JPY
2001-03-27 56 JPY 911.14 JPY 1540.00 JPY


Price: ¥1,921

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 0.03%

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 3.28%

Payout Ratio: 20.60%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 63.00 JPY

Earnings Per Share: 305.77 JPY

P/E Ratio: 5.70

Exchange: JPX

Sector: Industrials

Industry: Integrated Freight & Logistics

Market Capitalization: 13.0 billion

Average Dividend Frequency: 1

Years Paying Dividends: 15

DGR3: 13.33%

DGR5: 8.00%

DGR10: 9.83%
