ZUIKO CORPORATION ( 6279.T) Dividends

Last dividend for ZUIKO CORPORATION (6279.T) as of Jan. 25, 2025 is 5 JPY. The forward dividend yield for 6279.T as of Jan. 25, 2025 is 0.75%. Average dividend growth rate for stock ZUIKO CORPORATION (6279.T) for past three years is 30.00%.

Dividend history for stock 6279.T (ZUIKO CORPORATION) including historic stock price, dividend growth rate predictions based on history and split, spin-off and special dividends.


Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2025-02-19 5 JPY Upcoming dividend
2024-08-19 2024-11-01 5 JPY (-50%) 1166.00 JPY 1166.00 JPY
2024-02-19 2024-05-20 10 JPY 1819.49 JPY 1827.00 JPY
2023-08-17 2023-11-01 10 JPY (11.11%) 1387.71 JPY 1401.00 JPY
2023-02-17 2023-05-19 9 JPY (11.11%) 835.00 JPY 849.00 JPY
2022-08-18 2022-11-01 8.1000 JPY (-19%) 750.60 JPY 771.00 JPY
2022-02-17 2022-05-18 10 JPY (61.29%) 776.54 JPY 806.00 JPY
2021-08-19 2021-11-01 6.2000 JPY (-0.80%) 905.81 JPY 952.00 JPY
2021-02-18 6.2500 JPY 1037.01 JPY 1097.00 JPY
2020-02-19 2020-05-18 6.2500 JPY (-16.67%) 985.77 JPY 1057.50 JPY
2019-08-19 2019-11-01 7.5000 JPY (20%) 735.73 JPY 793.75 JPY
2019-02-18 2019-05-20 6.2500 JPY 560.30 JPY 610.25 JPY
2018-08-16 2018-11-01 6.2500 JPY (25%) 695.09 JPY 765.00 JPY
2018-02-16 5 JPY 762.67 JPY 846.25 JPY
2017-08-16 5 JPY (-20%) 879.10 JPY 981.25 JPY
2017-02-16 6.2500 JPY (-37.50%) 943.72 JPY 1058.75 JPY
2016-08-17 10 JPY (300%) 883.85 JPY 997.50 JPY
2016-02-17 2.5000 JPY (-71.43%) 848.79 JPY 967.50 JPY
2015-08-18 8.7500 JPY (75%) 1088.40 JPY 1243.75 JPY
2015-02-18 5 JPY (-50%) 997.01 JPY 1147.50 JPY
2014-08-18 10 JPY 1185.17 JPY 1370.00 JPY
2014-02-18 10 JPY (-11.11%) 1208.64 JPY 1407.50 JPY
2013-08-16 11.2500 JPY (350%) 1417.42 JPY 1662.50 JPY
2013-02-18 2.5000 JPY (-50%) 775.75 JPY 916.25 JPY
2012-08-16 5 JPY 404.87 JPY 479.50 JPY
2012-02-16 5 JPY (100%) 344.38 JPY 412.25 JPY
2011-08-17 2.5000 JPY (-50%) 236.61 JPY 286.75 JPY
2011-02-16 5 JPY (122.22%) 286.35 JPY 350.00 JPY
2010-08-18 2.2500 JPY (80%) 120.98 JPY 150.00 JPY
2010-02-17 1.2500 JPY (-50%) 139.46 JPY 175.50 JPY
2008-02-15 2.5000 JPY 149.72 JPY 189.75 JPY
2007-08-15 2.5000 JPY 200.87 JPY 258.00 JPY
2007-02-15 2.5000 JPY 194.29 JPY 252.00 JPY
2005-02-15 2.5000 JPY 191.22 JPY 250.50 JPY
2004-08-17 2.5000 JPY 207.88 JPY 275.00 JPY
2004-02-17 2.5000 JPY 149.81 JPY 200.00 JPY
2003-08-15 2.5000 JPY 143.32 JPY 193.75 JPY
2003-02-17 2.5000 JPY 116.83 JPY 160.00 JPY
2002-08-15 2.5000 JPY 138.35 JPY 192.50 JPY
2002-02-15 2.5000 JPY 145.24 JPY 204.75 JPY
2001-08-15 2.5000 JPY 164.86 JPY 235.25 JPY
2001-02-15 2.5000 JPY 225.33 JPY 325.00 JPY
2000-08-15 2.5000 JPY 216.76 JPY 315.00 JPY


Price: ¥1,336

52 week price:

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 0.75%

Payout Ratio: 64.64%

Dividend Per Share: 10.00 JPY

Earnings Per Share: 16.56 JPY

P/E Ratio: 79.11

Exchange: JPX

Sector: Industrials

Industry: Specialty Industrial Machinery

Market Capitalization: 34.7 billion

Average Dividend Frequency: 2

Years Paying Dividends: 16

DGR3: 30.00%

DGR5: 27.62%

DGR10: 10.98%
