NYSE Arca - PCX (2523 stocks)

Expected withholding dividend tax for non-residents: 15%

StockDividend YieldP/E RatioDividend Frequency DGR
AAA Alternative Access First Priori 1.08 % - 12 30%
AAIT iShares MSCI All Country Asia Info Tech - - - -
ABEQ Absolute Select Value ETF 0.25 % 16.77 2 30%
ABNY Tidal Trust II YieldMax ABNB Op - - 12 -
ACES ALPS Clean Energy ETF 0.52 % 22.27 4 -10%
ACSG Xtrackers MSCI ACWI ex USA ESG Leaders Equity ETF 1.89 % - 2 -
ACTV LeaderShares Activist Leaders E - 18.00 1 30%
ACVF American Conservative Values ET 0.41 % 26.42 4 7%
ACWF iShares MSCI Global Multifactor ETF 1.66 % 13.07 2 30%
ADIV SmartETFs Asia Pacific Dividend 1.51 % 11.82 4 -
AEMB American Century Emerging Marke - - 12 30%
AFK VanEck Africa Index ETF - 7.10 1 -
AFLG First Trust Active Factor Large 0.72 % 23.56 4 -1%
AFMC First Trust Active Factor Mid Cap ETF 0.65 % 11.17 3 -30%
AFSM First Trust Active Factor Small Cap ETF 0.29 % 9.58 3 30%
AFTY Pacer CSOP FTSE China A50 ETF 1.62 % 10.82 1 13%
AGG iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bon 2.53 % 124.74 12 6%
AGGH Simplify Aggregate Bond ETF - - 12 -
AGGP IQ Enhanced Core Plus Bond U.S. ETF 2.32 % - 12 -
AGGS Harbor ETF Trust - - - -
AGGY WisdomTree Yield Enhanced U.S. - - 12 5%
AGOV ETC Gavekal Asia Pacific Government Bond ETF - - 1 -
AGOX Adaptive Alpha Opportunities ET - 32.24 1 -
AGQ ProShares Ultra Silver - - - -
AGZ iShares Agency Bond ETF 1.70 % 25.75 12 25%
AHHX Adaptive High Income ETF - 15.89 12 -
AHYB American Century Select High Yi - - 12 -
AIBD Direxion Shares ETF Trust - - 4 -
AIBU Direxion Shares ETF Trust - 42.65 4 -
AIEQ Amplify ETF Trust Amplify AI Po 0.09 % 24.15 4 30%
AIFD TCW ETF Trust - 39.28 - -
AIIQ AI Powered International Equity ETF 1.21 % - 1 -
AILG Alpha Intelligent - Large Cap Growth ETF - 33.44 - -
AILV Alpha Intelligent - Large Cap Value ETF - 13.50 1 -
AIVC Amplify Bloomberg AI Value Chai - - - -
AIVI WisdomTree International AI Enh - 13.95 4 2%
AIVL WisdomTree U.S. AI Enhanced Val - 19.82 4 -3%
AIYY Tidal Trust II YieldMax AI Opti - - 12 -
ALD WisdomTree Asia Local Debt Fund 2.09 % 11.71 7 -
ALTL Pacer Lunt Large Cap Alternator 1.21 % 23.60 4 8%
AMAX Adaptive Hedged Multi-Asset Inc 1.04 % 27.13 12 -
AMDY Tidal Trust II Yieldmax AMD Opt - - 12 -
AMJ JPMorgan Chase Capital XVI JP M 6.62 % - 4 0%
AMJB JPMorgan Chase & Co. Alerian ML - - - -
AMLP Alerian MLP ETF - 14.45 4 4%
AMNA ETRACS Alerian Midstream Energy Index ETN 2.01 % - 4 -
AMND ETRACS Alerian Midstream Energy High Dividend Index ETN 2.34 % - 4 -
AMOM QRAFT AI-Enhanced U.S. Large Ca 20.51 % 43.55 4 -
AMPD CNIC ICE U.S. Carbon Neutral Po - - - -
AMTR ETRACS Alerian Midstream Energy Total Return Index ETN - - - -
AMU UBS ETRACS Alerian MLP Index ETN 7.79 % 36.95 8 -
AMUB ETRACS Alerian MLP Index ETN Se 6.67 % - 4 5%
AMZA InfraCap MLP ETF 7.30 % 14.40 12 -11%
AMZY Tidal ETF Trust II YieldMax AMZ - - 12 -
ANEW ProShares MSCI Transformational 0.15 % 28.17 4 30%
AOA iShares Core Aggressive Allocat - 21.14 4 9%
AOHY Angel Oak Funds Trust Angel Oak - 2.36 12 -
AOK iShares Core Conservative Alloc 1.52 % 21.31 12 16%
AOM iShares Core Moderate Allocatio 1.50 % 20.77 4 15%
AOR iShares Core Growth Allocation 1.49 % 20.84 4 12%
APCB Trust for Professional Managers - - 12 -
APIE Trust for Professional Managers - 16.43 - -
APLY Tidal ETF Trust II YieldMax AAP - - 12 -
APMU Trust for Professional Managers - - 12 -
APUE Trust for Professional Managers - 25.21 - -
AQGX AI Quality Growth ETF - 30.68 - -
ARB AltShares Merger Arbitrage ETF - 98.22 1 -
AREA Harbor ETF Trust - - - -
ARGT Global X MSCI Argentina ETF - 17.80 2 30%
ARKF ARK Fintech Innovation ETF - 49.84 1 -
ARKK ARK Innovation ETF - 56.55 1 -
ARKW ARK Next Generation Internet ET - 55.80 1 -
ARMR Armor US Equity Index ETF - 18.99 1 -
ASEA Global X FTSE Southeast Asia ET 1.76 % 12.52 2 13%
ASHR Xtrackers Harvest CSI 300 China 0.83 % 13.20 1 9%
ASHS Xtrackers Harvest CSI 500 China - 20.67 1 7%
ASHX Xtrackers MSCI China A Inclusion Equity ETF 0.79 % 11.25 1 13%
ASMF Virtus ETF Trust II - 21.36 - -
ASPY ASYMshares ASYMmetric S&P 500 ETF - 19.69 1 -
ATFV Alger 35 ETF - 46.99 1 -
AUSE WisdomTree Australia Dividend Fund 4.26 % - 231 -
AUSF Global X Funds Global X Adaptiv 1.89 % 16.33 4 12%
AVDE Avantis International Equity ET 1.89 % 15.06 2 10%
AVDV Avantis International Small Cap 1.90 % 9.82 2 22%
AVEM Avantis Emerging Markets Equity 1.65 % 11.71 2 5%
AVES Avantis Emerging Markets Value - 9.60 2 -
AVGE American Century ETF Trust Avan - 17.10 2 -
AVGV American Century ETF Trust Avan - 13.24 2 -
AVIE American Century ETF Trust Avan - 13.40 - -
AVIG Avantis Core Fixed Income ETF 1.12 % - 12 30%
AVIV Avantis International Large Cap - 12.98 2 -
AVLC American Century ETF Trust Avan - 23.54 4 -
AVLV Avantis U.S. Large Cap Value ET - 17.32 4 -
AVMC American Century ETF Trust Avan - 19.44 4 -
AVMU Avantis Core Municipal Fixed In 0.57 % - 12 30%
AVMV American Century ETF Trust Avan - 15.79 4 -
AVRE Avantis Real Estate ETF - 27.74 4 -
AVSC American Century ETF Trust Avan - 15.66 4 -
AVSF Avantis Short-Term Fixed Income 0.42 % - 12 30%
AVSU American Century ETF Trust Avan - 23.20 4 -
AVUS Avantis U.S. Equity ETF 1.01 % 21.40 4 13%
AVUV Avantis U.S. Small Cap Value ET - 12.20 4 15%
AWAY Amplify ETF Trust Amplify Trave - 29.24 4 -
AWTM AWTM Ultra-Short Duration Enhanced Income ETF 1.09 % - 10 -
AWYX ETFMG 2x Daily Travel Tech ETF - - - -
AXJL WisdomTree Asia Pacific ex-Japan Fund 3.42 % 23.77 3 -
AXJS iShares MSCI AC Asia ex Japan Small-Cap - - - -
AYT iPath GEMS Asia 8 ETN - - - -
AZAA AllianzIM U.S. Large Cap Buffer10 Apr ETF 4.21 % - - -
AZAJ AllianzIM U.S. Large Cap Buffer10 Jan ETF - - - -
AZAL AllianzIM U.S. Large Cap Buffer10 Jul ETF 3.55 % - - -
AZAO AllianzIM U.S. Large Cap Buffer10 Oct ETF - - - -
AZBA AllianzIM U.S. Large Cap Buffer20 Apr ETF - - - -
AZBJ AllianzIM U.S. Large Cap Buffer20 Jan ETF - - - -
AZBL AllianzIM U.S. Large Cap Buffer20 Jul ETF 2.16 % - - -
AZBO AllianzIM U.S. Large Cap Buffer20 Oct ETF - - - -
BAB Invesco Taxable Municipal Bond 3.67 % -203.85 12 -2%
BABO Tidal Trust II - - 12 -
BABS SPDR Nuveen Barclays Build Amer Bd ETF - - - -
BAD B.A.D. ETF - 16.67 1 -
BAI BlackRock ETF Trust - 42.81 - -
BAL iPath Series B Bloomberg Cotton Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
BAR GraniteShares Gold Trust Shares - - - -
BATT Amplify Lithium & Battery Techn - 19.61 1 10%
BBAG JPMorgan BetaBuilders U.S. Aggr - - 12 20%
BBBI BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx B - - 12 -
BBBL BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx B - - 12 -
BBBS BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx B - - 12 -
BBC Virtus LifeSci Biotech Clinical 1.29 % - 1 -
BBCB JPMorgan BetaBuilders USD Inves - - 12 15%
BBMC JPMorgan BetaBuilders U.S. Mid - 19.06 4 17%
BBP Virtus LifeSci Biotech Products 0.21 % - 1 -
BBRC Columbia Beyond BRICs ETF 0.83 % 4.61 1 -
BBSC JPMorgan BetaBuilders U.S. Smal 0.49 % 18.89 4 10%
BCD abrdn Bloomberg All Commodity L 0.97 % - 1 4%
BCI abrdn Bloomberg All Commodity S - - 1 0%
BCM iPath Pure Beta Broad Commodity ETN - - - -
BCUS Exchange Listed Funds Trust Ban - 29.55 4 -
BDCL UBS ETRACS 2xLeveraged Long Wells Fargo Business Development Company Index ETN 20.91 % 54.96 4 -
BDCS UBS ETRACS Linked to the Wells Fargo Business Development Company Index ETN 9.24 % - 4 -
BDCX ETRACS Quarterly Pay 1.5x Lever 6.32 % - 4 22%
BDCY ETRACS 2xMonthly Leveraged Wells Fargo Diversified Business Development Company Index ETN Series B 30.50 % - - -
BDCZ ETRACS MarketVector Business De 7.47 % - 4 2%
BDRY Amplify Commodity Trust Breakwa - 8.98 - -
BECO BlackRock Future Climate and Su - 17.11 2 -
BEDZ AdvisorShares Hotel ETF - 22.93 1 -
BENJ Horizon Funds - - - -
BERZ MicroSectors FANG & Innovation - 16.36 - -
BETE ProShares Trust ProShares Bitco - - 12 -
BETH ProShares Trust ProShares Bitco - - 12 -
BETZ Roundhill Sports Betting & iGam - 20.69 1 -
BFIX Build Funds Trust Build Bond In - - 12 -
BFOR Barron's 400 ETF 0.74 % 9.95 1 30%
BFTR BlackRock Future Innovators ETF - 36.07 - -
BIBL Inspire 100 ETF 1.36 % 26.07 4 3%
BIDD BlackRock ETF Trust - 22.28 4 -
BIDS Amplify Digital & Online Trading ETF - 14.53 1 -
BIGY Defiance Next Gen Big Data ETF - - - -
BIL SPDR Bloomberg 1-3 Month T-Bill 0.00 % - 12 -
BILD Macquarie ETF Trust Macquarie G - 11.39 - -
BILS SPDR Bloomberg 3-12 Month T-Bil - - 12 -
BILZ PIMCO U.S. Treasury Index Fund - - 12 -
BINC BlackRock ETF Trust II BlackRoc - - 12 -
BITB Bitwise Bitcoin ETF - - - -
BITC Bitwise Trendwise Bitcoin and T - - - -
BITI ProShares Trust ProShares Short - - 12 -
BITO ProShares Bitcoin ETF - - 12 -
BITQ Bitwise Crypto Industry Innovat - - 1 -
BITU ProShares Trust ProShares Ultra - - 12 -
BIV Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond - 29.28 12 2%
BIZD VanEck BDC Income ETF - 10.19 4 6%
BKAG BNY Mellon Core Bond ETF 1.55 % - 12 30%
BKCI BNY Mellon ETF Trust BNY Mellon - 26.64 1 -
BKEM BNY Mellon Emerging Markets Equ 2.46 % 13.39 4 3%
BKES BNY Mellon Sustainable Global Emerging Markets ETF - 22.99 - -
BKF iShares MSCI BIC ETF 1.10 % 14.65 2 8%
BKHY BNY Mellon High Yield ETF 5.68 % - 12 1%
BKIE BNY Mellon International Equity 2.39 % 17.24 4 8%
BKIS BNY Mellon Sustainable International Equity ETF - 20.63 1 -
BKLC BNY Mellon US Large Cap Core Eq 1.02 % 28.18 4 12%
BKLN Invesco Senior Loan ETF 3.13 % - 12 24%
BKMC BNY Mellon US Mid Cap Core Equi 1.02 % 20.32 4 13%
BKSB BNY Mellon Short Duration Corporate Bond ETF 1.76 % - 11 -
BKSE BNY Mellon US Small Cap Core Eq 0.99 % 18.04 4 12%
BKUI BNY Mellon Ultra Short Income E 0.10 % - 12 -
BKUS BNY Mellon Sustainable US Equity ETF - 25.70 - -
BLES Inspire Global Hope ETF 1.66 % 19.04 4 7%
BLHY Virtus Newfleet High Yield Bond ETF 4.57 % - 12 4%
BLOK Amplify Transformational Data S 1.07 % 21.07 1 -
BLV Vanguard Long-Term Bond ETF - - 12 -7%
BMED iShares Health Innovation Activ - 32.36 2 -
BMVP Invesco Bloomberg MVP Multi-fac - 21.30 4 29%
BNDC FlexShares Core Select Bond Fun 2.31 % - 12 14%
BNDD Quadratic Deflation ETF 0.29 % - 12 -
BNDS Series Portfolios Trust - - - -
BNE ETF Series Solutions Blue Horiz - 13.48 1 -
BNGE First Trust S-Network Streaming - 26.57 4 -
BNKD MicroSectors U.S. Big Banks Ind - 29.62 - -
BNKO MicroSectors U.S. Big Banks Index 2X Leveraged ETNs - - - -
BNKU MicroSectors U.S. Big Banks Ind - 12.58 - -
BNKZ MicroSectors U.S. Big Banks Index -2X Inverse Leveraged ETNs - - - -
BNO United States Brent Oil Fund, LP - - - -
BOAT SonicShares Global Shipping ETF - 4.84 4 -
BOIL ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Natur - - - -
BOS DB Base Metals Short ETN - - - -
BOUT Innovator IBD Breakout Opportun - 34.95 1 -
BRAQ Global X Brazil Consumer ETF - - - -
BRAZ Global X Funds Global X Brazil - 10.61 2 -
BRF VanEck Brazil Small-Cap ETF 2.08 % 8.56 1 4%
BRZU Direxion Daily Brazil Bull 2X S - 8.35 4 14%
BSCF Guggenheim BulletShrs 2015 Corp Bd ETF - - - -
BSCH Guggenheim BulletShrs 2017 Corp Bd ETF 1.17 % - 12 -
BSCJ Invesco BulletShares 2019 Corporate Bond ETF 2.02 % 1254.17 12 -
BSEA ETFMG Breakwave Sea Decarbonization Tech ETF - 10.38 2 -
BSJH Guggenheim BulletShrs 2017 HY CorpBd ETF 2.26 % - 251 -
BSV Vanguard Short-Term Bond ETF - - 12 12%
BTAL AGF U.S. Market Neutral Anti-Be 1.02 % 17.41 1 -
BTC ClearShares Piton Intermediate Fixed Income ETF - - 2 -
BTCR Volt Crypto Industry and Equity ETF - - - -
BTEK BlackRock Future Tech ETF - 40.12 - -
BTHM BlackRock ETF Trust BlackRock F - 23.66 4 -
BUCK Simplify Exchange Traded Funds - - 12 -
BUL Pacer US Cash Cows Growth ETF - 22.17 4 30%
BULZ MicroSectors FANG & Innovation - 126.71 - -
BUND PIMCO Germany Bond Index Excha - 25.70 - -
BUY USCF SummerHaven SHPEI Index Fund 8.50 % - 4 -
BUZZ VanEck Social Sentiment ETF - 34.93 1 -
BVAL Brand Value ETF 1.30 % - 1 -
BWX SPDR Bloomberg International Tr 0.92 % - 12 12%
BWZ SPDR Bloomberg Short Term Inter 0.01 % - 12 30%
BYLD iShares Yield Optimized Bond ET 2.77 % 16.53 12 18%
BYRE Principal Exchange-Traded Funds - 30.29 4 -
BYTE Roundhill IO Digital Infrastructure ETF - 17.36 1 -
BZQ ProShares UltraShort MSCI Brazi 0.19 % - 4 -
CAFX Professionally Managed Portfoli - - 12 -
CAMX The Advisors Inner Circle Fund - 19.59 - -
CANE Teucrium Sugar Fund ETV - - - -
CAPD iPath Shiller CAPE ETN - - - -
CAPE DoubleLine ETF Trust DoubleLine - 27.67 4 -
CARY Angel Oak Funds Trust Angel Oak - - 12 -
CATF American Century ETF Trust Amer - - 12 -
CBLS Clough Hedged Equity ETF - 25.09 1 -
CBND SPDR Bloomberg Barclays Corporate Bond ETF 3.59 % 16.61 12 6%
CBON VanEck China Bond ETF 2.71 % - 12 -10%
CBSE Elevation Series Trust Clough S - 23.26 1 -
CCEF Calamos ETF Trust Calamos CEF I - - 12 -
CCON Direxion Connected Consumer ETF 1.36 % - - -
CCOR Core Alternative ETF - - 4 8%
CCRV iShares U.S. ETF Trust iShares - - 1 -
CCXE WisdomTree Commodity Country Equity Fund - - - -
CDEI Morgan Stanley ETF Trust Calver - 30.43 4 -
CDX Simplify High Yield PLUS Credit Hedge ETF - - - -
CEFD ETRACS Monthly Pay 1.5X Leverag 5.52 % - 12 18%
CERY SPDR Series Trust - - 1 -
CEW WisdomTree Emerging Currency St 0.67 % - 1 -
CGBL Capital Group Core Balanced ETF - 27.40 4 -
CGCP Capital Group Core Plus Income - 16.75 12 -
CGCV Capital Group Conservative Equi - 26.42 4 -
CGDG Capital Group Dividend Growers - 20.42 4 -
CGDV Capital Group Dividend Value ET - 25.08 4 -
CGGR Capital Group Growth ETF - 33.80 - -
CGHM Capital Group Municipal High-In - - - -
CGIC Capital Group International Cor - 15.53 4 -
CGIE Capital Group International Equ - 21.77 - -
CGMM Capital Group Equity ETF Trust - - - -
CGSM Capital Group Short Duration Mu - - - -
CGUS Capital Group Core Equity ETF C - 29.46 4 -
CGW Invesco S&P Global Water Index - 25.93 1 16%
CGXU Capital Group International Foc - 23.85 - -
CHAD Direxion Daily CSI 300 China A Share Bear 1X Shares 0.36 % - 2 -
CHAU Direxion Daily CSI 300 China A 0.02 % 13.26 4 30%
CHEP AGFiQ U.S. Market Neutral Value Fund 2.95 % - 1 -
CHGX AXS Change Finance ESG ETF 0.47 % 29.47 1 12%
CHIC Global X MSCI China Communication Services ETF 1.65 % 15.41 1 30%
CHIE Global X MSCI China Energy ETF 2.36 % 5.78 1 30%
CHIH Global X MSCI China Health Care ETF 0.07 % 14.60 2 -
CHII Global X MSCI China Industrials ETF 1.75 % 5.02 1 26%
CHIK Global X MSCI China Information Technology ETF 0.99 % 10.14 2 4%
CHIL Global X MSCI China Large-Cap 50 ETF 0.93 % - 2 -
CHIM Global X MSCI China Materials ETF 2.08 % 6.93 1 -6%
CHIQ Global X MSCI China Consumer Di - 18.19 2 -
CHIR Global X MSCI China Real Estate ETF 6.06 % 4.12 2 -30%
CHIS Global X MSCI China Consumer Staples ETF 0.89 % 16.97 2 30%
CHIU Global X MSCI China Utilities ETF 3.44 % 10.94 2 30%
CHIX Global X MSCI China Financials ETF 3.55 % 4.60 1 13%
CHLD LifeGoal Children Investment ET 0.14 % - - -
CLDL Direxion Daily Cloud Computing - 47.91 - -
CLDS Direxion Daily Cloud Computing Bear 2X Shares - - - -
CLIP Global X Funds Global X 1-3 Mon - - 12 -
CLIX ProShares Long Online/Short Sto - 23.02 4 -
CLMA iClima Climate Change Solutions ETF - - - -
CLNR IQ Cleaner Transport ETF - 11.39 4 -
CLOB VanEck ETF Trust VanEck AA-BB C - - 12 -
CLOI VanEck ETF Trust VanEck CLO ETF - - 12 -
CLOZ Series Portfolios Trust Panagra - - 12 -
CLTL Invesco Short Term Treasury ETF 0.08 % - 10 30%
CMBS iShares CMBS Bond ETF - - 12 4%
CMDT PIMCO U.S. Treasury Index Fund - - 4 -
CMDY iShares Bloomberg Roll Select C 0.11 % - 1 2%
CMF iShares California Muni Bond ET 1.59 % - 12 12%
CN Xtrackers MSCI All China Equity ETF 0.84 % 10.39 1 16%
CNBS Amplify Seymour Cannabis ETF - - 1 -
CNRG SPDR S&P Kensho Clean Power ETF 0.74 % 21.28 4 0%
CNXT VanEck ChiNext ETF 0.01 % 26.53 1 -
COBO ProShares USD Covered Bond 1.30 % - 11 -
COM Direxion Auspice Broad Commodit 0.11 % - 4 4%
COMB GraniteShares Bloomberg Commodi 0.05 % - 1 4%
CONY Tidal ETF Trust II YieldMax COI 156.04 % - 12 -
COPX Global X Copper Miners ETF 1.28 % 17.57 2 24%
CORN Teucrium Corn Fund ETV - - - -
CORP Pimco Investment Grade Corporat - 43.83 12 13%
COW iPath Series B Bloomberg Livestock Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
CPAI Northern Lights Fund Trust III - 18.32 1 -
CPER United States Copper Index Fund - 3.20 - -
CPI IQ Real Return ETF 0.97 % 18.46 2 30%
CPII Tidal ETF Trust Ionic Inflation - - - -
CPLB NYLI MacKay Core Plus Bond ETF - - - -
CPNJ Calamos ETF Trust - - - -
CPNS Calamos ETF Trust - - - -
CPRJ Calamos ETF Trust - - 4 4%
CPRO Calamos ETF Trust - - - -
CPRY Calamos ETF Trust - - - -
CPSA Calamos ETF Trust - - - -
CPSF Calamos ETF Trust - - - -
CPSJ Calamos ETF Trust - - - -
CPSM Calamos ETF Trust - - - -
CPSY Calamos ETF Trust - - - -
CPXR Tidal Trust III - - - -
CQQQ Invesco China Technology ETF 0.53 % 20.53 1 -
CRAK VanEck Oil Refiners ETF 2.23 % 6.04 1 30%
CRBN iShares MSCI ACWI Low Carbon Ta 1.27 % 21.09 2 9%
CRED Columbia Research Enhanced Real Estate ETF 3.19 % - 11 -
CROC ProShares UltraShort Australian Dollar - - - -
CROP IQ Global Agribusiness Small Cap ETF 1.17 % 10.62 1 -
CRPT First Trust SkyBridge Crypto In - 16.72 4 -
CRSH Tidal Trust II - - 12 -
CRUZ Defiance Hotel, Airline, and Cr - 16.27 1 -
CSD Invesco S&P Spin-Off ETF 0.84 % 21.95 1 -24%
CSH Morgan Creek-Exos Active SPAC Arbitrage ETF 0.76 % 35.61 4 -
CSHI NEOS Enhanced Income 1-3 Month - 26.93 12 -
CSHP iShares Enhanced Short-Term Bon - - 12 -
CSNR Cohen & Steers ETF Trust - - - -
CSPF Cohen & Steers ETF Trust - - - -
CTA Simplify Exchange Traded Funds - - - -
CTEX ProShares S&P Kensho Cleantech - 22.61 4 -
CUBS Asian Growth Cubs ETF 6.33 % 12.88 1 -
CURE Direxion Daily Healthcare Bull 0.00 % 40.10 4 30%
CUT Invesco MSCI Global Timber ETF 1.48 % 20.75 1 12%
CVIE Morgan Stanley ETF Trust Calver - 17.78 4 -
CVLC Morgan Stanley ETF Trust Calver - 29.40 4 -
CVMC Morgan Stanley ETF Trust Calver - 22.49 4 -
CVNY Tidal Trust II - - - -
CVRT Calamos ETF Trust Calamos Conve - - 4 -
CVSB Morgan Stanley ETF Trust Calver - - 12 -
CVSE Morgan Stanley ETF Trust Calver - 27.24 4 -
CVY Invesco Zacks Multi-Asset Incom 2.92 % 9.64 4 19%
CWB SPDR Bloomberg Convertible Secu - - 12 -2%
CWEB Direxion Daily CSI China Intern 0.16 % 14.98 4 -
CWI SPDR MSCI ACWI ex-US ETF 2.04 % 16.37 2 2%
CWS AdvisorShares Focused Equity ET 0.24 % 26.44 1 30%
CYA Simplify Tail Risk Strategy ETF - - 9 -
CYB WisdomTree Chinese Yuan Strategy Fund 0.39 % - 1 30%
CZA Invesco Zacks Mid-Cap ETF 1.13 % 20.66 1 15%
DARP Grizzle Growth ETF - 24.79 - -
DAT ProShares Big Data Refiners ETF - 44.54 - -
DAUD Citigroup ETNs linked to the VelocityShares Daily 4X Long USD vs. AUD Index - - - -
DBA Invesco DB Agriculture Fund 1.66 % 11.17 1 -
DBAW Xtrackers MSCI All World ex US 2.45 % 16.08 2 30%
DBB Invesco DB Base Metals Fund 1.55 % 3.35 1 -
DBBR Xtrackers MSCI Brazil Hedged Equity ETF 1.12 % 382.30 2 -
DBC Invesco DB Commodity Index Trac 1.78 % 5.42 1 -
DBE Invesco DB Energy Fund 2.47 % 4.12 1 -
DBEF Xtrackers MSCI EAFE Hedged Equi 2.74 % 17.01 2 30%
DBEH iMGP DBi Hedge Strategy ETF 0.07 % - 4 30%
DBEM Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets 2.16 % 14.03 2 5%
DBEU Xtrackers MSCI Europe Hedged Eq 2.46 % 17.60 2 4%
DBEZ Xtrackers MSCI Eurozone Hedged 2.31 % 15.73 2 -14%
DBGR Xtrackers MSCI Germany Hedged Equity ETF 3.08 % 13.42 2 8%
DBJP Xtrackers MSCI Japan Hedged Equ 2.26 % 14.41 2 30%
DBLV AdvisorShares Insider Advantage ETF 1.03 % - 1 -
DBMF iMGP DBi Managed Futures Strate 0.70 % - 1 6%
DBND DoubleLine ETF Trust DoubleLine - - 12 -
DBO Invesco DB Oil Fund - 2.90 1 -
DBP Invesco DB Precious Metals Fund 1.05 % 7.16 1 -
DBS Invesco DB Silver Fund 0.99 % 2.33 1 -
DBV Invesco DB G10 Currency Harvest Fund 1.44 % - 1 -
DCHF Citigroup ETNs linked to the VelocityShares Daily 4X Long USD vs. CHF Index - - - -
DCRE DoubleLine ETF Trust DoubleLine - - 12 -
DDG ProShares Short Oil & Gas 0.09 % - 2 -
DDM ProShares Ultra Dow30 0.10 % 24.57 4 30%
DEED First Trust TCW Securitized Plu - - 12 30%
DEEF Xtrackers FTSE Developed ex US 3.27 % 14.28 4 3%
DEF Invesco Bloomberg Pricing Power ETF 1.13 % 20.67 1 22%
DEIF Sterling Capital Diverse Multi-Manager Active ETF - 20.05 1 -
DEM WisdomTree Emerging Markets Hig 4.73 % 8.00 4 0%
DES WisdomTree U.S. SmallCap Divide 2.03 % 14.51 12 3%
DESK VanEck ETF Trust VanEck Office - - - -
DEUR Citigroup ETNs linked to the VelocityShares Daily 4X Long USD vs. EUR Index - - - -
DEUS Xtrackers Russell US Multifacto 1.10 % 20.70 4 8%
DEW WisdomTree Global High Dividend - 13.61 4 4%
DFAC Dimensional ETF Trust Dimension 0.48 % 22.85 4 -
DFAE Dimensional Emerging Core Equit 1.05 % 13.06 4 12%
DFAI Dimensional International Core 1.42 % 16.12 4 9%
DFAR Dimensional ETF Trust Dimension - 31.77 4 -
DFAS Dimensional U.S. Small Cap ETF - 17.92 4 -
DFAT Dimensional U.S. Targeted Value - 13.31 4 -
DFAU Dimensional US Core Equity Mark 0.63 % 25.77 4 11%
DFAX Dimensional World ex U.S. Core 0.45 % 14.11 4 -
DFCF Dimensional ETF Trust Dimension - - 12 -
DFE WisdomTree Europe SmallCap Divi - 10.43 4 14%
DFEN Direxion Daily Aerospace & Defe - 41.03 4 30%
DFIP Dimensional ETF Trust Dimension - - 12 -
DFIV Dimensional International Value - 11.30 4 -
DFJ WisdomTree Japan SmallCap Fund 2.24 % 11.45 4 5%
DFNM Dimensional ETF Trust Dimension - - 12 -
DFSD Dimensional ETF Trust Dimension - - 12 -
DFSV Dimensional ETF Trust Dimension - 13.44 4 -
DFUS Dimensional U.S. Equity Market - 26.99 4 -
DFUV Dimensional ETF Trust Dimension - 17.33 4 -
DFVE DoubleLine ETF Trust DoubleLine - 18.32 4 -
DGAZ VelocityShares 3x Inverse Natural Gas ETN Linked to the S&P GSCI Natural Gas Index ER - - - -
DGBP Citigroup ETNs linked to the VelocityShares Daily 4X Long USD vs. GBP Index - - - -
DGL Invesco DB Gold Fund 1.61 % 11.32 1 -
DGP DB Gold Double Long ETN due Feb - - - -
DGRO iShares Core Dividend Growth ET 1.92 % 23.01 4 8%
DGS WisdomTree Emerging Market Smal 3.71 % 8.57 4 -4%
DGT SPDR Global Dow ETF (based on T 1.49 % 17.24 4 10%
DGZ DB Gold Short ETN due February - - - -
DHS WisdomTree U.S. High Dividend F 3.73 % 18.29 12 7%
DIA SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Avera 1.26 % 25.79 12 5%
DIAL Columbia Diversified Fixed Inco - - 12 10%
DIET Defiance Next Gen Food & Agriculture ETF - - - -
DIG ProShares Ultra Energy 1.70 % 15.76 4 30%
DIM WisdomTree International MidCap 3.52 % 12.80 4 2%
DIPS Tidal Trust II YieldMax Short N - - 12 -
DISO Tidal ETF Trust II YieldMax DIS - - 12 -
DIV Global X Super Dividend ETF 5.17 % 18.27 12 -4%
DIVA AGFiQ Hedged Dividend Income Fund 1.16 % - 4 -
DIVC C-Tracks Exchange-Traded Notes Miller/Howard Strategic Dividend Reinvestor - - - -
DIVG Invesco Exchange-Traded Fund Tr - - 12 -
DIVI Franklin International Core Div - 14.81 4 29%
DIVL Madison ETFs Trust Madison Divi - 20.74 12 -
DIVO Amplify CWP Enhanced Dividend I 4.77 % 24.06 12 -1%
DIVS SmartETFs Dividend Builder ETF 0.41 % 26.97 4 -
DJCB ETRACS Bloomberg Commodity Index Total ReturnSM ETN - - - -
DJCI UBS ETRACS Bloomberg Commodity Index Total Return ETN - - - -
DJD Invesco Dow Jones Industrial Av 2.73 % 22.27 4 6%
DJIA Global X Funds Global X Dow 30 - 24.47 12 -
DJP iPath Bloomberg Commodity Index - - - -
DJPY Citigroup ETNs linked to the VelocityShares Daily 4X Long USD vs. JPY Index - - - -
DLN WisdomTree U.S. LargeCap Divide - 23.26 12 4%
DLS WisdomTree International SmallC 2.97 % 10.09 4 6%
DMBS DoubleLine ETF Trust DoubleLine - - 12 -
DMCY Democracy International Fund - 16.36 4 -
DMDV AAM S&P Developed Markets High 4.08 % 5.09 12 26%
DMRE DeltaShares S&P EM 100 & Managed Risk ETF 1.59 % - 3 -
DMRI DeltaShares S&P International Managed Risk ETF 2.20 % - 3 30%
DMRL DeltaShares S&P 500 Managed Risk ETF 0.86 % - 3 4%
DMRM DeltaShares S&P 400 Managed Risk ETF 0.75 % - 3 30%
DMRS DeltaShares S&P 600 Managed Risk ETF 0.42 % - 3 30%
DNL WisdomTree Global ex-US Quality - 21.95 4 30%
DNO United States Short Oil - - - -
DOG ProShares Short Dow30 0.15 % - 4 -
DOL WisdomTree International LargeC 3.47 % 14.41 4 2%
DON WisdomTree U.S. MidCap Dividend 2.08 % 16.92 12 6%
DOO WisdomTree International Dividend ex-Financials Fund 5.50 % - 4 -
DOZR Direxion Daily US Infrastructure Bull 2X Shares - 10.27 2 -
DPST Direxion Daily Regional Banks B - 14.50 4 -14%
DRAI EA Series Trust - 29.71 4 -
DRIP Direxion Daily S&P Oil & Gas Ex 0.06 % - 4 -
DRN Direxion Daily Real Estate Bull - 37.16 4 0%
DRV Direxion Daily Real Estate Bear 0.75 % - 4 -
DRW WisdomTree New Economy Real Estate ETF 7.69 % 49.14 3 -
DSI iShares MSCI KLD 400 Social ETF - 29.34 4 6%
DSTL Distillate U.S. Fundamental Sta 1.16 % 19.51 4 18%
DSUM Invesco Chinese Yuan Dim Sum Bond ETF 4.22 % - 11 -
DTAN EA Series Trust - 17.51 - -
DTD WisdomTree U.S. Total Dividend 2.11 % 22.24 12 4%
DTEC ALPS ETF Trust ALPS Disruptive 0.33 % 33.78 1 30%
DTH WisdomTree International High D - 10.10 4 4%
DTN WisdomTree U.S. Dividend ex-Financials Fund 2.72 % - 9 -6%
DTO DB Crude Oil Double Short ETN - - - -
DTOX Amplify Cleaner Living ETF - - - -
DTRE First Trust Alerian Disruptive - 34.61 4 16%
DUAL North Shore Dual Share Class ETF - - - -
DUG ProShares UltraShort Energy 0.18 % - 4 -
DUHP Dimensional ETF Trust Dimension - 27.04 4 -
DUKQ Northern Lights Fund Trust - 23.95 4 -
DUKZ Northern Lights Fund Trust - - 12 -
DUSL Direxion Daily Industrials Bull 0.16 % 30.35 4 30%
DUST Direxion Daily Gold Miners Inde 3.29 % - 4 -
DVP Roundhill Acquirers Deep Value ETF 6.86 % - 4 -
DVYA iShares Asia / Pacific Dividend 4.43 % 11.54 4 1%
DVYE iShares Emerging Markets Divide - 6.70 4 6%
DVYL UBS ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Dow Jones Select Dividend Index ETN 7.07 % - 11 -
DWM WisdomTree International Equity - 13.73 4 2%
DWMF WisdomTree International Multif 3.32 % 14.09 4 6%
DWX SPDR S&P International Dividend - 16.83 4 -1%
DXD ProShares UltraShort Dow30 0.36 % - 4 -
DXIV Dimensional ETF Trust - 13.77 4 -
DXJ WisdomTree Japan Hedged Equity - 12.86 4 27%
DXUV Dimensional ETF Trust - 20.34 4 -
DYHG Direxion Dynamic Hedge ETF 0.77 % - 2 -
DYLG Global X Funds Global X Dow 30 - - 12 -
DYNF iShares U.S. Equity Factor Rota 1.09 % 24.56 4 -30%
DZK Direxion Daily MSCI Developed Markets Bull 3X Shares 1.08 % - 3 -
DZZ DB Gold Double Short ETN due Fe - - - -
EAGG iShares ESG Aware U.S. Aggregat - - 12 30%
EAPR Innovator Emerging Markets Powe - 14.29 - -
EASG Xtrackers MSCI EAFE ESG Leaders 2.15 % 17.18 2 2%
EASI Amplify EASI Tactical Growth ETF 0.81 % - 2 -
EATZ AdvisorShares Restaurant ETF - 23.65 1 -
EBIT Harbor ETF Trust - 13.41 - -
EBLU Ecofin Global Water ESG Fund 0.99 % 31.01 2 5%
EBND SPDR Bloomberg Emerging Markets 3.74 % - 12 3%
EBUF Innovator ETFs Trust - - - -
ECLN First Trust EIP Carbon Impact E 1.47 % 21.78 4 21%
ECNS iShares MSCI China Small-Cap ET 3.25 % 9.43 2 0%
ECON Columbia Research Enhanced Emer 0.68 % 14.45 1 -4%
ECOZ TrueShares ESG Active Opportunities ETF - 28.71 1 -
EDC Direxion Emerging Markets Bull - 12.90 4 -
EDGF The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fu - - - -
EDGH The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fu - - - -
EDGI The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fu - 16.15 - -
EDGU The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fu - 26.85 - -
EDIV SPDR S&P Emerging Markets Divid 3.33 % 9.89 4 5%
EDOG ALPS Emerging Sector Dividend D 3.71 % 7.72 4 11%
EDOW First Trust Dow 30 Equal Weight 1.34 % 26.48 4 6%
EDV Vanguard Extended Duration Trea - - 4 5%
EDZ Direxion Emerging Markets Bear - - 4 -
EEB Invesco BRIC ETF 2.76 % - 1 -
EEH ELEMENTS Linked to SPECTRUM Large Cap U.S. Sector Momentum Index - - - -
EEHB PowerShares S&P Emerg Mkts Hi Beta ETF - - - -
EELV Invesco S&P Emerging Markets Lo - 12.58 4 8%
EEM iShares MSCI Emerging Index Fun 1.82 % 13.73 2 0%
EEMD AAM S&P Emerging Markets High D 4.69 % 4.90 12 20%
EEME iShares MSCI Emerging Markets EMEA - - 2 -
EEMO Invesco S&P Emerging Markets Momentum ETF 1.06 % 8.77 3 14%
EEMS iShares MSCI Emerging Markets S 1.94 % 12.46 2 30%
EEMX SPDR MSCI Emerging Markets Fuel 1.43 % 13.90 2 2%
EERN DriveWealth Power Saver ETF 1.21 % - 7 -
EES WisdomTree U.S. SmallCap Fund 1.00 % 12.92 4 8%
EET ProShares Ultra MSCI Emerging M 0.01 % - 4 -
EETH ProShares Trust ProShares Ether - - 12 -
EEV ProShares UltraShort MSCI Emerg 0.16 % - 4 -
EFA iShares MSCI EAFE ETF 2.21 % 17.24 2 4%
EFAA Invesco Actively Managed Exchan - 16.67 12 -
EFAX SPDR MSCI EAFE Fossil Fuel Rese 2.05 % 17.83 2 3%
EFIV SPDR S&P 500 ESG ETF 1.19 % 27.36 4 8%
EFO ProShares Ultra MSCI EAFE - - 4 -
EFU ProShares UltraShort MSCI EAFE 0.07 % - 4 -
EFZ ProShares Short MSCI EAFE 0.04 % - 4 -
EGPT VanEck Egypt Index ETF - 10.97 1 30%
EGRW iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Growth - - - -
EIDO iShares MSCI Indonesia ETF - 11.07 2 26%
EINC VanEck Energy Income ETF - 18.33 4 3%
EIPI First Trust Exchange-Traded Fun - 17.82 12 -
EIRL iShares Trust iShares MSCI Irel 0.60 % 13.73 2 30%
EIS iShares Inc iShares MSCI Israel - 13.98 2 20%
EJAN Innovator Emerging Markets Powe - 14.20 - -
EJUL Innovator Emerging Markets Powe 0.63 % 14.39 - -
EKAR Capital Link Global Green Energy Transport & Technology Leaders ETF 0.38 % - 1 30%
ELCV Strategy Shares - 21.90 - -
ELD WisdomTree Emerging Markets Loc - - 12 -6%
ELQD iShares ESG Advanced Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF - - 12 -
EMAG VanEck Vectors Emerging Markets Aggregate Bond ETF 4.39 % - 11 -
EMBD Global X Emerging Markets Bond 5.09 % - 12 3%
EMBH iShares Interest Rate Hedged Emerging Markets Bond ETF 2.47 % - 11 -4%
EMCC Global X Funds Global X MSCI Em - - - -
EMCD SPDR BofA ML Emerging Mkts Corp Bd ETF - - - -
EMCR Xtrackers Emerging Markets Carb 1.87 % 15.38 2 30%
EMDI iShares MSCI Emerging Mkts Cnsmr Discret - - - -
EMEY iShares MSCI Emerging Mkts Energy Capped - - - -
EMFM Global X MSCI Next Emerging & F 2.26 % 11.79 2 1%
EMHC SPDR Bloomberg Emerging Markets 2.01 % - 12 -
EMHD EGShares EM Dividend High Incom - - - -
EMLC VanEck J. P. Morgan EM Local Cu 5.03 % - 12 -2%
EMLP First Trust North American Ener - 20.16 4 8%
EMMF WisdomTree Emerging Markets Mul 2.81 % 12.43 4 -12%
EMNT PIMCO Enhanced Short Maturity A 0.69 % - 12 30%
EMQQ EMQQ The Emerging Markets Inter 0.21 % 22.14 1 -
EMSG Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets 0.69 % 13.97 2 30%
EMTY ProShares Decline of the Retail 0.09 % - 4 -
ENFR Alerian Energy Infrastructure E 7.36 % 18.50 4 0%
ENY Invesco Canadian Energy Income ETF 4.30 % 41.11 4 -
EOCT Innovator Emerging Markets Powe - 12.40 - -
EPHE iShares MSCI Philippines ETF 0.86 % 9.94 2 19%
EPI WisdomTree India Earnings Fund 0.82 % 18.14 4 30%
EPOL iShares Trust iShares MSCI Pola - 10.86 2 30%
EPP iShares MSCI Pacific Ex-Japan I 2.68 % 18.29 2 0%
EPRE First Trust TCW ESG Premier Equity ETF - - - -
EPS WisdomTree U.S. LargeCap Fund 1.49 % 24.30 4 6%
EPU iShares MSCI Peru and Global Ex 1.46 % 14.54 2 28%
EPV ProShares UltraShort FTSE Europ 0.10 % - 4 30%
EQAL Invesco Russell 1000 Equal Weig 1.47 % 19.88 4 8%
EQL ALPS Equal Sector Weight ETF 1.66 % 23.98 4 6%
EQOP Natixis U.S. Equity Opportunities ETF 0.09 % - 2 -
EQUL IQ Engender Equality ETF - 22.77 4 -
EQWL Invesco S&P 100 Equal Weight ET 1.58 % 22.56 4 9%
ERM EquityCompass Risk Manager ETF 0.83 % 18.51 4 6%
ERTH Invesco MSCI Sustainable Future 14.24 % 19.05 4 0%
ERUS iShares MSCI Russia ETF 3.80 % - 2 -
ERX Direxion Energy Bull 2X Shares 1.66 % 17.27 4 30%
ERY Direxion Daily Energy Bear 2X S 0.94 % - 4 -
ESBA Empire State Realty OP, L.P. Se 1.48 % 35.30 4 -1%
ESGA American Century Sustainable Eq 0.74 % - 4 18%
ESGF Invesco Global ESG Revenue ETF - - - -
ESGN Columbia International ESG Equi 2.91 % 13.08 4 0%
ESGS Columbia U.S. ESG Equity Income 2.22 % 19.34 4 0%
ESGY American Century Sustainable Gr - 2.30 4 -14%
ESIX SPDR S&P SmallCap 600 ESG ETF - 13 4 -
ESNG Direxion MSCI USA ESG - Leaders vs. Laggards ETF 3.43 % - 2 -
ETHD ProShares Trust ProShares Ultra - - 12 -
ETHE Grayscale Ethereum Trust (ETH) - - - -
ETHO Amplify ETF Trust Amplify Etho 0.70 % 20.98 4 11%
EUDG WisdomTree Europe Quality Divid 3.11 % 21.23 4 -2%
EUFX ProShares Short Euro - - - -
EUM ProShares Short MSCI Emerging M 0.16 % - 4 -
EUMV iShares Edge MSCI Min Vol Europe ETF 2.04 % - 2 -
EUO ProShares UltraShort Euro - - - -
EURL Direxion Daily FTSE Europe Bull 0.35 % 18.96 4 30%
EUSA iShares MSCI USA Equal Weighted - 21.84 4 8%
EUSB iShares ESG Advanced Total USD 1.06 % - 12 30%
EUSC WisdomTree Europe Hedged SmallC 2.45 % 10.37 12 20%
EVAL iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Value - - - -
EVAV Direxion Shares ETF Trust Direx - - - -
EVHY Morgan Stanley ETF Trust Eaton - - 12 -
EVIM Morgan Stanley ETF Trust Eaton - - 12 -
EVLN Morgan Stanley ETF Trust Eaton - - 12 -
EVNT AltShares Event-Driven ETF - - 1 -
EVSB Morgan Stanley ETF Trust Eaton - - 12 -
EVSM Morgan Stanley ETF Trust Eaton - - 12 -
EVX VanEck Environmental Services E - 6.53 1 29%
EWA iShares MSCI Australia Index Fu 2.42 % 20.47 2 3%
EWC iShares MSCI Canada Index Fund 1.58 % 18.53 2 7%
EWCO Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Communication Services ETF 0.96 % 17.76 4 -12%
EWD iShares Inc iShares MSCI Sweden 3.52 % 15.95 2 30%
EWEM Invesco MSCI Emerging Markets Equal Country Weight ETF 2.43 % - 3 -
EWG iShares MSCI Germany Index Fund 1.95 % 18.04 2 12%
EWH iShares MSCI Hong Kong Index Fu 3.74 % 14.27 2 2%
EWI iShares Inc iShares MSCI Italy 1.77 % 10.47 2 18%
EWJ iShares MSCI Japan Index Fund 1.07 % 15.10 2 22%
EWK iShares Inc iShares MSCI Belgiu 1.77 % 15.15 2 8%
EWL iShares Inc iShares MSCI Switze 1.38 % 21.71 2 6%
EWM iShares MSCI Malaysia Index Fun 3.51 % 15.05 2 6%
EWMC Invesco S&P MidCap 400 GARP ETF 0.89 % 14.79 4 30%
EWN iShares MSCI Netherlands Index 1.01 % 15.11 2 19%
EWO iShares Inc iShares MSCI Austri 1.95 % 9.39 2 30%
EWP iShares Inc iShares MSCI Spain 2.23 % 11.11 2 14%
EWQ iShares MSCI France Index Fund 1.65 % 17.78 2 12%
EWRE Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Real Estate ETF 2.88 % 27.67 4 0%
EWS iShares Inc iShares MSCI Singap 2.80 % 14.87 2 25%
EWSC Invesco S&P SmallCap 600 Equal Weight ETF 0.78 % 39.95 4 27%
EWT iShares Inc iShares MSCI Taiwan 1.86 % 18.64 1 30%
EWU iShares MSCI 2.69 % 16.08 2 6%
EWV ProShares UltraShort MSCI Japan 0.06 % - 4 -
EWW iShares Inc iShares MSCI Mexico 1.86 % 10.72 2 26%
EWX SPDR S&P Emerging Markets Small - 14.61 2 5%
EWY iShares Inc iShares MSCI South 1.16 % 10.12 1 24%
EWZ iShares Inc iShares MSCI Brazil 3.55 % 8.55 2 12%
EXI iShares Global Industrials ETF 1.11 % 23.34 2 6%
EXT WisdomTree U.S. ESG Fund 1.11 % 11.09 4 -
EZA iShares MSCI South Africa Index 5.31 % 13.52 2 23%
EZJ ProShares Ultra MSCI Japan 0.04 % 15.85 4 -
EZM WisdomTree U.S. MidCap Fund 1.35 % 13.93 4 8%
FAN First Trust Global Wind Energy - 18.62 4 -6%
FAS Direxion Financial Bull 3X Shar - 21.21 4 28%
FAUS First Trust Australia AlphaDEX Fund 6.97 % 10.07 4 -
FAZ Direxion Financial Bear 3X Shar 1.07 % - 4 -
FBGX UBS AG FI Enhanced Large Cap Gr - - - -
FBND Fidelity Total Bond ETF 3.80 % 8.88 12 12%
FBT First Trust Amex Biotech Index 0.01 % 26.59 4 -
FBY Tidal ETF Trust II YieldMax MET - - 12 -
FCG First Trust Natural Gas ETF 1.57 % 10.70 4 28%
FCOM Fidelity MSCI Communication Ser 0.65 % 25.34 4 12%
FCOR Fidelity Corporate Bond ETF 2.76 % - 12 10%
FCSH Federated Hermes Short Duration Corporate ETF - - 12 -
FDD First Trust Dow Jones STOXX Sel 3.56 % 9.69 4 14%
FDG American Century Focused Dynami 0.01 % 42.18 - -
FDHY Fidelity Enhanced High Yield ET 5.23 % - 12 8%
FDIS Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discreti 0.49 % 28.06 4 7%
FDL First Trust Morningstar ETF 3.53 % 20.18 4 10%
FDLO Fidelity Low Volatility Factor - 26.59 4 10%
FDLS Northern Lights Fund Trust IV I - 15.83 - -
FDM First Trust DJ Select MicroCap 1.02 % 15.66 4 14%
FDMO Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF 0.54 % 28.36 4 19%
FDN First Trust DJ Internet Index F - 34.74 2 -
FDRR Fidelity Dividend ETF for Risin 2.09 % 21.09 4 9%
FDV Federated Hermes ETF Trust Fede - 21.27 12 -
FDVV Fidelity High Dividend ETF 2.76 % 19.38 4 8%
FDWM Fidelity Women's Leadership ETF - 1.27 4 -
FEDM FlexShares ESG & Climate Developed Markets ex-US Core Index Fund - 15.86 4 -
FEHY FlexShares ESG & Climate High Yield Corporate Core Index Fund - - 9 -
FEIG FlexShares ESG & Climate Invest 0.22 % - 12 -
FENY Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF - 13.76 4 6%
FEU SPDR STOXX Europe 50 ETF 3.40 % - 4 6%
FEUL Credit Suisse FI Enhanced Europe 50 Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) - - - -
FEUS FlexShares ESG & Climate US Lar - 26.87 4 -
FEVR Inspire Faithward Large Cap Momentum ETF - - 3 -
FEZ SPDR DJ Euro STOXX 50 Etf 1.64 % 16.34 4 6%
FFEU Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Europe 50 ETN Series C - - - -
FFIU UVA Unconstrained Medium-Term F 2.73 % - 12 3%
FFND The Future Fund Active ETF - 32.18 - -
FFR First Trust Alerian Disruptive Technology Real Estate ETF 0.63 % - 3 30%
FFTY Innovator IBD 50 ETF - 36.45 1 -
FGD First Trust DJ Global Select Di 4.62 % 10.09 4 0%
FHLC Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index 1.21 % 30.85 4 10%
FHYS Federated Hermes ETF Trust Fede - - 12 -
FIAT Tidal Trust II - - 12 -
FIDI Fidelity International High Div 3.46 % 12.63 4 8%
FIDU Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index 1.04 % 26.26 4 12%
FIEE UBS AG FI Enhanced Europe 50 ETN - - - -
FIG Simplify Exchange Traded Funds 4.59 % 21.51 12 -
FIGB Fidelity Investment Grade Bond 0.78 % - 12 -
FIHD UBS AG FI Enhanced Global High Yield ETN - - - -
FILL iShares MSCI Global Energy Prod 2.78 % 11.68 2 12%
FINU ProShares UltraPro Financial Select Sector 3.37 % 30.30 3 -
FISK Empire State Realty OP, L.P. Se 1.42 % 35.56 4 -1%
FISR SPDR SSGA Fixed Income Sector R 2.40 % - 12 20%
FITE SPDR S&P Kensho Future Security 0.89 % 29.68 4 6%
FIVA Fidelity International Value Fa 3.08 % 11.83 4 2%
FIVG FIVG,136311,166600 0.89 % 25.38 4 20%
FIVZ PIMCO 3-7 Year U.S. Treasury In 1.65 % - - -
FIW First Trust Water ETF 0.39 % 28.14 4 22%
FIXP Tidal ETF Trust - - - -
FIYY Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Global High Yield ETN B - - - -
FJNK Pacific Global ETF Trust - Pacific Global Focused High Yield ETF 4.01 % - 8 -
FLAU Franklin FTSE Australia ETF - 21.23 2 0%
FLAX Franklin FTSE Asia ex Japan ETF 1.69 % 15.06 2 9%
FLBR Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF 3.48 % 6.94 2 10%
FLCA Franklin FTSE Canada ETF - 18.30 2 10%
FLCB Franklin U.S. Core Bond ETF - - 12 15%
FLCH Franklin FTSE China ETF 0.98 % 12.41 2 10%
FLCO Franklin Investment Grade Corpo - - 12 7%
FLEE Franklin FTSE Europe ETF - 17.28 2 12%
FLEH Franklin FTSE Europe Hedged ETF 1.57 % 14.71 2 -30%
FLEU Franklin FTSE Eurozone ETF - 16.15 2 30%
FLFR Franklin FTSE France ETF 1.84 % 15.29 2 -8%
FLGB Franklin FTSE 2.75 % 17.07 2 10%
FLGE Credit Suisse FI Large Cap Growth Enhanced ETN - - - -
FLGR Franklin FTSE Germany ETF - 18.22 2 4%
FLGV Franklin U.S. Treasury Bond ETF - - 12 24%
FLHK Franklin FTSE Hong Kong ETF 3.12 % 12.70 2 3%
FLIN Franklin FTSE India ETF - 23.92 2 29%
FLIY Franklin FTSE Italy ETF 2.08 % 8.69 2 -30%
FLJH Franklin FTSE Japan Hedged ETF - 15.00 2 -
FLJP Franklin FTSE Japan ETF 2.05 % 15.44 2 28%
FLKR Franklin FTSE South Korea ETF 1.71 % 9.85 2 30%
FLLA Franklin FTSE Latin America ETF 3.09 % 8.44 2 4%
FLLV Franklin U.S. Low Volatility ET 1.38 % 25.65 4 20%
FLM First Trust Alerian U.S. NextGen Infrastructure ETF 1.41 % - 3 16%
FLMB Franklin Municipal Green Bond E 1.71 % - 12 18%
FLMI Franklin Dynamic Municipal Bond 2.32 % - 12 14%
FLMX Franklin FTSE Mexico ETF 1.83 % 10.39 2 10%
FLQD Franklin U.S. Core Dividend Tilt Index ETF 2.66 % - 4 -
FLQE Franklin LibertyQ Emerging Markets ETF 3.17 % - 2 30%
FLQG Franklin U.S. Equity Index ETF 2.02 % - 2 10%
FLQH Franklin LibertyQ International Equity Hedged ETF 4.35 % - 2 -
FLRG Fidelity U.S. Multifactor ETF - 21.39 4 9%
FLRN SPDR Bloomberg Investment Grade - 69.65 12 30%
FLRT Pacer Funds Pacer Pacific Asset 3.01 % 16.65 12 26%
FLRU Franklin FTSE Russia ETF 5.62 % - 2 -
FLSA Franklin FTSE Saudi Arabia ETF 1.42 % 19.42 2 21%
FLSP Franklin Systematic Style Premi 8.37 % 19.42 1 15%
FLSW Franklin FTSE Switzerland ETF 2.05 % 23.08 2 12%
FLTB Fidelity Limited Term Bond ETF 0.91 % - 12 24%
FLTR VanEck ETF Trust VanEck IG Floa 0.68 % - 12 30%
FLTW Franklin FTSE Taiwan ETF 1.80 % 18.64 2 -1%
FLUD Franklin Ultra Short Bond ETF 1.20 % - 12 -
FLV American Century Focused Large 1.66 % 20.79 4 -10%
FLYT Direxion Flight to Safety Strategy ETF 3.49 % - 3 -
FLZA Franklin FTSE South Africa ETF 3.44 % 8.17 2 -30%
FM iShares Frontier and Select EM - 14.82 2 30%
FMAT Fidelity MSCI Materials Index E - 23.47 4 4%
FMCX FM Focus Equity ETF - - - -
FMF First Trust Managed Futures Str - - 4 30%
FMNY First Trust New York Municipal 0.51 % - 12 -
FMQQ FMQQ The Next Frontier Internet - 29.00 1 -
FNCL Fidelity MSCI Financials Index 1.59 % 17.05 4 2%
FNDA Schwab Fundamental U.S. Small C 0.89 % 18.69 4 16%
FNDB Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad M 1.51 % 20.19 4 6%
FNDC Schwab Fundamental Internationa - 12.40 2 15%
FNDE Schwab Fundamental Emerging Mar - 8.88 2 6%
FNDF Schwab Fundamental Internationa - 12.90 2 10%
FNDX Schwab Fundamental U.S. Large C 1.57 % 19.48 4 7%
FNGB Bank of Montreal - - - -
FNGD MicroSectors FANG Index -3X In - 13.18 - -
FNGG Direxion Daily NYSE FANG+ Bull - 41.95 4 -
FNGO MicroSectors FANG Index 2X Lev - 153.96 - -
FNGS MicroSectors FANG ETNs due Jan - 75.08 - -
FNGU MicroSectors FANG Index 3X Lev - 278.12 - -
FNGZ MicroSectors FANG+ Index -2X Inverse Leveraged ETN - - - -
FNI First Trust Chindia ETF 0.21 % - 3 -
FORH Formidable ETF - 13.08 1 -
FOVL iShares Focused Value Factor ET 2.71 % 12.86 4 -3%
FOXY Simplify Exchange Traded Funds - - - -
FPE First Trust Preferred Securitie - 44.38 12 0%
FPEI First Trust Institutional Prefe 4.42 % - 12 0%
FPX First Trust US Equity Opportuni - 36.76 4 30%
FQAL Fidelity Quality Factor ETF 1.21 % 28.92 4 6%
FRAK VanEck Vectors Unconventional Oil & Gas ETF 0.77 % - 1 -
FREL Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index - 32.09 4 2%
FRI First Trust S&P REIT Index Fund - 35.31 4 18%
FRLG Large Cap Growth Index-Linked ETN due 2028 - - - -
FRN Invesco Frontier Markets ETF 3.19 % - 1 -
FRTY Alger Mid Cap 40 ETF - 46.21 1 -
FSBD Fidelity Merrimack Street Trust - 16.05 - -
FSEC Fidelity Investment Grade Secur 0.70 % - 12 -
FSIG First Trust Limited Duration In - - 12 -
FSLD Fidelity Merrimack Street Trust - - - -
FSMB First Trust Short Duration Mana 1.27 % - 12 24%
FSMD Fidelity Small-Mid Multifactor 1.41 % 18.38 4 8%
FSST Fidelity Sustainable U.S. Equit - 1.45 4 -
FSTA Fidelity MSCI COnsumer Staples - 25.33 4 3%
FSYD Fidelity Covington Trust Fideli - 17.30 12 -
FTCE First Trust Exchange-Traded Fun - - 4 -
FTEC Fidelity MSCI Information Techn 0.59 % 38.55 4 4%
FTLS First Trust Long/Short Equity 0.24 % 26.09 4 30%
FTRB Federated Hermes ETF Trust Fede - 7.96 12 -
FTSD Franklin Short Duration U.S. Go - - 12 28%
FUD UBS ETRACS CMCI Food Total Return ETN - - - -
FUE ELEMENTS Linked to the MLCX Biofuels Index (Exchange Series) - Total Return - - - -
FUMB First Trust Ultra Short Duratio 0.50 % - 12 30%
FUSI American Century ETF Trust Amer - - 12 -
FUTY Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index E - 20.82 4 4%
FVAL Fidelity Value Factor ETF 1.27 % 20.22 4 9%
FVD First Trust VL Dividend 1.86 % 21.79 4 7%
FVL First Trust Value Line 100 Exchange-Traded Fund 0.97 % 11.09 3 -
FWDB AdvisorShares FolioBeyond Smart Core Bond ETF 2.33 % - 12 -30%
FWDD AdvisorShares Madrona Domestic ETF 0.60 % - 1 -
FWDI AdvisorShares Madrona International ETF 1.60 % 20.73 1 -
FXA Invesco CurrencyShares Australi 0.01 % 19.27 12 -
FXB Invesco CurrencyShares British - - 12 -
FXC Invesco CurrencyShares Canadian 0.07 % - 12 -16%
FXD First Trust Cons. Discret. Alph - 16.43 4 16%
FXE Invesco CurrencyShares Euro Cur - -88.44 12 -
FXF Invesco CurrencyShares Swiss Fr - - 12 -
FXG First Trust Cons. Staples Alpha 1.36 % 19.71 4 10%
FXH First Trust Health Care AlphaDE - 16.85 4 -
FXI iShares China Large-Cap ETF 2.56 % 9.89 2 -6%
FXL First Trust Technology AlphaDEX 0.02 % 29.27 4 30%
FXN First Trust Energy AlphaDEX Fun 0.83 % 10.97 4 30%
FXO First Trust Financials AlphaDEX 1.65 % 14.33 4 12%
FXP ProShares Ultrashort FTSE China 0.07 % - 4 -
FXR First Trust Industrials AlphaDE 0.57 % 22.94 4 17%
FXS Invesco CurrencyShares Swedish Krona Trust - - 9 -
FXU First Trust Utilities AlphaDEX 2.12 % 22.83 4 12%
FXY Invesco CurrencyShares Japanese - -116.23 - -
FXZ First Trust Materials AlphaDEX - 17.41 4 16%
FYLG Global X Funds Global X Financi - 16.51 - -
GAEM Simplify Exchange Traded Funds - - - -
GAL SPDR SSgA Global Allocation ETF 1.91 % 19.37 4 7%
GAMR Amplify ETF Trust Amplify Video 0.73 % 23.04 4 -
GAZ iPath Series B Bloomberg Natural Gas Subindex Total ReturnSM ETN - - - -
GBDV Global Beta Smart Income ETF 3.49 % - 5 17%
GBF iShares Government/Credit Bond - 2040 12 17%
GBGR Global Beta Rising Stars ETF 0.40 % - 4 -
GBIL Goldman Sachs Access Treasury 0 - - 12 -
GBLD Invesco MSCI Green Building ETF 0.72 % 16.16 4 -
GBLO Global Beta Low Beta ETF 2.09 % - 3 -
GBTC Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (BTC) - - - -
GBUG iPath Gold ETN - - - -
GBUY Goldman Sachs Future Consumer E 0.24 % 33.59 4 -
GCAD Gabelli Commercial Aerospace an - - - -
GCAL Goldman Sachs ETF Trust Goldman - - 12 -
GCC WisdomTree EnhancedContinuous C - - 2 -
GCE Claymore CEF GS Connect ETN 8.92 % - 4 -
GCIG Genuine Investors ETF - - 1 -
GCOR Goldman Sachs ETF Trust Goldman 0.89 % - 12 30%
GDAT Goldman Sachs Data-Driven World ETF 0.85 % - 3 -
GDNA Goldman Sachs Human Evolution ETF 0.62 % - 3 -
GDOC Goldman Sachs Future Health Car - 37.96 4 -
GDVD Copper Place Global Dividend Gr - 17.51 12 -
GDX VanEck Gold Miners ETF - 20.18 1 11%
GDXD MicroSectors Gold Miners -3X In - 25.23 - -
GDXJ VanEck Junior Gold Miners ETF 1.78 % 17.81 1 30%
GDXU MicroSectors Gold Miners 3X Lev - 29.41 - -
GDXY Tidal Trust II - - 12 -
GEM Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta Emergi 2.97 % 13.03 4 -3%
GEND Spinnaker ETF Series - - - -
GENM Spinnaker ETF Series - - - -
GENT Spinnaker ETF Series - - 12 -
GENW Spinnaker ETF Series - - - -
GERM Amplify ETF Trust Amplify Treat 0.27 % 7.45 4 30%
GEX VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF 0.54 % - 1 -
GFIN Goldman Sachs Finance Reimagined ETF 0.81 % - 3 -
GGME Invesco Next Gen Media and Gami - 36.17 4 30%
GGUS Goldman Sachs ETF Trust Goldman - 36.63 - -
GHYB Goldman Sachs Access High Yield 4.40 % - 12 6%
GIAX Tidal Trust II Nicholas Global - 24.13 - -
GIGB Goldman Sachs Access Investment - - 12 11%
GII SPDR S&P Global Infrastructure - 18.91 2 8%
GINN Goldman Sachs Innovate Equity E 0.52 % 26.11 4 30%
GIVE AdvisorShares Global Echo ETF 0.52 % - 2 -
GK AdvisorShares Gerber Kawasaki E - 34.25 1 -
GLBY WisdomTree Yield Enhanced Global Aggregate Bond Fund 4.51 % - 8 -
GLCN VanEck China Growth Leaders ETF 14.85 % 7.99 1 30%
GLD SPDR Gold Trust - -19.98 - -
GLDM SPDR Gold MiniShares Trust - - - -
GLDX USCF Gold Strategy Plus Income Fund 1.61 % 16.23 2 -
GLIF AGF Global Infrastructure ETF 2.61 % 18.67 4 24%
GLIN VanEck India Growth Leaders ETF 0.19 % 16.68 1 -
GLL ProShares UltraShort Gold - - - -
GLRY Northern Lights Fund Trust IV I - 21.26 4 -
GLTR abrdn Physical Precious Metals - - - -
GMAN Goldman Sachs Manufacturing Revolution ETF 0.57 % - 3 -
GMET VanEck Green Metals ETF - 19.75 1 -
GMF SPDR S&P Emerging Asia Pacific - 16.31 2 0%
GMMA Tidal Trust III - 28.13 - -
GMMF BlackRock ETF Trust - - - -
GMNY Goldman Sachs ETF Trust Goldman - - 12 -
GMOV The 2023 ETF Series Trust II GM - - - -
GMTB Columbia Core Bond ETF - - - -
GMUB Goldman Sachs ETF Trust Goldman - - 12 -
GNAF MicroSectors FANG+ Index Inverse ETN - - - -
GNR SPDR S&P Global Natural Resourc - 14.97 2 10%
GOAU US Global GO Gold and Precious 6.12 % 16.73 1 30%
GOEX Global X Gold Explorers ETF 3.09 % 18.57 2 30%
GOOY Tidal ETF Trust II YieldMax GOO - - 12 -
GPTY Tidal Trust II - - - -
GQI Natixis ETF Trust Natixis Gatew - 27.27 12 -
GQRE FlexShares Global Quality Real - 20.27 4 7%
GREI Goldman Sachs Future Real Estat - 22.54 4 -
GREK Global X MSCI Greece ETF - 7.84 2 28%
GRES IQ Global Resources ETF 8.49 % 8.87 1 -
GRN iPath Series B Carbon Exchange- - 3.12 - -
GRNB VanEck Green Bond ETF 1.94 % - 12 17%
GRPM Invesco S&P MidCap 400? GARP ET - 9.65 4 6%
GRPZ Invesco Exchange-Traded Fund Tr - - - -
GRU ELEMENTS Linked to the MLCX Grains Index - Total Return - - - -
GRW TCW ETF Trust - 44.80 4 -
GRZZ Grizzle Growth ETF - 17.90 1 -
GSC Goldman Sachs ETF Trust Goldman - 20.98 4 -
GSEU Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta Europe 2.79 % 15.81 4 -2%
GSFP Goldman Sachs Future Planet Equ 0.03 % 24.21 4 -
GSG iShares GSCI Commodity-Indexed - 4.98 - -
GSIE Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta Intern 2.27 % 15.00 4 12%
GSIG Golden Sachs ETF Trust Goldman 0.97 % 15.23 12 30%
GSJY Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta Japan - 15.04 4 -1%
GSLC Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta U.S. L - 26.47 4 6%
GSP iPath S&P GSCI Total Return Index ETN - - - -
GSPY Gotham Enhanced 500 ETF - 25.14 1 -
GSSC GS ActiveBeta U.S. Small Cap Eq 0.69 % 16.71 4 14%
GSY Invesco Ultra Short Duration ET - - 12 30%
GTAA AdvisorShares Morg Crk Glbl Tacticl ETF - - - -
GTEK Goldman Sachs Future Tech Leade - 37.98 4 -
GTO Invesco Total Return Bond ETF 3.71 % - 12 4%
GUDB Sage ESG Intermediate Credit ETF 8.95 % - 12 -
GUMI Goldman Sachs ETF Trust Goldman - - - -
GUNR FlexShares Global Upstream Natu 3.04 % 14.58 4 2%
GUR SPDR S&P Emerging Europe ETF - - - -
GURU Global X Guru Index ETF 1.81 % 21.21 2 30%
GUSA Goldman Sachs ETF Trust II Gold - 25.95 - -
GUSH Direxion Daily S&P Oil & Gas Ex 0.06 % 12.40 4 -
GVIP Goldman Sachs Hedge Industry VI 0.00 % 28.74 4 -
GVUS Goldman Sachs ETF Trust Goldman - 20.57 - -
GWX SPDR S&P International SmallCap 1.66 % 13.66 2 -2%
GXC SPDR S&P China ETF 1.12 % 12.53 2 13%
GXF Global X FTSE Nordic Region ETF 1.53 % - 1 -
GXG Global X MSCI Colombia ETF 2.92 % 6.73 2 30%
HACK Amplify ETF Trust Amplify Cyber - 35.95 4 10%
HAIL SPDR S&P Kensho Smart Mobility 0.93 % 11.68 4 18%
HAO Invesco China Small Cap ETF 2.79 % - 1 -
HAP VanEck Natural Resources ETF 1.96 % 15.08 1 8%
HARD Simplify Exchange Traded Funds - - - -
HART IQ Healthy Hearts ETF 0.87 % 22.99 4 -
HAUD iShares Currency Hedged MSCI Australia ETF 3.75 % - 2 -
HAUZ Xtrackers International Real Es 4.90 % 14.47 2 10%
HAWX iShares Currency Hedged MSCI AC 1.80 % 15.79 2 30%
HBTA Horizon Funds - - - -
HCMT Direxion Shares ETF Trust Direx - 28.98 - -
HCOM Hartford Schroders Commodity St - 26.30 1 -
HDAW Xtrackers MSCI All World ex US 5.03 % 9.72 4 2%
HDEF Xtrackers MSCI EAFE High Divide 5.35 % 13.31 4 0%
HDG ProShares Hedge Replication ETF - 17.40 4 -
HDGE Ranger Equity Bear Bear ETF 0.38 % - 1 -
HDIV QRAFT AI-Enhanced U.S. High Dividend ETF 1.79 % - 4 -
HDLB ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged 15.89 % - 12 -1%
HDLV UBS ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged US High Dividend Low Volatility ETN - - 10 -
HDMV First Trust Exchange-Traded Fun 3.47 % 16.85 4 4%
HDRO ETF Series Solutions Defiance N - - 1 -
HDUS Lattice Strategies Trust Hartfo - 24.98 4 -
HDV iShares Core High Dividend ETF - 19.02 4 5%
HECO Strategy Shares EcoLogical Strategy ETF 0.55 % - 1 -
HEDJ WisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity - 17.58 4 20%
HELO J.P. Morgan Exchange-Traded Fun - 27.46 4 -
HEQT Simplify Hedged Equity ETF - 27.70 4 -
HEWC iShares Currency Hedged MSCI Canada ETF 1.50 % 12.68 2 30%
HEWI iShares Currency Hedged MSCI Italy ETF 2.29 % - 2 -
HEWJ iShares Currency Hedged MSCI Ja 1.00 % 15.67 2 30%
HEWL iShares Currency Hedged MSCI Switzerland ETF 2.93 % - 2 -
HEWP iShares Currency Hedged MSCI Spain ETF 4.32 % - 2 -
HEWU iShares Currency Hedged MSCI United Kingdom ETF 2.57 % 11.59 2 -2%
HEWW iShares Currency Hedged MSCI Mexico ETF 1.84 % - 2 -
HEWY iShares Currency Hedged MSCI South Korea ETF 23.31 % - 2 -
HEZU iShares Currency Hedged MSCI Eu - 16.42 2 30%
HFXE IQ 50 Percent Hedged FTSE Europe ETF 2.26 % - 3 -
HFXI NYLI FTSE International Equity - 16.45 4 4%
HFXJ IQ 50 Percent Hedged FTSE Japan ETF 2.20 % - 2 -
HGI Invesco Zacks Intl Mlt-Asst Inc ETF 3.12 % - 4 -
HIBL Direxion Daily S&P 500 High Bet 0.05 % 27.92 4 -
HIBS Direxion Daily S&P 500 High Bet 1.99 % - 4 -
HIDV AB Active ETFs, Inc. AB US High - 20.11 4 -
HIGH Simplify Exchange Traded Funds - - 12 -
HILO Columbia EM Quality Dividend ETF 1.50 % - 4 -
HIPR Direxion High Growth ETF 0.36 % - 2 -
HIPS GraniteShares HIPS US High Inco 7.85 % 11.31 12 -
HJEN HJEN,0P0001LHCE,0 0.09 % - 4 30%
HJPX iShares Currency Hedged JPX-Nikkei 400 ETF 1.35 % - 2 25%
HKND Humankind US Stock ETF - 22.72 4 -
HLGE Hartford Longevity Economy ETF 0.25 % 14.32 4 -
HMOP Hartford Municipal Opportunitie 1.74 % - 12 9%
HOLD AdvisorShares North Square McKee Core Reserves ETF 0.68 % - 11 -5%
HOM LifeGoal Home Down Payment Investment ETF 0.14 % 12.67 8 -
HOMZ Hoya Capital Housing ETF - 16.16 12 3%
HSCZ iShares Currency Hedged MSCI EA 1.44 % 14.40 2 30%
HSMV First Trust Horizon Managed Vol 0.74 % 20.56 4 26%
HSPX Global X S&P 500 Covered Call ETF 6.19 % - 6 -
HTAB Hartford Schroders Tax-Aware Bo 1.41 % - 12 12%
HTEC Robo Global Healthcare Technolo - 34.60 - -
HTRB Hartford Total Return Bond ETF - - 12 2%
HUSE Strategy Shares US Market Rotation Strategy ETF 3.92 % - 1 -
HUSV First Trust Exchange-Traded Fun 1.36 % 25.41 4 2%
HVAC AdvisorShares Trust - - - -
HVAL ALPS Hillman Active Value ETF 0.27 % 21.39 3 -
HYBB iShares BB Rated Corporate Bond 3.47 % - 12 13%
HYDW Xtrackers Low Beta High Yield B 3.60 % - 12 8%
HYEM VanEck Emerging Markets High Yi - - 12 -1%
HYFI AB Active ETFs, Inc. AB High Yi - - 12 -
HYG iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corp 4.78 % 16.84 12 6%
HYGH iShares Interest Rate Hedged Hi 3.73 % 16.73 12 22%
HYGV FlexShares High Yield Value-Sco - - 12 1%
HYLB Xtrackers USD High Yield Corpor - - 12 4%
HYLD High Yield ETF 6.60 % 16.74 12 -10%
HYLG Global X Funds Global X Health - 32.87 12 -
HYLV IQ S&P High Yield Low Volatility Bond ETF 3.75 % - 10 -4%
HYMB SPDR Nuveen Bloomberg High Yiel - - 12 0%
HYRM DBX ETF Trust Xtrackers Risk Ma - - 12 -
HYS PIMCO 0-5 Year High Yield Corpo 3.95 % - 12 16%
HYSA BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx U - 60.17 12 30%
HYSD Columbia ETF Trust I - - - -
HYUP Xtrackers High Beta High Yield 6.87 % - 12 2%
IAI iShares U.S. Broker-Dealers & S - 29.16 4 7%
IAK iShares U.S. Insurance ETF 2.01 % 12.00 4 5%
IAPR Innovator International Develop - 16.24 - -
IAT iShares U.S. Regional Banks ETF - 15.45 4 6%
IAU iShares Gold Trust Shares of th - -23.34 - -
IAUG Innovator ETFs Trust - - - -
IBCE iShares iBonds Mar 2023 Term Corporate ex-Financials ETF 2.03 % - 11 0%
IBD Inspire Corporate Bond ETF 1.13 % - 12 24%
IBDD iShares iBonds Mar 2023 Term Corporate ETF 2.08 % - 11 0%
IBDL iShares iBonds Dec 2020 Term Corporate ETF 1.66 % - 12 -
IBDM iShares iBonds Dec 2021 Term Corporate ETF 1.20 % - 11 -
IBDN iShares iBonds Dec 2022 Term Corporate ETF 1.73 % - 12 0%
IBDO iShares iBonds Dec 2023 Term Corporate ETF 1.86 % - 12 -2%
IBDP iShares iBonds Dec 2024 Term Co 1.92 % - 12 18%
IBDQ iShares iBonds Dec 2025 Term Co 2.01 % - 12 14%
IBDR iShares iBonds Dec 2026 Term Co 2.16 % - 12 6%
IBDS iShares iBonds Dec 2027 Term Co 2.22 % - 12 14%
IBDT iShares iBonds Dec 2028 Term Co 2.47 % - 12 12%
IBDU iShares iBonds Dec 2029 Term Co 2.28 % - 12 16%
IBDV iShares iBonds Dec 2030 Term Co 1.95 % - 12 30%
IBDW iShares iBonds Dec 2031 Term Co 0.55 % - 12 -
IBDX iShares Trust iShares iBonds De - - 12 -
IBDY iShares Trust iShares iBonds De - - 12 -
IBDZ iShares Trust - - 12 -
IBIA iShares Trust iShares iBonds Oc - - - -
IBIB iShares Trust iShares iBonds Oc - - 4 -
IBIC iShares Trust iShares iBonds Oc - - 4 -
IBID iShares Trust iShares iBonds Oc - - 4 -
IBIE iShares Trust iShares iBonds Oc - - 4 -
IBIF iShares Trust iShares iBonds Oc - - 4 -
IBIG iShares Trust iShares iBonds Oc - - 4 -
IBIH iShares Trust iShares iBonds Oc - - 4 -
IBII iShares Trust iShares iBonds Oc - - - -
IBIJ iShares Trust iShares iBonds Oc - - 4 -
IBIK iShares Trust - - 4 -
IBMI iShares iBonds Sep 2020 Term Muni Bond ETF 1.22 % - 11 -
IBMJ iShares iBonds Dec 2021 Term Muni Bond ETF 0.89 % - 12 -
IBMK iShares iBonds Dec 2022 Term Muni Bond ETF 1.22 % - 12 -
IBND SPDR Bloomberg International Co - - 12 30%
IBUF Innovator ETFs Trust - - - -
IBUY Amplify ETF Trust Amplify Onlin - 24.87 1 -
ICAP Series Portfolios Trust InfraCa - 20.17 12 -
ICOL iShares MSCI Colombia ETF 2.13 % - 3 26%
IDAT iShares Future Cloud 5G and Tec - 33.05 2 -
IDEV iShares Core MSCI International 2.20 % 16.29 2 6%
IDHQ Invesco S&P International Devel 2.00 % 18.27 4 4%
IDIV Metaurus U.S. Equity Cumulative Dividends Fund-Series 2027 11.78 % - 12 7%
IDLV Invesco S&P International Devel - 16.18 4 -1%
IDMO Invesco S&P International Devel 1.58 % 17.98 4 14%
IDNA iShares Genomics Immunology and 0.18 % 23.85 2 4%
IDOG ALPS International Sector Divid 3.89 % 11.25 4 7%
IDRV iShares Self-Driving EV and Tec 0.58 % 9.01 2 10%
IDU iShares U.S. Utilities ETF 2.39 % 20.82 4 0%
IDVO Amplify CWP International Enhan - 16.75 12 -
IDX VanEck Indonesia Index ETF 1.68 % 11.76 1 27%
IDY Pacific Global International Equity Income ETF 2.62 % - 2 -
IEMG iShares Core MSCI Emerging Mark 2.16 % 14.27 2 2%
IEUR iShares Core MSCI Europe ETF - 16.93 2 6%
IEV iShares Europe ETF 2.31 % 16.23 2 6%
IEZ iShares U.S. Oil Equipment & Se 1.03 % 13.41 4 17%
IG Principal Investment Grade Corp - - 12 12%
IGBH iShares Interest Rate Hedged Lo 1.86 % - 12 26%
IGLB iShares 10 Year Investment Gra 3.09 % - 12 2%
IGM iShares Expanded Tech Sector ET 0.89 % 35.89 4 20%
IGN iShares North American Tech-Multimedia Networking ETF 0.49 % 26.85 4 2%
IHAK iShares Cybersecurity and Tech 0.12 % 32.61 2 -10%
IHDG WisdomTree International Hedged 3.10 % 23.40 4 30%
IHE iShares U.S. Pharmaceutical ETF - 24.99 4 10%
IHF iShares U.S. Health Care Provid - 19.18 4 20%
IHI iShares U.S. Medical Devices ET - 41.22 4 17%
IHY VanEck International High Yield 4.54 % 59.84 12 0%
IIGD Invesco Investment Grade Defens - - 12 24%
IIGV Invesco Investment Grade Value ETF 3.67 % - 10 -30%
IJAN Innovator International Develop - 16.37 - -
IJH iShares Core S&P Mid-Cap ETF 4.33 % 20.13 4 17%
IJJ iShares S&P Mid-Cap 400 Value E 1.09 % 18.11 4 8%
IJK iShares S&P Mid-Cap 400 Growth 0.47 % 21.79 4 16%
IJR iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF 1.10 % 17.23 4 18%
IJS iShares S&P SmallCap 600 Value 1.03 % 14.71 4 12%
IJUL Innovator International Develop 0.99 % 16.80 - -
IJUN Innovator ETFs Trust - 16.60 - -
ILCB iShares Morningstar Large-Cap E 0.86 % 28.15 4 4%
ILCG iShares Morningstar Large-Cap G 0.22 % 38.43 4 22%
ILCV iShares Morningstar Large-Cap 1.89 % 21.49 4 2%
ILDR First Trust Innovation Leaders - 39.92 - -
ILF iShares Latin America 40 ETF 2.87 % 9.10 2 16%
ILOW AB Active ETFs, Inc. - - - -
ILTB iShares Core 10 Year USD Bond 3.40 % - 12 -1%
IMAY Innovator ETFs Trust - - - -
IMCB iShares Morningstar Mid-Cap ETF 0.90 % 21.99 4 11%
IMCG iShares Morningstar Mid-Cap Gro 0.06 % 30.90 4 28%
IMTB iShares Core 5-10 Year USD Bond 2.14 % - 12 11%
IMTM iShares MSCI Intl Momentum Fact 1.11 % 19.91 2 11%
INC VanEck ETF Trust VanEck Dynamic - 14.61 12 -
INCE Franklin Income Equity Focus ET - 19.05 4 30%
INCM Franklin Templeton ETF Trust Fr - 20.08 12 -
INCO Columbia India Consumer ETF 0.27 % 36.40 1 10%
INDF Range India Financials ETF - 16.65 1 -
INDL Direxion Daily MSCI India Bull - 23.87 4 -
INDS Pacer Industrial Real Estate ET 1.34 % 25.50 4 20%
INFL Horizon Kinetics Inflation Bene 0.38 % 22.49 4 -
INKM SPDR SSgA Income Allocation ETF - 18.46 4 2%
INMU iShares Intermediate Muni Incom 0.63 % - 12 -
INNO Harbor ETF Trust Harbor Disrupt - 48.44 - -
INQQ INQQ The India Internet ETF - 35.98 - -
INR Market Vectors Indian Rupee/USD ETN - - - -
INTF iShares International Equity Fa 2.96 % 13.71 2 10%
INXX Columbia India Infrastructure ETF 0.45 % - 1 -
IOCT Innovator International Develop - 16.26 - -
IOIL IQ Global Oil Small Cap ETF 1.70 % 15.87 1 -
ION ProShares Trust ProShares S&P G - 17.19 - -
IOO iShares Global 100 ETF 1.03 % 27.22 2 -1%
IPAC iShares Core MSCI Pacific ETF 1.93 % 16.43 2 8%
IPAY Amplify Digital Payments ETF - 25.76 4 -
IPD SPDR S&P International Consumer - - 4 -
IPE SPDR Bloomberg Barclays TIPS ETF 3.22 % 17.40 8 -
IPF SPDR S&P International Financia - - - -
IPN SPDR S&P International Industri - - - -
IPO Renaissance IPO ETF 0.10 % 18.91 4 -
IPOS Renaissance Capital Greenwich F 0.23 % 22.56 4 -
IPU SPDR S&P International Utilitie - - 2 -
IQDE FlexShares International Qualit 3.70 % 10.63 4 14%
IQDF FlexShares International Qualit - 11.43 4 12%
IQDY FlexShares International Qualit 2.91 % 11.87 4 18%
IQHI IQ MacKay Municipal Insured ETF - - 12 -
IQIN NYLI 500 International ETF 2.86 % 10.65 2 20%
IQLT iShares MSCI Intl Quality Facto 1.75 % 18.78 2 10%
IQSI NYLI Candriam International Equ 2.39 % 17.68 4 0%
IQSU NYLI Candriam U.S. Large Cap Eq 0.98 % 29.36 4 7%
IRBO iShares Robotics and Artificial 0.55 % 20.21 2 30%
IRV SPDR S&P International Material - - - -
IRVH Global X Funds Global X Interes - - 12 -
IRY SPDR S&P International Health C 2.09 % 24.24 4 -
ISCB iShares Morningstar Small-Cap E 0.99 % 18.65 4 2%
ISCF iShares International Small-Cap 2.39 % 13.03 2 12%
ISCG iShares Morningstar Small-Cap G 0.10 % 24.60 4 20%
ISCV iShares Morningstar Small-Cap V 1.45 % 14.73 4 3%
ISMD Inspire Small/Mid Cap ETF 0.80 % 17.78 4 4%
ISRA VanEck Israel ETF 0.15 % 13.53 1 14%
ISZE iShares MSCI Intl Size Factor ETF 2.17 % 13.29 2 30%
ITE SPDR Bloomberg Barclays Intermediate Term Treasury ETF 2.18 % - 12 30%
ITEQ Amplify ETF Trust Amplify BlueS 0.61 % 31.32 4 -
ITIP iShares Intnl Inflation-Linked Bond - - - -
ITOT iShares Core S&P Total U.S. Sto 0.94 % 26.78 4 5%
ITR SPDR Blmbg Barclays IntmTermCorpBd ETF 1.25 % 15.11 - -
IVE iShares S&P 500 Value ETF 1.48 % 22.86 4 10%
IVES Amplify ETF Trust Amplify Globa 0.23 % - 2 -
IVLU iShares MSCI Intl Value Factor 2.13 % 11.20 2 15%
IVOG Vanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 Growth 0.61 % 22.06 1 17%
IVOL Quadratic Interest Rate Volatil 3.62 % - 12 -7%
IVOO Vanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 ETF - 19.23 4 7%
IVOV Vanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 Value 1.84 % 17.40 1 6%
IVV iShares Core S&P 500 ETF 0.94 % 27.92 4 6%
IVW iShares S&P 500 Growth ETF 0.43 % 32.76 4 4%
IWB iShares Russell 1000 ETF 0.86 % 27.35 4 6%
IWC iShares Microcap ETF 0.59 % 14.83 4 6%
IWD iShares Russell 1000 Value ETF 1.35 % 20.54 4 4%
IWDL ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Value Factor TR ETN - - - -
IWF iShares Russell 1000 Growth ETF 0.38 % 37.75 4 4%
IWFH iShares Virtual Work and Life M 0.21 % - 2 30%
IWFL ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Growth Factor TR ETN - - - -
IWL iShares Russell Top 200 ETF 1.13 % 28.21 4 3%
IWM iShares Russell 2000 ETF 0.88 % 17.83 4 6%
IWML ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Size Fac - - - -
IWMY Defiance R2000 Enhanced Options 11.60 % - 48 -
IWN iShares Russell 2000 Value ETF 1.24 % 14.49 4 5%
IWO iShares Russell 2000 Growth ETF 0.40 % 22.87 4 22%
IWP iShares Russell Midcap Growth E 0.23 % 35.02 4 14%
IWR iShares Russell Mid-Cap ETF 0.90 % 21.79 4 8%
IWS iShares Russell Mid-cap Value E 1.26 % 19.13 4 2%
IWV iShares Russell 3000 ETF 0.87 % 25.94 4 5%
IWX iShares Russell Top 200 Value E 1.74 % 21.13 4 4%
IWY iShares Russell Top 200 Growth 0.53 % 37.84 4 2%
IXC iShares Global Energy ETF 2.59 % 13.10 2 13%
IXG iShares Global Financial ETF 0.86 % 14.77 2 21%
IXJ iShares Global Healthcare ETF 1.11 % 30.45 2 7%
IXN iShares Global Tech ETF 0.41 % 36.43 2 0%
IXP iShares Global Comm Services ET 0.73 % 22.01 2 16%
IXSE WisdomTree India ex-State-Owned Enterprises Fund 0.07 % 28.90 1 -
IYC iShares U.S. Consumer Discretio 0.44 % 27.57 4 6%
IYE iShares U.S. Energy ETF 1.77 % 14.24 4 8%
IYF iShares U.S. Financial ETF 0.99 % 15.64 4 7%
IYG iShares U.S. Financial Services 3.20 % 17.08 4 4%
IYH iShares U.S. Healthcare ETF 4.71 % 32.68 4 8%
IYK iShares U.S. Consumer Staples E 3.81 % 21.22 4 18%
IYM iShares U.S. Basic Materials ET 1.38 % 20.10 4 2%
IYR iShares U.S. Real Estate ETF 1.94 % 34.21 4 -1%
IYW iShares U.S. Technology ETF 0.02 % 37.51 4 -2%
IYY iShares Dow Jones U.S. ETF 0.87 % 26.34 4 4%
JAAA Janus Henderson AAA CLO ETF - - 12 30%
JADE J.P. Morgan Exchange-Traded Fun - - - -
JAGG JPMorgan BetaBuilders U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF 1.65 % - 12 -14%
JAVA JPMorgan Active Value ETF - 21.45 4 -
JCTR JPMorgan Carbon Transition U.S. Equity ETF 0.74 % 24.95 4 -
JDIV JPMorgan U.S. Dividend ETF 2.97 % - 4 -30%
JDST Direxion Daily Junior Gold Mine 0.40 % - 4 -
JEM iPath GEMS ETN - - - -
JEMB Janus Detroit Street Trust - - - -
JEPI JPMorgan Equity Premium Income 7.33 % 26.09 12 6%
JEPY Tidal Trust II Defiance S&P 500 - - 12 -
JETS U.S. Global Jets ETF - 12.07 1 -
JFWD Jacob Funds Inc. Jacob Forward - - - -
JGLD Amplify Pure Junior Gold Miners ETF - - - -
JGRW Trust For Professional Managers - 33.93 - -
JHCB John Hancock Corporate Bond ETF 1.46 % - 12 -
JHCS John Hancock Multifactor Media and Communications ETF 0.79 % - 2 -
JHEM John Hancock Multifactor Emergi - 12.63 2 4%
JHHY John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fu - - - -
JHMA John Hancock Multifactor Materials ETF 1.34 % - 2 4%
JHMB John Hancock Mortgage-Backed Se 0.39 % - 12 -
JHMC John Hancock Multifactor Consumer Discretionary ETF 0.34 % - 2 -
JHMD John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fu 2.64 % 15.20 2 8%
JHME John Hancock Multifactor Energy ETF 2.06 % - 2 30%
JHMF John Hancock Multifactor Financials ETF 1.32 % - 2 18%
JHMH John Hancock Multifactor Health Care ETF 1.61 % - 2 6%
JHMI John Hancock Multifactor Industrials ETF 0.85 % - 2 -1%
JHML John Hancock Multifactor Large 1.16 % 24.77 2 6%
JHMM John Hancock Multifactor Mid Ca - 20.78 2 12%
JHMS John Hancock Multifactor Consumer Staples ETF 1.96 % - 2 1%
JHMT John Hancock Multifactor Technology ETF 0.47 % - 2 13%
JHMU John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fu 2.84 % - 12 -21%
JHPI John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fu - 3.12 12 -
JHSC John Hancock Multifactor Small 1.03 % 17.93 2 2%
JIB Janus Henderson Sustainable & Impact Core Bond ETF 0.15 % - 12 -
JIDA JPMorgan ActiveBuilders International Equity ETF - 11.97 1 -
JIG JPMorgan International Growth E - 25.48 1 20%
JIGB JPMorgan BetaBuilders USD Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF 3.82 % - 14 30%
JIII Janus Detroit Street Trust Janu - - - -
JJA iPath Series B Bloomberg Agriculture Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
JJC iPath Series B Bloomberg Copper Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
JJE iPath Series B Bloomberg Energy Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
JJG iPath Series B Bloomberg Grains Subindex Total Return ETN 1.06 % - - -
JJM iPath Series B Bloomberg Industrial Metals Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
JJN iPath Series B Bloomberg Nickel Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
JJP iPath Series B Bloomberg Precious Metals Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
JJS iPath Series B Bloomberg Softs Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
JJT iPath Series B Bloomberg Tin Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
JJU iPath Series B Bloomberg Aluminum Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
JKD iShares Morningstar U.S. Equity ETF 1.23 % 24.06 4 -23%
JKE iShares Morningstar Growth ETF 0.43 % - 4 -
JKF iShares Morningstar Value ETF 2.70 % - 4 -10%
JKG iShares Morningstar Mid-Cap ETF 1.04 % 13.81 4 -
JKH iShares Morningstar Mid-Cap Growth ETF 0.18 % - 4 -
JKJ iShares Morningstar Small-Cap ETF 0.84 % - 4 -24%
JKK iShares Morningstar Small-Cap Growth ETF 0.26 % - 4 -
JKL iShares Morningstar Small-Cap Value ETF 1.63 % - 4 29%
JMBS Janus Henderson Mortgage-Backed - - 12 26%
JMHI J.P. Morgan Exchange-Traded Fun - - 12 -
JMIN JPMorgan U.S. Minimum Volatility ETF 1.86 % - 3 -
JMOM JPMorgan U.S. Momentum Factor E 0.63 % 27.31 4 14%
JMSI J.P. Morgan Exchange-Traded Fun - - 12 -
JNK SPDR Bloomberg High Yield Bond 4.39 % 20.22 12 2%
JNUG Direxion Daily Junior Gold Mine - 21.74 4 -
JO iPath Series B Bloomberg Coffee Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
JOET Virtus ETF Trust II Virtus Terr - 24.33 1 30%
JOJO ATAC Credit Rotation ETF 0.80 % 16.64 12 -
JOYY Infusive Compounding Global Equities ETF 0.33 % - 3 -
JPED JPMorgan Event Driven ETF 2.06 % - 1 -
JPEM JPMorgan Diversified Return Eme - 8.94 4 6%
JPEU JPMorgan Diversified Return Europe Equity ETF 3.26 % - 2 -
JPGE JPMorgan Diversified Return Global Equity ETF 3.45 % - 2 -
JPHF JPMorgan Diversified Alternative ETF 5.68 % - 1 -
JPIE JPMorgan Income ETF - - 12 -
JPIN JPMorgan Diversified Return Int 2.84 % 13.75 4 19%
JPLS JPMorgan Long/Short ETF - - - -
JPMB JPMorgan USD Emerging Markets S 4.26 % - 12 3%
JPME JPMorgan Diversified Return U.S - 18.46 4 9%
JPMF JPMorgan Managed Futures Strategy ETF 5.13 % - 1 -
JPMO Tidal Trust II YieldMax JPM Opt - - 12 -
JPMV iShares Edge MSCI Min Vol Japan ETF 5.09 % - 2 -
JPN Xtrackers Japan JPX-Nikkei 400 Equity ETF 1.82 % - 2 -
JPNL Direxion Daily Japan Bull 3X Shares 0.60 % - 2 -
JPRE J.P. Morgan Exchange-Traded Fun - 34.89 4 -
JPSE JPMorgan Diversified Return U.S 1.02 % 15.53 4 12%
JPST JPMorgan Ultra-Short Income ETF 0.72 % - 12 30%
JPUS JPMorgan Diversified Return U.S 1.49 % 18.56 4 10%
JPXN iShares JPX-Nikkei 400 ETF 1.56 % 15.26 2 18%
JQUA JPMorgan U.S. Quality Factor ET - 26.22 4 6%
JRE Janus Henderson U.S. Real Estat 0.26 % 31.30 4 -
JRNY ALPS Global Travel Beneficiarie - 30.01 1 -
JSC SPDR Russell/Nomura Small Cap Japan ETF - - - -
JSCP JPMorgan Short Duration Core Pl 0.76 % 8.07 12 -
JSI Janus Detroit Street Trust Janu - - 12 -
JSTC Adasina Social Justice All Cap - 23.81 2 -
JUSA JPMorgan ActiveBuilders U.S. Large Cap Equity ETF - 22.75 1 -
JUST Goldman Sachs JUST U.S. Large C 1.04 % 26.95 4 4%
JVAL JPMorgan U.S. Value Factor ETF 1.69 % 18.77 4 7%
JXI iShares Global Utilities ETF 2.95 % 17.47 2 1%
JZRO Janus Henderson Net Zero Transition Resources ETF - 11.39 4 -
KALL KraneShares MSCI All China Inde 1.10 % 11.18 1 2%
KARS KraneShares Electric Vehicles a 0.11 % 19.03 1 0%
KBA KraneShares Bosera MSCI China A 0.64 % 14.31 1 10%
KBE SPDR S&P Bank ETF - 13.94 4 3%
KBND Krane Shares China Credit Index ETF 1.98 % - 10 30%
KBUY KraneShares CICC China Consumer Leaders Index ETF - 18.59 1 -
KBWC PowerShares KBW Capital Markets 2.18 % - - -
KBWI PowerShares KBW Insurance ETF - - - -
KCAI KraneShares Trust KraneShares C - - - -
KCCA KraneShares California Carbon A - 12.16 4 -
KCCB KraneShares Trust - KraneShares Asia Pacific High Yield Bond ETF 4.86 % - 12 17%
KCE SPDR S&P Capital Markets ETF 1.14 % 25.13 4 10%
KCNY KraneShares Trust - KraneShares E Fund China Commercial Paper ETF 2.31 % - 10 30%
KCSH KraneShares Trust KraneShares S - - - -
KDEF Exchange Listed Funds Trust - - - -
KDFI KFA Dynamic Fixed Income ETF 3.65 % - 12 -
KDRN Kingsbarn Tactical Bond ETF - - 4 -
KEMQ KraneShares Emerging Markets Co 2.54 % 19.49 1 -
KEMX KraneShares MSCI Emerging Marke 1.54 % 13.33 1 -4%
KESG KraneShares MSCI China ESG Leaders Index ETF - 8.80 1 -
KEUA KraneShares European Carbon All - - 1 -
KFVG KraneShares Trust KraneShares C - 20.88 1 -
KFYP KraneShares CICC China Leaders 100 Index ETF 2.64 % 6.71 1 30%
KGRN KraneShares MSCI China Clean Te 0.01 % 15.33 1 30%
KGRO KraneShares China Innovation ETF - 15.85 1 -
KHYB KraneShares Asia Pacific High I 5.64 % 7.09 12 8%
KIE SPDR S&P Insurance ETF 1.86 % 11.95 4 5%
KLCD KFA Large Cap Quality Dividend Index ETF 1.92 % - 1 -
KLDW Knowledge Leaders Developed Wor 0.52 % 21.85 1 -
KLIP KraneShares KWEB Covered Call S - 17.14 12 -
KLMT Invesco Exchange-Traded Fund Tr - 23.71 - -
KLNE Direxion Daily Global Clean Ene - 9.82 4 -
KMED KraneShares Emerging Markets Healthcare Index ETF 0.03 % 27.46 1 -
KMID Virtus ETF Trust II - 33.78 - -
KMLM KraneShares Mount Lucas Managed - 10.30 1 -
KNAB MicroSectors U.S. Big Banks Index Inverse ETNs - - - -
KNCT Invesco Next Gen Connectivity E - 26.64 4 30%
KNGS Roundhill ETF Trust Roundhill S 0.21 % 49.05 4 -
KNO Investment Managers Series Trus - 19.46 1 30%
KNOW Direxion All Cap Insider Sentiment Shares 1.90 % 16.39 4 -
KOCG NEOS ETF Trust FIS Knights of C - 21.72 1 -
KOIN Capital Link Global Fintech Lea 0.34 % 17.72 1 30%
KOKU Xtrackers MSCI Kokusai Equity ETF 1.19 % 20.96 4 -
KOL VanEck Vectors Coal ETF 14.16 % - 2 -
KOLD ProShares UltraShort Bloomberg - - - -
KOMP SPDR S&P Kensho New Economies C 1.02 % 24.02 4 4%
KONG ETF Opportunities Trust Formida - 25.12 1 -
KORP American Century Diversified Co 2.68 % - 12 22%
KORU Direxion Daily South Korea Bull 0.01 % 11.62 4 30%
KPRO KraneShares Trust KraneShares 1 - 17.54 - -
KRBN KraneShares Global Carbon Strat - - 2 -
KRE SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF - 15.47 4 4%
KROO IQ Australia Small Cap ETF - - - -
KSA iShares Trust iShares MSCI Saud - 18.80 2 24%
KSCD KFA Small Cap Quality Dividend Index ETF 1.33 % - 1 -
KSET KraneShares Global Carbon Offset Strategy ETF - - 2 -
KSPY KraneShares Trust - 27.84 - -
KTEC KraneShares Hang Seng TECH Inde 1.94 % 18.05 1 -
KURE KraneShares MSCI All China Heal - 20.65 1 30%
KVLE KraneShares Value Line Dynamic 0.29 % 22.58 4 30%
KWEB KraneShares Trust KraneShares C - 16.70 1 -
KXI iShares Global Consumer Staples 2.32 % 23.53 2 6%
LABD Direxion Daily S&P Biotech Bear 5.29 % - 4 -
LABU Direxion Daily S&P Biotech Bull 0.00 % - 4 -
LACK Direxion Daily Cnsmr Staples Bear 3XShrs 0.46 % - 1 -
LALT First Trust Exchange-Traded Fun - 25.98 4 -
LBAY Leatherback Long/Short Alternat 2.51 % 17.21 12 8%
LBJ Direxion Daily Latin America Bull 2X Shares 0.57 % 18.81 3 -
LCG Sterling Capital Focus Equity E - 41.75 - -
LCLG Advisors Series Trust Logan Cap - 33.70 - -
LCR Leuthold Core ETF - 19.50 1 30%
LCTD BlackRock World ex U.S. Carbon - 17.07 2 -
LCTU BlackRock U.S. Carbon Transitio 0.29 % 28.12 4 -
LD iPath Bloomberg Lead Subindex Total Return(SM) ETN - - - -
LDRS Innovator IBD ETF Leaders ETF 0.07 % - 2 -
LDUR PIMCO Enhanced Low Duration Act 1.04 % - 12 30%
LEMB iShares J.P. Morgan EM Local Cu 4.30 % - 1 -
LEND Amplify CrowdBureau(R) Online Lending & Digital Banking ETF 7.33 % - - -
LETB AdvisorShares Let Bob AI Powered Momentum ETF - - 1 -
LFEQ VanEck Long/Flat Trend ETF 1.64 % 26.63 1 30%
LFGY Tidal Trust II - - - -
LGH HCM Defender 500 Index ETF 0.24 % 28.51 1 30%
LGLV SPDR SSGA US Large Cap Low Vola - 23.84 4 8%
LGOV First Trust Long Duration Oppor 3.42 % - 12 3%
LIT Global X Lithium & Battery Tech 0.13 % 24.74 2 25%
LLDR Global X Funds - - 12 -
LLYX Tidal Trust II - - - -
LMLB ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Wells Fargo MLP Ex-Energy ETN Series B 25.16 % - 11 -
LONZ PIMCO U.S. Treasury Index Fund - - 12 -
LOPP Gabelli Love Our Planet & Peopl - - 1 -
LOPX Direxion Low Priced Stock ETF - - 3 -
LOUP Innovator Deepwater Frontier Te - 33.67 - -
LOWC SPDR MSCI ACWI Climate Paris Aligned ETF 1.46 % - 2 -
LOWV AB Active ETFs, Inc. AB US Low - 27.76 4 -
LQD iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grad 3.00 % 32.29 12 10%
LQDB iShares Trust iShares BBB Rated 0.96 % - 12 -
LQDH iShares Interest Rate Hedged Co - - 12 30%
LQIG SPDR Series Trust SPDR MarketAx - - 12 -
LQPE Tidal Trust III - - - -
LRGF iShares U.S. Equity Factor ETF 0.93 % 24.65 4 10%
LRGG Macquarie ETF Trust - 38.76 - -
LRNZ TrueShares Technology, AI & Dee - 59.61 - -
LSAF LeaderShares AlphaFactor US Cor 0.28 % 17.13 3 0%
LSAT LeaderShares AlphaFactor Tactic - 16.73 1 30%
LSST Natixis ETF Trust Natixis Loomi 4.30 % - 12 24%
LST Managed Portfolio Series - 15.27 - -
LTL ProShares Ultra Communication S 1.24 % 24.91 4 -12%
LTPZ Pimco 15 Year U.S. TIPS Index 2.99 % - 12 12%
LVL Invesco S&P Global Dividend Opportunities Index ETF 2.96 % - 4 -
LWC SPDR Blmbg Barclays LT Corp Bd ETF - - 11 0%
MAGG Madison ETFs Trust Madison Aggr - - 12 -
MAKX ProShares S&P Kensho Smart Factories ETF - - 3 -
MARB First Trust Merger Arbitrage ET - 20.11 4 -
MBG SPDR Bloomberg Barclays Mortgage Backed Bond ETF 3.36 % - 11 -6%
MBOX Freedom Day Dividend ETF 0.35 % 17.21 4 -
MBS Angel Oak Funds Trust Angel Oak - - 12 -
MBSD FlexShares Trust FlexShares Dis 2.51 % - 12 6%
MBSF Valued Advisers Trust Regan Flo - - - -
MCRO IQ Hedge Macro Tracker ETF 2.51 % - 1 -
MDD SPDR S&P International Mid Cap ETF - - - -
MDY SPDR S&P MidCap 400 ETF Trust 0.82 % 19.08 4 8%
MDYG SPDR S&P 400 Mid Cap Growth ETF 0.90 % 21.15 4 8%
MDYV SPDR S&P 400 Mid Cap Value ETF 1.50 % 18.15 4 8%
MEME Roundhill MEME ETF - 66.60 1 -
MENV AdvisorShares North Square McKee ESG Core Bond ETF - - 12 -
METV Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF - 29.20 1 -
MEXX Direxion Daily MSCI Mexico Bull 0.23 % 13.11 4 30%
MFDX PIMCO Equitiy Series PIMCO RAFI 2.08 % 15.94 4 8%
MFEM PIMCO Equitiy Series PIMCO RAFI 3.45 % 9.93 4 3%
MFUS PIMCO Equitiy Series PIMCO RAFI 1.41 % 20.78 4 8%
MGC Vanguard Mega Cap ETF 1.21 % 29.19 4 5%
MGK Vanguard Mega Cap Growth ETF - 39.05 4 7%
MGMT Ballast Small/Mid Cap ETF - 16.10 1 -
MGV Vanguard Mega Cap Value ETF 2.18 % 19.96 4 6%
MID American Century Mid Cap Growth - - 4 -
MIDE Xtrackers S&P MidCap 400 ESG ET 0.24 % 20.60 4 -
MIDF iShares MSCI USA Mid-Cap Multifactor ETF 0.85 % - 3 -
MIDU Direxion Mid Cap Bull 3X Shares 0.02 % 22.59 4 -
MINC AdvisorShares Newfleet Multi-Sector Income ETF 1.57 % - 12 -3%
MINO PIMCO Municipal Income Opportun 0.08 % - 12 -
MINT PIMCO Enhanced Short Maturity A 0.45 % - 12 30%
MJ ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF - - 4 17%
MJIN ETFMG 2X Daily Inverse Alternative Harvest ETF - - 2 -
MJJ MicroSectors Cannabis ETNs - - - -
MJO MicroSectors Cannabis 2X Leveraged ETNs - - - -
MJUS Amplify ETF Trust Amplify U.S. - 5.54 4 -
MJXL ETFMG 2X Daily Alternative Harvest ETF - - - -
MLDR Global X Funds - - - -
MLPA Global X MLP ETF - 15.18 4 2%
MLPB ETRACS Alerian MLP Infrastructu 6.53 % - 4 2%
MLPC C-Tracks Exchange-Traded Notes Based on the Performance of the Miller/Howard MLP Fundamental Index - - 4 -
MLPD Global X Funds Global X MLP & E - 16.73 12 -
MLPE C-Tracks ETNs on the Miller/Howard MLP Fundamental Index, Series B - - 4 -
MLPG UBS ETRACS Alerian Natural Gas MLP Index ETN 6.33 % - 4 -
MLPI UBS ETRACS Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index ETN 7.20 % - 4 -
MLPJ Global X Junior MLP ETF - - - -
MLPN Credit Suisse X-Links CushgMLPInfrasETN - - - -
MLPO Credit Suisse S&P MLP Index ETN 5.27 % - 4 -4%
MLPR ETRACS Quarterly Pay 1.5X Lever 9.69 % - 4 30%
MLPX Global X MLP & Energy Infrastru 4.00 % 17.97 4 6%
MLPY Morgan Stanley Cushing MLP High Income Index ETN 12.76 % - 4 -
MLTI Credit Suisse X-Links Multi-Asset High Income ETN - - 11 -
MMCA NYLI MacKay California Muni Int - - 12 -
MMIN NYLI MacKay Muni Insured ETF 1.66 % - 12 18%
MMIT NYLI MacKay Muni Intermediate E 1.69 % - 12 12%
MMLG First Trust Multi-Manager Large - 41.12 - -
MMSC First Trust Multi-Manager Small - 33.58 4 -
MMTM SPDR S&P 1500 Momentum Tilt ETF 0.86 % 29.56 4 4%
MNA NYLI Merger Arbitrage ETF - 18.81 1 -
MNM Direxion Daily Metals & Mining Bull 2X Shares - 5.36 2 -
MNRS Grayscale Funds Trust - - - -
MOL Citigroup Inc. 2% 1.01 % 26.51 - -
MOM AGFiQ U.S. Market Neutral Momentum Fund - - - -
MOO VanEck Agribusiness ETF 1.66 % 17.62 1 24%
MOON Direxion Moonshot Innovators ET 0.31 % - 4 -
MORL UBS ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Mortgage REIT ETN 22.02 % - 11 -
MORT VanEck Mortgage REIT Income ETF 6.94 % 8.47 4 -6%
MOTO SmartETFs Smart Transportation 2.86 % 16.15 1 30%
MPAY Akros Monthly Payout ETF - 30.28 11 -
MRAD Guinness Atkinson SmartETFs Marketing Technology ETF - 25.89 - -
MRNY Tidal Trust II YieldMax MRNA Op - - 12 -
MRSK Toews Agility Shares Managed Ri 3.61 % 27.00 1 -30%
MSFO Tidal ETF Trust II YieldMax MSF - - 12 -
MSGR Morningstar US Small Growth - - - -
MSOS AdvisorShares Trust AdvisorShar - - - -
MSTI Madison ETFs Trust Madison Shor - - 12 -
MSTY Tidal Trust II YieldMax MSTR Op - - 12 -
MTBA Simplify Exchange Traded Funds - - 12 -
MTGP WisdomTree Mortgage Plus Bond F 1.69 % - 12 7%
MTUL ETRACS 2x Leveraged MSCI US Momentum Factor TR ETN - - - -
MTVR Fount Metaverse ETF - 26.47 1 -
MUB iShares National Muni Bond ETF - - 12 10%
MUNI PIMCO Intermediate Municipal Bo 1.62 % - 12 20%
MUSI American Century Multisector In 1.02 % - 12 -
MUST Columbia Multi-Sector Municipal 1.81 % - 12 18%
MUTE Direxion Daily Communication Services Index Bear 3X Shares 0.23 % - 1 -
MVIN Natixis Seeyond International Minimum Volatility ETF 5.01 % - 2 -
MVP Roundhill Pro Sports Media & Apparel ETF - - - -
MVPS Amplify ETF Trust Amplify Thema - 42.05 - -
MVRL ETRACS Monthly Pay 1.5X Leverag 5.85 % - 12 10%
MVV ProShares Ultra MidCap400 - 20.25 4 30%
MXDE Nationwide Maximum Diversification Emerging Markets Core Equity ETF 1.28 % - 1 -
MXDU Nationwide Maximum Diversification U.S. Core Equity ETF 1.57 % - 1 -
MXI iShares Global Materials ETF 1.84 % 19.72 2 12%
MYY ProShares Short MidCap400 0.06 % - 4 -
MZZ ProShares UltraShort MidCap400 0.29 % - 4 -
NACP Impact Shares Trust I Impact Sh 1.30 % 26.40 4 30%
NAIL Direxion Daily Homebuilders & S - 14.28 4 -
NANR SPDR S&P North American Natural 2.22 % 15.96 2 6%
NBCR Neuberger Berman ETF Trust - - - -
NBGR Neuberger Berman ETF Trust Neub - - 4 -
NBJP Neuberger Berman ETF Trust - - - -
NBOS Neuberger Berman ETF Trust Neub - - 12 -
NBSD Neuberger Berman ETF Trust Neub - - 12 -
NDIV Amplify ETF Trust Amplify Natur - 11.50 12 -
NDJI Nationwide Dow Jones Risk-Managed Income ETF - 21 12 -
NDVG Nuveen Dividend Growth ETF - 28.82 4 -
NEED Direxion Daily Cnsmr Staples Bull 3XShrs 2.90 % - 3 -
NETL NETLease Corporate Real Estate - 21.82 12 5%
NFLT Virtus Newfleet Multi-Sector Bo 3.29 % - 12 10%
NFLY Tidal ETF Trust II YieldMax NFL - - 12 -
NFO Invesco Insider Sentiment ETF 1.43 % 11.45 2 -
NFRA FlexShares STOXX Global Broad I - 17.87 4 9%
NFTZ Defiance Digital Revolution ETF - - - -
NGE Global X MSCI Nigeria ETF 7.33 % 1.20 1 30%
NHYM NuShares ETF Trust - - - -
NIB iPath Bloomberg Cocoa Subindex Total Return(SM) ETN - - - -
NIFE Direxion Fallen Knives ETF 6.25 % - 4 -
NJNK Columbia ETF Trust I - - - -
NLR VanEck Uranium and Nuclear ETF - 21.55 1 26%
NMB Simplify Exchange Traded Funds - - 4 -
NORW Global X MSCI Norway ETF - 11.00 2 30%
NRGD MicroSectors U.S. Big Oil Index - 2.76 - -
NRGO MicroSectors U.S. Big Oil Index 2X Leveraged ETNs - - - -
NRGU MicroSectors U.S. Big Oil Index - 7.18 - -
NRGZ MicroSectors U.S. Big Oil Index -2X Inverse Leveraged ETNs - - - -
NSCS Nuveen Small Cap Select ETF - 14.16 1 -
NSPI Nationwide S&P 500 Risk-Managed Income ETF - 22.30 12 -
NTKI Nationwide Russell 2000 Risk-Managed Income ETF - 10.66 12 -
NTSE WisdomTree Trust WisdomTree Eme 0.77 % 13.00 4 -
NTSI WisdomTree Trust WisdomTree Int 0.43 % 15.96 4 -
NTSX WisdomTree U.S. Efficient Core 0.91 % 27.23 4 8%
NTZO Impact Shares MSCI Global Climate Select ETF - - 1 -
NUAG Nuveen Enhanced Yield U.S. Aggr 2.28 % - 12 10%
NUBD Nuveen ESG U.S. Aggregate Bond - - 12 8%
NUGO Nuveen Growth Opportunities ETF - 43.28 1 -
NUGT Direxion Daily Gold Miners Inde 1.13 % 30.86 4 -
NUHY Nuveen ESG High Yield Corporate 4.80 % - 12 5%
NUMI NuShares ETF Trust - - - -
NUSA Nuveen ESG 1-5 Year U.S. Aggreg 2.20 % - 12 14%
NVDY Tidal ETF Trust II YieldMax NVD - - 12 -
NVQ QRAFT AI-Enhanced U.S. Next Value ETF 0.79 % 8.24 4 -
NWLG Nuveen Winslow Large-Cap Growth ESG ETF - 40.27 - -
NYF iShares New York Muni Bond ETF 1.84 % - 12 7%
OAEM Unified Series Trust OneAscent - 15.07 - -
OAKM Harris Oakmark ETF Trust Oakmar - 17.26 - -
OALC Unified Series Trust OneAscent - 27.34 1 -
OARK YieldMax Innovation Option Inco - - 12 -
OASC Unified Series Trust - 17.76 - -
OBOR KraneShares MSCI One Belt One R 1.76 % 10.17 1 1%
OCEN IQ Clean Oceans ETF - 13.31 4 -
OCFS Professionally Managed Portfoli - 31.23 - -
OCIO ClearShares OCIO ETF 2.13 % 24.34 4 -8%
OEF iShares S&P 100 ETF 0.82 % 29.05 4 5%
OGCP Empire State Realty OP, L.P. Se 1.47 % 32.78 4 -1%
OIH VanEck Oil Services ETF 0.92 % 11.75 1 21%
OIL iPath Pure Beta Crude Oil ETN - - - -
OILD MicroSectors Oil & Gas Exp. & P - - - -
OILU MicroSectors Oil & Gas Exp. & P - - - -
OLEM iPath Pure Beta Crude Oil ETN - - - -
OND ProShares On-Demand ETF - - - -
ONEO SPDR Russell 1000 Momentum Focus ETF 1.22 % 13.25 4 12%
ONEV SPDR Russell 1000 Low Volatilit 1.56 % 18.31 4 9%
ONEY SPDR Russell 1000 Yield Focus E - 15.74 4 10%
ONG Direxion Daily Oil Services Bull 2X Shares - 19.42 2 -
ONLN ProShares Online Retail ETF - 25.37 4 -
OOSP Spinnaker ETF Series Obra Oppor - - - -
OOTO Direxion Daily Travel & Vacatio - 20.60 4 -
OPER ETF Series Solutions ETF ClearS - - 12 30%
OPPX Corbett Road Tactical Opportunity ETFNew - 28.09 - -
OUNZ VanEck Merk Gold ETF - 3.52 - -
OWNS Quaker Investment Trust CCM Aff - - 4 -
PAB PGIM Active Aggregate Bond ETF 0.71 % - 12 -
PACA Xtrackers MSCI [Latin America Pacific Alliance] ETF - - - -
PAF Invesco FTSE RAFI Asia Pac ex-Jpn ETF 3.97 % 27.32 4 -
PAK Global X MSCI Pakistan ETF 6.25 % 4.93 2 18%
PALC Pacer Lunt Large Cap Multi-Fact 0.92 % 16.76 4 30%
PALL abrdn Physical Palladium Shares - - - -
PAMC Pacer Lunt MidCap Multi-Factor 0.43 % 20.80 4 30%
PAPI Morgan Stanley ETF Trust Parame - 17.80 12 -
PASS Direxion Daily Cnsmr Discret Bear 3XShrs 0.20 % - 1 -
PBD Invesco Global Clean Energy ETF 0.44 % 15.65 4 25%
PBDC Putnam ETF Trust Putnam BDC Inc - 9.23 4 -
PBE Invesco Biotechnology & Genome 0.81 % 24.32 4 -
PBJ Invesco Food & Beverage ETF 0.99 % 18.62 4 17%
PBS Invesco Next Gen Media and Gaming ETF 0.73 % 7.42 3 3%
PBUG Pacer iPath Gold Trendpilot ETNs - - - -
PBW Invesco WilderHill Clean Energy 2.26 % 1.20 4 3%
PCEF Invesco CEF Income Composite ET - 25.33 12 1%
PCEM Litman Gregory Funds Trust - 5.45 - -
PCRB Putnam ETF Trust Putnam ESG Cor - - 12 -
PCY Invesco Emerging Markets Sovere 4.63 % - 12 1%
PDN Invesco FTSE RAFI Developed Mar 1.80 % 13.87 4 8%
PEJ Invesco Leisure and Entertainme 0.57 % 23.38 4 2%
PERM Global X Permanent ETF - - - -
PEVC Pacer Funds Trust - - - -
PEXL Pacer US Export Leaders ETF 0.28 % 20.33 4 25%
PFFA Virtus InfraCap U.S. Preferred - - 12 8%
PFFD Global X U.S. Preferred ETF 5.01 % - 12 -1%
PFFL ETRACS 2xMonthly Pay Leveraged 9.42 % - 12 5%
PFFR InfraCap REIT Preferred ETF 5.80 % - 12 0%
PFFV Global X Variable Rate Preferre 4.75 % - 12 6%
PFIG Invesco Fundamental Investment 2.62 % - 12 6%
PFIX Simplify Interest Rate Hedge ET - - 12 -
PFLD AAM Low Duration Preferred and 4.39 % - 12 9%
PFRL PGIM ETF Trust PGIM Floating Ra - - 12 -
PFUT Putnam Sustainable Future ETF - 37.55 - -
PFXF VanEck Preferred Securities ex 4.44 % 26.22 12 7%
PGAL Global X MSCI Portugal ETF 3.22 % 12.60 2 11%
PGF Invesco Financial Preferred ETF - - 12 -1%
PGHY Invesco Global ex-US High Yield 5.12 % - 12 10%
PGM iPath Series B Bloomberg Platinum Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
PGRO Putnam Focused Large Cap Growth - 42.82 1 -
PGX Invesco Preferred ETF - 2.10 12 -1%
PHB Invesco Fundamental High Yield 3.43 % - 12 5%
PHDG Invesco S&P 500 Downside Hedged - 28.02 4 29%
PHEQ Morgan Stanley ETF Trust Parame - 27.41 4 -
PHYD Putnam ETF Trust Putnam ESG Hig - 4.98 12 -
PHYL PGIM Active High Yield Bond ETF 6.62 % 2.52 12 2%
PICB Invesco International Corporate 1.15 % - 12 10%
PIFI ClearShares Piton Intermediate 0.15 % - 4 -
PILL Direxion Daily Pharmaceutical & 0.00 % 14.18 4 -
PIN Invesco India ETF 0.89 % 24.04 4 30%
PINK Simplify Health Care ETF - 30.55 4 -
PJP Invesco Pharmaceuticals ETF 0.65 % 25.64 4 8%
PKB Invesco Building & Construction 0.16 % 19.10 4 8%
PLAT WisdomTree Growth Leaders Fund 0.10 % 31.99 1 -
PLDR Putnam Sustainable Leaders ETF - 33.81 1 -
PLND VanEck Vectors Poland ETF 1.44 % - 1 -
PLTM GraniteShares Platinum Shares E 2.87 % - 2 -
PLTY Tidal Trust II YieldMax PLTR Op - - 12 -
PMIO PGIM ETF Trust PGIM Municipal I - - - -
PMMF BlackRock ETF Trust - - - -
PMR Invesco Dynamic Retail ETF 0.70 % - 3 -
POWA Invesco Bloomberg Pricing Power - 29.23 - 2%
PPA Invesco Aerospace & Defense ETF 0.37 % 38.15 4 12%
PPDM PortfolioPlus Developed Markets ETF 1.83 % - 2 -
PPEM Putnam ETF Trust Putnam PanAgor - 11.70 1 -
PPLC PortfolioPlus S&P 500 ETF 2.03 % - 3 -
PPLT abrdn Physical Platinum Shares - - - -
PPMC PortfolioPlus S&P Mid Cap ETF 1.10 % - 2 -
PPSC PortfolioPlus S&P Small Cap ETF 1.30 % - 2 -
PPTY U.S. Diversified Real Estate ET 2.72 % 31.80 4 6%
PQDI Principal Spectrum Tax-Advantag 4.88 % - 12 -5%
PQIN PGIM Quant Solutions Strategic Alpha International Equity ETF 2.29 % - 4 -
PQLC PGIM ETF Trust - PGIM QMA Strategic Alpha Large-Cap Core ETF 1.14 % - 4 -
PQSG PGIM ETF Trust - PGIM QMA Strategic Alpha Small-Cap Growth ETF 0.78 % - 4 -
PQSV PGIM ETF Trust - PGIM QMA Strategic Alpha Small-Cap Value ETF 1.48 % - 4 -
PREF Principal Spectrum Preferred Se 3.90 % - 12 -2%
PRF Invesco FTSE RAFI US 1000 ETF 1.46 % 18.84 4 8%
PRFD PIMCO U.S. Treasury Index Fund - - 12 -
PSDN AdvisorShares Poseidon Dynamic Cannabis ETF - - - -
PSI Invesco Semiconductors ETF 0.31 % 30.39 4 24%
PSIL AdvisorShares Psychedelics ETF - - 4 -
PSJ Invesco Dynamic Software ETF 0.18 % 14.55 1 -
PSK SPDR ICE Preferred Securities E - - 12 -1%
PSP Invesco Global Listed Private E 7.31 % 19.53 4 30%
PSQ ProShares Short QQQ 0.32 % - 4 -
PSQA Palmer Square Funds Trust - - 4 -
PSQO Palmer Square Funds Trust - - 4 -
PSR Invesco Active U.S. Real Estate 2.29 % 33.33 4 2%
PST ProShares UltraShort Lehman 7-1 0.10 % - 4 -
PSY Defiance Next Gen Altered Experience ETF - - - -
PTBD Pacer Trendpilot US Bond ETF - - 12 30%
PTIN Pacer Trendpilot International - 15.80 1 30%
PTL Northern Lights Fund Trust IV I - 24.61 - -
PTRB PGIM ETF Trust PGIM Total Retur - - 12 -
PULS PGIM Ultra Short Bond ETF - - 12 30%
PULT Putnam ETF Trust Putnam ESG Ult - - - -
PUSH PGIM ETF Trust PGIM Ultra Short - - 12 -
PUTW WisdomTree PutWrite Strategy Fu 1.20 % - 12 -
PUW Invesco WilderHill Progressive Engy ETF 1.24 % - 3 -
PVAL Putnam Focused Large Cap Value 0.31 % 20.04 4 26%
PVI Invesco Floating Rate Municipal 0.00 % - 12 -
PWB Invesco Large Cap Growth ETF 0.07 % 39.22 4 30%
PWC Invesco Dynamic Market ETF 2.38 % 3.85 4 26%
PWV Invesco Large Cap Value ETF 1.44 % 18.97 4 6%
PWZ Invesco California AMT-Free Mun 2.30 % 127.42 12 2%
PXE Invesco Energy Exploration & Pr 1.31 % 9.04 4 30%
PXF Invesco FTSE RAFI Developed Mar 2.28 % 12.60 4 4%
PXH Invesco FTSE RAFI Emerging Mark 2.78 % 9.49 4 2%
PXJ Invesco Oil & Gas Services ETF 0.50 % 10.23 4 30%
PXLC PowerShares Fundamental Pure La 3.30 % 33.45 - -
PXLG Invesco S&P 500 GARP ETF 0.74 % - 4 22%
PXLV Invesco S&P 500 Value with Momentum ETF 2.79 % - 4 -6%
PXMV Invesco S&P MidCap Value with Momentum ETF 1.96 % 335.46 4 21%
PXQ Invesco Dynamic Networking ETF 0.17 % 30.89 2 30%
PXR Invesco Emerging Markets Infras ETF 0.05 % - 3 -
PXSG Invesco S&P SmallCap Momentum ETF 0.55 % 14.49 3 30%
PXSV Invesco S&P SmallCap Value with Momentum ETF 2.06 % - 4 18%
PYLD PIMCO U.S. Treasury Index Fund - - 12 -
PYPE UBS ETRACS NYSE Pickens Core Midstream Index ETN 7.05 % - 4 -2%
PYPY Tidal Trust II YieldMax PYPL Op - - 12 -
PZA Invesco National AMT-Free Munic 2.34 % - 12 1%
PZD Invesco MSCI Sustainable Future ETF 0.25 % - 2 -
PZI Invesco Zacks Micro Cap ETF 1.03 % - 3 -
PZT Invesco New York AMT-Free Munic 2.32 % - 12 0%
QAI NYLI Hedge Multi-Strategy Track - 19.41 1 30%
QARP Xtrackers Russell 1000 US Quali 1.31 % 23.37 4 7%
QDEF FlexShares Quality Dividend Def 1.88 % 23.02 4 2%
QDF FlexShares Quality Dividend Ind 1.84 % 24.17 4 2%
QDIV Global X S&P 500 Quality Divide 2.40 % 16.88 12 6%
QDPL Pacer Metaurus US Large Cap Div - 27.70 4 -
QDVO Amplify ETF Trust - 36.09 12 -
QDYN FlexShares Quality Dividend Dynamic Index Fund 1.75 % 12.47 4 4%
QED IQ Hedge Event-Driven Tracker ETF 4.37 % - 1 30%
QEFA SPDR MSCI EAFE StrategicFactors - 15.55 2 7%
QEMM SPDR MSCI Emerging Markets Stra 2.16 % 12.82 2 17%
QGRO American Century U.S. Quality G 0.33 % 33.43 4 8%
QGRW WisdomTree Trust WisdomTree U.S - 38.92 - -
QGTA IQ Leaders GTAA Tracker ETF 3.67 % - 3 -
QID ProShares UltraShort QQQ 0.97 % - 4 -
QIDX Spinnaker ETF Series - - - -
QINT American Century Quality Divers - 16.02 2 15%
QIS Simplify Exchange Traded Funds - - - -
QLD ProShares Ultra QQQ 0.00 % 33.14 4 -
QLS IQ Hedge Long/Short Tracker ETF 1.85 % - 1 30%
QLTA iShares Aaa A Rated Corporate B 2.02 % - 12 12%
QLV FlexShares US Quality Low Volat - 24.17 4 28%
QLVD FlexShares Developed Markets ex 2.52 % 16.50 4 2%
QLVE FlexShares Emerging Markets Qu 1.67 % 14.95 4 7%
QMJ Direxion S&P 500 High minus Low Quality ETF 1.02 % - 2 -
QMN IQ Hedge Market Neutral Tracker ETF 2.10 % 39.77 1 -
QPT AdvisorShares Q Portfolio Blended Allocation ETF - - - -
QPX AdvisorShares Q Dynamic Growth - 29.62 - -
QQH HCM Defender 100 Index ETF 0.16 % 34.19 1 -
QQQD Direxion Daily Magnificent 7 Be - - - -
QQQU Direxion Daily Magnificent 7 Bu - 42.40 - -
QRFT QRAFT AI-Enhanced U.S. Large Ca 1.47 % 27.76 4 30%
QSWN Amplify BlackSwan Tech & Treasury ETF - - 4 -
QSY WisdomTree U.S. Quality Shareholder Yield Fund 1.60 % - 4 17%
QULL ETRACS 2x Leveraged MSCI US Quality Factor TR ETN - - - -
QUS SPDR MSCI USA StrategicFactors 1.38 % 25.03 2 8%
QVM Arrow QVM Equity Factor ETF 2.90 % - 4 -
QVML Invesco S&P 500 QVM Multi-facto - 26.63 4 -
QVMM Invesco S&P MidCap 400 QVM Multi-factor ETF - 15.90 4 -
QVMS Invesco S&P SmallCap 600 QVM Mu - 17.71 4 -
QWLD SPDR MSCI World StrategicFactor 1.55 % 20.87 2 3%
RAAX VANECK REAL ASSETS ETF 5.07 % 19.17 1 18%
RAFE PIMCO RAFI ESG U.S. ETF 1.46 % 22.22 4 12%
RALS ProShares RAFI Long/Short 1.20 % - 4 -8%
RAVI FlexShares Ultra-Short Income F 0.70 % - 12 30%
RAYC Rayliant Quantamental China Equ - 12.61 1 -
RAYD The Advisors' Inner Circle Fund - 18.47 1 -
RAYE Rayliant Quantamental Emerging - 12.14 1 -
RBIN Nationwide Risk-Based International Equity ETF 1.70 % - 1 -
RBL SPDR S&P Russia ETF - - - -
RBND SPDR Bloomberg SASB Corporate Bond ESG Select ETF 1.73 % - 9 -
RBUS Nationwide Risk-Based U.S. Equity ETF 1.14 % - 1 -
RCD Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Consumer Discretionary ETF 0.37 % 17.72 4 10%
RDIV Invesco Exchange-Traded Fund Tr 4.59 % 16.72 4 9%
RDMX SPDR Bloomberg SASB Developed Markets Ex US ESG Select ETF - 13.60 - -
RDOG ALPS ETF Trust ALPS REIT Divide 3.90 % 25.89 4 14%
RECS Columbia Research Enhanced Core - 24.82 1 -24%
REET iShares Trust iShares Global RE - 28.13 4 2%
REK ProShares Short Real Estate 0.07 % - 4 -
REKT Direxion Shares ETF Trust Direx - - - -
REML Credit Suisse X-Links Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Mortgage REIT ETN 15.43 % - 12 -
REMX VanEck Rare Earth and Strategic - 19.50 1 -
RESI Kelly Residential & Apartment Real Estate ETF 0.92 % 18.33 4 -
RESP WisdomTree U.S. ESG Fund 1.11 % 20.75 4 2%
RETL Direxion Daily Retail Bull 3X S 0.01 % 14.87 4 30%
REVS Columbia Research Enhanced Valu 21.82 % 17.53 1 30%
REW ProShares UltraShort Technology 0.30 % - 4 -
REZ iShares Residential and Multise 1.97 % 39.45 4 0%
RFCI RiverFront Dynamic Core Income 1.83 % - 12 17%
RFDA RiverFront Dynamic US Dividend 1.34 % 19.54 12 25%
RFFC ALPS Active Equity Opportunity 0.92 % 27.53 4 17%
RFG Invesco S&P Midcap 400 Pure Gro 0.05 % 16.68 4 30%
RFLR Innovator ETFs Trust - 17.44 - -
RFUN ALPS ETF Trust - Riverfront Dynamic Unconstrained Income ETF 3.95 % - 11 -
RFV Invesco S&P Midcap 400 Pure Val 1.19 % 12.94 4 5%
RGI Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Industrials ETF 0.69 % 23.58 4 2%
RHRX RH Tactical Rotation ETF - 28.86 - -
RHS Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Consumer Staples ETF 2.07 % 22.45 4 10%
RHTX RH Tactical Outlook ETF - 23.92 - -
RIET Hoya Capital High Dividend Yiel 0.54 % 14.09 12 -
RIGS RiverFront Strategic Income Fun 2.54 % - 12 0%
RIGZ Viridi Bitcoin Miners ETF - - - -
RILA Spinnaker ETF Series - - - -
RINC Investment Managers Series Trus - 8.79 12 -
RINF ProShares Inflation Expectation - - 4 30%
RIOX Tidal Trust II - - - -
RISE Sit Rising Rate ETF - - - -
RISN Inspire Tactical Balanced ETF 4.19 % 19.04 4 -14%
RISR FolioBeyond Alternative Income - - 12 -
RITA ETF Series Solutions ETFB Green - 32.72 4 -
RJA ELEMENTS Linked to the Rogers International Commodity Index - Agriculture Total Return - - - -
RJI ELEMENTS Linked to the Rogers International Commodity Index - Total Return - - - -
RJN ELEMENTS Linked to the Rogers International Commodity Index - Energy Total Return - - - -
RJZ ELEMENTS Linked to the Rogers International Commodity Index - Metals Total Return - - - -
RLY SPDR SSgA Multi Asset Real Retu 2.02 % 16.72 4 0%
RMCA Tidal Trust III - - - -
RMNY Tidal Trust III - - - -
RMOP Tidal Trust III - - 12 -
ROAM Hartford Multifactor Emerging M - 8.20 2 2%
ROBO Exchange Traded Concepts Trust - 24.30 1 -
RODM Hartford Multifactor Developed 3.18 % 13.90 2 5%
ROKT SPDR S&P Kensho Final Frontiers 1.74 % 28.07 4 12%
ROM ProShares Ultra Technology 0.05 % 37.24 4 -
ROOF NYLI CBRE NextGen Real Estate E - 26.98 4 -12%
RORE Hartford Multifactor REIT ETF 2.20 % - 3 -
RORO ATAC US Rotation ETF - 31.02 4 -
ROSC Hartford Multifactor Small Cap 1.28 % 14.57 4 7%
ROUS Hartford Multifactor U.S. Equit - 20.07 4 7%
RPAR RPAR Risk Parity ETF 1.02 % 16.96 4 2%
RPG Invesco S&P 500 Pure Growth ETF - 27.11 4 30%
RPV Invesco S&P 500 Pure Value ETF - 12.65 4 6%
RRH Advocate Rising Rate Hedge ETF - 3.68 1 -
RSMV Listed Funds Trust - - - -
RSP Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight ET 1.14 % 20.90 4 8%
RSPA Invesco Actively Managed Exchan - 21.49 12 -
RSPC Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Co - 19.24 4 -1%
RSPD Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Co - 17.53 4 10%
RSPE Invesco ESG S&P 500 Equal Weigh - 22.58 4 -
RSPF Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Fi - 17.88 4 6%
RSPG Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight En - 12.72 4 25%
RSPH Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight He - 27.45 4 10%
RSPM Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Ma - 17.66 4 10%
RSPN Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight In - 25.43 4 14%
RSPR Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Re - 33.23 4 -2%
RSPS Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Co - 20.64 4 -9%
RSPT Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Te - 30.17 4 2%
RSPU Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Ut - 19.81 4 4%
RSPY Revere Sector Opportunity ETF - 23.16 1 -
RSSE First Trust Exchange-Traded Fun - - - -
RSSL Global X Funds - 17.72 4 -
RTM Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Materials ETF 1.34 % 12.40 4 15%
RTR Oppenheimer ADR Revenue ETF - - - -
RUFF Alpha Dog ETF - 34.59 1 -
RUSL Direxion Daily Russia Bull 2X Shares 1.04 % - 2 -
RVNU Xtrackers Municipal Infrastruct 2.19 % - 12 3%
RWCD Direxion MSCI Cyclicals Over Defensives ETF 1.02 % - 2 -
RWDC Direxion MSCI Defensives Over Cyclicals ETF 2.42 % - 2 -
RWDE Direxion MSCI Developed Over Emerging Markets ETF 2.21 % - 1 -
RWED Direxion MSCI Emerging Over Developed Markets ETF 2.62 % - 1 -
RWGV Direxion Russell 1000 Growth Over Value ETF 0.12 % - 2 -
RWIU Direxion FTSE Russell International Over US ETF 2.27 % - 2 -
RWJ Invesco Exchange-Traded Fund Tr 0.50 % 14.11 4 23%
RWK Invesco Exchange-Traded Fund Tr 0.80 % 16.81 4 15%
RWL Invesco Exchange-Traded Fund Tr 1.35 % 19.07 4 7%
RWLS Direxion Russell Large Over Small Cap ETF 1.18 % - 1 -
RWM ProShares Short Russell2000 0.24 % - 4 -
RWO SPDR DJ Wilshire Global Real Es 2.57 % 28.22 4 -2%
RWR SPDR DJ Wilshire REIT ETF 3.38 % 34.35 4 2%
RWSL Direxion Russell Small Over Large Cap ETF 1.23 % - 1 -
RWUI Direxion FTSE Russell US Over International ETF 1.64 % - 1 -
RWV Oppenheimer Navellier Ovrl A100 Revn ETF - - - -
RWVG Direxion Russell 1000 Value Over Growth ETF 0.97 % - 2 -
RWW Invesco S&P Financials Revenue ETF 6.90 % - 5 28%
RWX SPDR DJ Wilshire Intl Real Esta 2.56 % 19.19 4 -12%
RWXL UBS ETRACS M Py 2xLvg DJ Intl RelEst ETN - - - -
RXD ProShares UltraShort Health Car 0.18 % - 4 -
RXI iShares Global Consumer Discret 0.63 % 19.47 2 8%
RXL ProShares Ultra Health Care 0.10 % 36.13 4 30%
RYE Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Energy ETF 1.95 % 7.01 4 23%
RYF Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Financials ETF 1.47 % 15.20 4 12%
RYH Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Health Care ETF 0.44 % 21.68 4 20%
RYJ Invesco Raymond James SB-1 Equity ETF 0.22 % 14.93 1 30%
RYLD Global X Russell 2000 Covered Call ETF 10.75 % 11.30 12 -
RYLG Global X Funds Global X Russell - 18.02 12 -
RYT Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Technology ETF 0.66 % 25.56 4 10%
RYU Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Utilities ETF 2.59 % 19.52 4 16%
RYZZ RYZZ Managed Futures Strategy Plus ETF 9.01 % - - -
RZG Invesco S&P Smallcap 600 Pure G 0.23 % 19.89 4 30%
RZV Invesco S&P Smallcap 600 Pure V 0.65 % 10.03 4 19%
SAA ProShares Ultra SmallCap600 0.02 % 17.98 4 -
SAEF Schwab Strategic Trust Schwab A - 1.92 4 -
SAVN LifeGoal Conservative Wealth Builder ETF 0.13 % 14.33 8 -
SBB ProShares Short SmallCap600 0.05 % - 4 -
SBIO ALPS Medical Breakthroughs ETF - - 1 -
SBIT ProShares Trust ProShares Ultra - - 12 -
SBM ProShares Short Basic Materials 0.04 % - 2 -
SBND Columbia Short Duration Bond ET - - 12 -
SBUG iPath Silver ETN - - - -
SBV iPath® Pure Beta S&P GSCI®-Weighted ETN - - - -
SCAP Series Portfolios Trust InfraCa - 14.20 1 -
SCC ProShares UltraShort Consumer D 0.07 % - 4 -
SCCR Schwab Strategic Trust - - - -
SCDL ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Dividend Factor TR ETN - - - -
SCHA Schwab U.S. Small-Cap ETF 0.94 % 18.39 4 9%
SCHB Schwab U.S. Broad Market ETF 1.14 % 26.04 4 6%
SCHC Schwab International Small-Cap 1.90 % 14.59 2 20%
SCHD Schwab US Dividend Equity ETF - 18.40 4 10%
SCHE Schwab Emerging Markets Equity - 13.75 2 1%
SCHF Schwab International Equity ETF - 15.67 2 5%
SCHG Schwab U.S. Large-Cap Growth ET - 38.55 4 6%
SCHH Schwab U.S. REIT ETF - 31.56 4 12%
SCHI Schwab 5-10 Year Corporate Bond 1.94 % - 12 22%
SCHJ Schwab 1-5 Year Corporate Bond 1.85 % - 12 30%
SCHK Schwab 1000 Index ETF - 26.46 4 5%
SCHM Schwab U.S. Mid Cap ETF 1.05 % 19.12 4 8%
SCHO Schwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury - 19.62 12 30%
SCHP Schwab U.S. TIPs ETF 3.61 % - 12 11%
SCHQ Schwab Long-Term U.S. Treasury 1.63 % - 12 19%
SCHR Schwab Intermediate-Term U.S. T 1.00 % 40.53 12 24%
SCHV Schwab U.S. Large-Cap Value ETF 1.89 % 20.63 4 28%
SCHX Schwab U.S. Large-Cap ETF 1.16 % 26.75 4 4%
SCHY Schwab International Dividend E - 13.72 4 -
SCHZ Schwab US Aggregate Bond ETF 2.17 % - 12 10%
SCID Global X Scientific Beta Europe ETF 1.85 % - 1 -
SCIF VanEck Vectors India Small-Cap Index ETF 1.89 % - 1 -
SCIJ Global X Scientific Beta Japan ETF 3.43 % - 1 -
SCIN Columbia India Small Cap ETF 1.16 % 14.86 2 -
SCIU Global X Scientific Beta US ETF 3.10 % - 1 -
SCIX Global X Scientific Beta Asia ex-Japan ETF 4.75 % - 1 -
SCJ iShares MSCI Japan Sm Cap - 13.33 2 11%
SCMB Schwab Strategic Trust Schwab M - - 12 -
SCO ProShares UltraShort Bloomberg - - - -
SCPB SPDR Blmbg Barclays ST Corp Bd ETF - 57.24 12 -
SCRD Janus Henderson Sustainable Corporate Bond ETF 0.26 % - 12 -
SCUS Schwab Strategic Trust - - - -
SCYB Schwab Strategic Trust Schwab H - - 12 -
SDAG IQ Short Duration Enhanced Core Bond U.S. ETF 2.53 % - 9 -
SDCI USCF SummerHaven Dynamic Commod 8.74 % - 4 26%
SDCP Virtus ETF Trust II Virtus Newf - - - -
SDD ProShares UltraShort SmallCap60 0.22 % - 4 -
SDEF Sound Enhanced Fixed Income ETF 1.70 % 16.62 24 -
SDEI Sound Equity Income ETF 1.16 % 10.73 24 -
SDEM Global X MSCI SuperDividend Eme 6.59 % 6.55 12 -10%
SDFI AB Active ETFs, Inc. - - 12 -
SDGA Impact Shares Sustainable Development Goals Global Equity ETF 1.56 % 15.15 3 -
SDIV Global X SuperDividend ETF - 7.72 12 -10%
SDOG ALPS Sector Dividend Dogs ETF 3.36 % 17.49 4 5%
SDOW UltraPro Short Dow30 0.67 % - 4 -
SDP ProShares UltraShort Utilities 0.13 % - 4 -
SDS ProShares UltraShort S&P500 0.68 % - 4 -
SDY SPDR S&P Dividend ETF - 21.46 4 2%
SDYL UBS ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged S&P Dividend ETN 5.31 % - 12 -
SEA ETF Series Solutions U.S. Globa 5.41 % 5.03 1 -
SECR IndexIQ Active ETF Trust - - - -
SEF ProShares Short Financials 0.14 % - 4 -
SEIX Virtus Seix Senior Loan ETF 3.13 % - 12 30%
SEMI Columbia Semiconductor and Tech - 39.54 1 -
SENT AdvisorShares Alpha DNA Equity Sentiment ETF - 13.22 - -
SETH ProShares Trust ProShares Short - - 12 -
SFLR Innovator ETFs Trust Innovator - 27.35 4 -
SFY SoFi Select 500 ETF 0.90 % 31.87 2 12%
SFYF SoFi Social 50 ETF 0.20 % 33.27 2 30%
SFYX SoFi Next 500 ETF 1.01 % 21.61 2 13%
SGDJ Sprott Junior Gold Miners ETF - 20.13 1 30%
SGDM Sprott Gold Miners ETF 0.31 % 25.91 1 12%
SGG iPath Series B Bloomberg Sugar Subindex Total Return ETN - - - -
SGOL abrdn Physical Gold Shares ETF - - - -
SGOV iShares 0-3 Month Treasury Bond 0.03 % - 12 30%
SH ProShares Short S&P500 - - 4 -
SHE SPDR MSCI USA Gender Diversity 0.91 % 26.56 4 4%
SHFT SoFi Smart Energy ETF - - - -
SHLD Global X Funds Global X Defense 6.31 % 26.94 2 -
SHM SPDR Nuveen Bloomberg Short Ter 0.91 % 50.75 12 23%
SHUS Syntax Stratified U.S. Total Market Hedged ETF - 16.33 1 -
SHYG iShares 0-5 Year High Yield Cor - 16.62 12 7%
SHYL Xtrackers Short Duration High Y 5.08 % - 12 8%
SIFI Harbor Scientific Alpha Income ETF 0.30 % 16.42 5 -
SIHY Harbor Scientific Alpha High-Yi - - 12 -
SIJ ProShares UltraShort Industrial 0.49 % - 4 -
SIL Global X Silver Miners ETF - 23.97 2 30%
SILJ Amplify ETF Trust Amplify Junio 1.47 % 0.83 1 30%
SILX ETFMG Prime 2x Daily Junior Silver Miners ETF - - - -
SIMS SPDR S&P Kensho Intelligent Str 0.82 % 24.03 4 -2%
SINV ETFMG Prime 2x Daily Inverse Junior Silver Miners ETF - - - -
SIVR abrdn Physical Silver Shares ET - - - -
SIXA ETC 6 Meridian Mega Cap Equity 1.56 % 18.88 12 8%
SIXG Defiance Connective Technologies ETF - 34.78 4 -7%
SIXH ETC 6 Meridian Hedged Equity In 1.53 % 19.76 12 29%
SIXL ETC 6 Meridian Low Beta Equity 0.60 % 19.51 12 30%
SIXO AllianzIM U.S. Large Cap 6 Mont - 27.71 - -
SIXS ETC 6 Meridian Small Cap Equity 0.63 % 12.76 12 7%
SIXZ AIM ETF Products Trust - - - -
SIZE iShares MSCI USA Size Factor ET 1.18 % 21.60 4 11%
SJB ProShares Short High Yield 0.07 % - 4 -
SJNK SPDR Bloomberg Short Term High - 0.92 12 12%
SKF ProShares UltraShort Financials 0.13 % - 4 -
SLDR Global X Funds - - - -
SLV iShares Silver Trust - -5.92 - -
SLX VanEck Steel ETF - 10.91 1 6%
SLY SPDR S&P 600 Small Cap ETF 1.08 % 12.16 4 4%
SLYG SPDR S&P 600 Small Cap Growth E 0.54 % 21.55 4 16%
SLYV SPDR S&P 600 Small Cap Value ET 1.05 % 15.08 4 16%
SMCY Tidal Trust II - - 12 -
SMDD UltraPro Short MidCap400 0.18 % - 4 -
SMDY Syntax Stratified MidCap - 15.99 1 -
SMEZ SPDR EURO STOXX Small Cap ETF 1.65 % - 2 -
SMHB ETRACS Monthly Pay 2x Leveraged 11.78 % - 12 13%
SMHD UBS ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged US Small Cap High Dividend ETN - - 10 -
SMIG Bahl & Gaynor Small/Mid Cap Inc 0.10 % 22.21 12 -
SMLE Xtrackers S&P SmallCap 600 ESG 0.35 % 14.61 4 -
SMLF iShares U.S. Small-Cap Equity F 0.99 % 18.14 4 12%
SMLL Direxion Daily Small Cap Bull 2X Shares 0.76 % - 2 -
SMLV SPDR SSGA US Small Cap Low Vola 2.30 % 14.88 4 8%
SMMU Short Term Municipal Bond Activ - 32.20 12 30%
SMN ProShares UltraShort Materials 0.19 % - 4 -
SMOG VanEck Low Carbon Energy ETF - 18.03 1 30%
SNOY Tidal Trust II - - 12 -
SNPE Xtrackers S&P 500 ESG ETF 1.07 % 29.25 4 11%
SOIL Global X Fertilizers/Potash ETF 1.00 % - 1 -
SOXL Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bu 0.03 % 33.43 4 30%
SOXS Direxion Daily Semiconductor Be 5.34 % - 4 -
SOYB Teucrium Soybean Fund ETV - - - -
SPAB SPDR Portfolio Aggregate Bond E - - 12 4%
SPAK Defiance Next Gen SPAC Derived ETF - - - -
SPAX Robinson Alternative Yield Pre- - 33.69 4 -
SPBO SPDR Portfolio Corporate Bond E - - 12 11%
SPBW AIM ETF Products Trust - - - -
SPBX AIM ETF Products Trust - - - -
SPD Simplify Exchange Traded Funds 0.22 % 26.50 4 21%
SPDG SPDR Series Trust SPDR Portfoli - 23.92 4 -
SPDN Direxion Daily S&P 500 Bear 1X - - 4 -
SPDV AAM S&P 500 High Dividend Value 2.85 % 16.97 12 4%
SPDW SPDR Portfolio Developed World - 16.40 2 4%
SPEM SPDR Index Shares Fund SPDR Por - 13.69 2 -1%
SPEU SPDR Portfolio Europe ETF 2.51 % 15.91 4 4%
SPFF Global X SuperIncome Preferred 5.61 % - 12 -4%
SPGM SPDR Portfolio MSCI Global Stoc 1.50 % 21.34 2 7%
SPGP Invesco S&P 500 GARP ETF 0.69 % 14.32 4 26%
SPHB Invesco S&P 500 High Beta ETF 0.99 % 26.05 4 8%
SPHD Invesco S&P 500 High Dividend L 3.60 % 19.57 12 2%
SPHQ Invesco S&P 500 Quality ETF - 29.47 4 7%
SPHY SPDR Portfolio High Yield Bond - 60.57 12 7%
SPIB SPDR Portfolio Intermediate Ter - - 12 20%
SPIP SPDR Portfolio TIPS ETF 3.85 % - 12 8%
SPLB SPDR Portfolio Long Term Corpor - - 12 2%
SPLG SPDR Portfolio S&P 500 ETF 1.22 % 26.89 4 6%
SPLV Invesco S&P 500 Low Volatility - 22.48 12 10%
SPMB SPDR Portfolio Mortgage Backed 2.63 % - 12 4%
SPMD SPDR Portfolio S&P 400 Mid Cap - 19.89 4 6%
SPMO Invesco S&P 500 Momentum ETF 0.58 % 27.20 4 25%
SPQ Simplify Exchange Traded Funds - 28.16 - -
SPRE SP Funds S&P Global REIT Sharia 2.08 % 29.34 12 -
SPSB SPDR Portfolio Short Term Corpo 1.14 % - 12 26%
SPSK Tidal ETF Trust SP Funds Dow Jo 2.52 % - 12 11%
SPSM SPDR Portfolio S&P 600 Small Ca 1.09 % 15.10 4 12%
SPTB SPDR Series Trust - - 12 -
SPTE SP Funds Trust SP Funds S&P Glo - 35.61 12 -
SPTI SPDR Portfolio Intermediate Ter - - 12 30%
SPTL SPDR Portfolio Long Term Treasu 1.66 % - 12 4%
SPTM SPDR Portfolio S&P 1500 Composi 0.99 % 27.07 4 6%
SPTS SPDR Portfolio Short Term Treas 0.21 % - 12 30%
SPUC Simplify Exchange Traded Funds 0.23 % 27.87 4 -16%
SPUS SP Funds S&P 500 Sharia Industr 0.95 % 33.15 12 4%
SPUU Direxion Daily S&P 500 Bull 2X 5.16 % 29.13 4 7%
SPVM Invesco S&P 500 Value with Mome 1.43 % 14.00 4 11%
SPVU Invesco S&P 500 Enhanced Value - 12.83 4 10%
SPWO SP Funds Trust SP Funds S&P Wor - 21.20 12 -
SPXB ProShares S&P 500 Bond ETF 2.04 % - 12 -1%
SPXE ProShares S&P 500 Ex-Energy ETF 0.99 % 28.88 4 10%
SPXL Direxion Daily S&P 500 Bull 3X 0.11 % 27.34 4 30%
SPXN ProShares S&P 500 Ex-Financials 0.96 % 29.97 4 10%
SPXS Direxion Daily S&P 500 Bear 3X 0.62 % - 4 -
SPXT ProShares S&P 500 Ex-Technology 1.24 % 23.97 4 8%
SPXU ProShares UltraPro Short S&P500 - - 4 -
SPXV ProShares S&P 500 Ex-Health Car 1.11 % 27.12 4 3%
SPXZ Morgan Creek - Exos SPAC Originated ETF - - 1 -
SPY SPDR S&P 500 0.96 % 26.88 4 6%
SPYB SPDR S&P 500 Buyback ETF 2.58 % - 4 -
SPYC Simplify Exchange Traded Funds 0.38 % 25.85 4 9%
SPYD SPDR Series Trust SPDR Portfoli 4.80 % 19.64 4 4%
SPYG SPDR Series Trust SPDR Portfoli 0.50 % 34.14 4 6%
SPYT Tidal Trust II Defiance S&P 500 - 27.20 12 -
SPYV SPDR Series Trust SPDR Portfoli 1.58 % 23.05 4 10%
SPYX SPDR S&P 500 Fossil Fuel Reserv 1.04 % 28.53 4 6%
SQEW LeaderShares Equity Skew ETF - 16.44 1 30%
SQY Tidal Trust II YieldMax SQ Opti - - 12 -
SRLN SPDR Blackstone Senior Loan ETF - - 12 16%
SROI Calamos ETF Trust Calamos Antet - - - -
SRS ProShares UltraShort Real Estat 0.22 % - 4 -
SRTY ProShares UltraPro Short Russel 1.77 % - 4 -
SRVR Pacer Data & Infrastructure Rea 1.33 % 34.05 4 19%
SSFI Day Hagan/Ned Davis Research Sm - 60.65 4 -
SSG ProShares UltraShort Semiconduc 0.45 % - 4 -
SSLY Syntax Stratified SmallCap ETF - 11.99 1 -
SSO ProShares Ultra S&P500 0.17 % 28.71 4 30%
SSPX Janus Henderson U.S. Sustainable Equity ETF - 31.26 4 -
SSPY Exchange Listed Funds Trust Str 1.29 % 20.51 1 -8%
SSUS Day Hagan/Ned Davis Research Sm - 25.69 1 23%
STBL DriveWealth Steady Saver ETF 0.65 % - 7 -
STIP iShares 0-5 Year TIPS Bond ETF - 42.79 12 10%
STPZ PIMCO 1-5 Year U.S. TIPS Index 3.26 % 22.45 12 10%
SUB iShares Short-Term National Mun 0.79 % - 12 22%
SUBS Fount Subscription Economy ETF - 26.47 2 -
SUNY LifeGoal Vacation Investment ET 0.13 % - - -
SUPL ProShares Trust ProShares Suppl - 17.17 - -
SURE AdvisorShares Insider Advantage - 16.91 - -1%
SURI Simplify Exchange Traded Funds - - - -
SUSA iShares MSCI USA ESG Select ETF - 32.55 4 8%
SVOL Simplify Volatility Premium ETF 16.49 % 26.74 12 -
SWAN Amplify ETF Trust Amplify Black 1.37 % - 4 12%
SWAR Direxion Daily S&P Expanded Tech Software Sector Bull 2X Shares - 41.16 - -
SXQG ETC 6 Meridian Quality Growth E - 31.55 12 -
SXUS Janus Henderson International Sustainable Equity ETF - 23.30 4 -
SYE SPDR MFS Systematic Core Equity ETF 1.26 % - 4 -
SYFI AB Active ETFs, Inc. - - 12 -
SYG SPDR MFS Systematic Growth Equity ETF 0.49 % - 4 -
SYUS Syntax Stratified U.S. Total Ma - 20.24 1 -
SYV SPDR MFS Systematic Value Equity ETF 1.89 % - 4 -
SZK ProShares UltraShort Consumer S 0.20 % - 4 -
SZNE Pacer CFRA-Stovall Equal Weight 0.78 % 21.95 4 12%
TAAG Trend Aggregation Growth ETF - - 1 -
TACE Trend Aggregation Conservative - - - -
TADS The Active Dividend Stock ETF 8.63 % - 3 -
TAFI AB Active ETFs, Inc. AB Tax-Awa - - 12 -
TAFL AB Active ETFs, Inc. AB Tax-Awa - - - -
TAFM AB Active ETFs, Inc. AB Tax-Awa - - - -
TAGG T. Rowe Price QM U.S. Bond ETF - 34.21 12 -
TAGS Teucrium Agricultural Fund ETV - - - -
TAN Invesco Solar ETF 0.09 % 15.58 1 -
TAO Invesco China Real Estate ETF 3.93 % - 1 -
TAWK Direxion Daily Communication Services Index Bull 3X Shares 0.08 % - - -
TAXF American Century Diversified Mu - - 12 16%
TAXX BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx I - - 12 -
TBF ProShares Short 20+ Year Treasu - - 4 -
TBG EA Series Trust TBG Dividend Fo - 22.76 - -
TBLL Invesco Short Term Treasury ETF - - 12 30%
TBND Tactical Income ETF 2.74 % - 1 -
TBT ProShares UltraShort Lehman 20 - - 4 -
TBUX T. Rowe Price Ultra Short-Term - 34.10 12 -
TBX ProShares Short 7 10 Year Treas 0.09 % - 4 -
TCAF T. Rowe Price Exchange-Traded F - 33.92 - -
TCHP T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth - - - -
TDTF FlexShares iBoxx 5 Year Target 3.97 % - 12 14%
TDTT FlexShares iBoxx 3 Year Target 3.97 % - 12 30%
TDVG T. Rowe Price Dividend Growth E 0.80 % - 4 15%
TECB iShares U.S. Tech Breakthrough 0.41 % 35.76 4 22%
TECL Direxion Technology Bull 3X Sha 0.24 % 35.91 4 30%
TECS Direxion Technology Bear 3X Sha 1.67 % - 4 -
TEMP JPMorgan Climate Change Solutions ETF - 18.41 1 -
TENG Direxion Daily 5G Communications Bull 2X Shares - - 3 -
TEQI T. Rowe Price Equity Income ETF 1.15 % - 4 -11%
TERM EquityCompass Tactical Risk Manager ETF 1.31 % - 4 -
TFI SPDR Nuveen Bloomberg Municipal 1.88 % 822.22 12 11%
TFLO iShares Treasury Floating Rate 0.01 % - 12 30%
TFLR T. Rowe Price Exchange-Traded F - - 12 -
TGIF SoFi Weekly Income ETF 2.34 % - 43 30%
TGRT T. Rowe Price Exchange-Traded F - 39.37 - -
TGRW T. Rowe Price Growth Stock ETF - 40.32 1 -
THCX AXS Cannabis ETF 0.39 % - 2 30%
THD iShares Inc iShares MSCI Thaila - 15.36 2 -3%
THNQ ROBO Global Artificial Intellig - 41.28 - -
THNR Amplify ETF Trust - 31.07 1 -
THTA Tidal ETF Trust SoFi Enhanced Y - 27.18 12 -
THY Toews Agility Shares Dynamic Ta 4.23 % 11.47 12 30%
THYF T. Rowe Price Exchange-Traded F - 20.83 12 -
TIME Tidal Trust II Clockwise Core E - 34.19 1 -
TINT ProShares Smart Materials ETF - - 4 -
TINY ProShares Nanotechnology ETF - 23.82 4 -
TIP iShares TIPS Bond ETF 1.17 % 11.93 12 10%
TIPX SPDR Bloomberg 1-10 Year TIPS E - - 12 8%
TIPZ PIMCO Broad U.S. TIPS Index Exc 3.32 % - 12 13%
TLDH FlexShares Currency Hedged Morningstar DM ex-US Factor Tilt Index Fund 8.17 % - 4 -
TLEH FlexShares Currency Hedged Morningstar EM Factor Tilt Index Fund 1.77 % - 4 -
TLH iShares 10-20 Year Treasury Bon - - 12 18%
TLO SPDR Blmbg Barclays Long Term Trs ETF 7.12 % 20.83 12 -
TLTD FlexShares Morningstar Develope - 12.17 4 10%
TLTE FlexShares Morningstar Emerging - 10.62 4 3%
TMF Direxion Daily 20-Yr Treasury B 2.58 % - 4 30%
TMSL T. Rowe Price Exchange-Traded F - 19.02 - -
TMV Direxion Daily 20-Year Treasury 0.25 % - 4 -
TNA Direxion Small Cap Bull 3X Shar 0.01 % 20.67 4 30%
TOAK Manager Directed Portfolios - 27.32 - -
TOGA Managed Portfolio Series - 25.43 - -
TOK iShares MSCI Kokusai ETF 1.39 % 24.98 2 11%
TOLZ ProShares DJ Brookfield Global 3.25 % 18.94 4 4%
TOPT iShares Trust - 31.42 4 -
TOTL SPDR DoubleLine Total Return Ta - - 12 10%
TOTR T. Rowe Price Total Return ETF - 1.83 12 -
TOUS T. Rowe Price Exchange-Traded F - 16.01 - -
TPAY Ecofin Digital Payments Infrastructure Fund 0.24 % - 1 -
TPHD Timothy Plan High Dividend Stoc - 17.44 12 9%
TPHE Timothy Plan High Dividend Stoc - 17.44 12 -
TPIF Timothy Plan International ETF - 16.15 12 14%
TPLC Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap C 0.64 % 21.37 12 15%
TPLE Timothy Plan US Large/Mid Cap C 0.06 % 22.07 12 -
TPOR Direxion Daily Transportation B 0.02 % 23.32 4 -
TPSC Timothy Plan US Small Cap Core 1.06 % 18.31 12 -1%
TPYP Tortoise North American Pipelin 4.46 % 19.28 4 6%
TRND Pacer Trendpilot Fund of Funds 0.53 % 22.20 1 30%
TRPL Pacer Metaurus US Large Cap Dividend Multiplier 300 ETF - 22.66 4 -
TRYP SonicShares Airlines, Hotels, Cruise Lines ETF - - - -
TSLY Tidal ETF Trust II YieldMax TSL - - 12 -
TSMY Tidal Trust II - - 12 -
TSPA T. Rowe Price U.S. Equity Resea - - 1 -
TTFS AdvisorShares Wilshire Buyback ETF 0.69 % - 154 -
TTT ProShares UltraPro Short 20 Yea 0.19 % - 4 -
TUA Simplify Exchange Traded Funds - - 12 -
TUZ PIMCO 1-3 Year U.S. Treasury Index Exchange-Traded Fund 1.84 % - 12 -
TVAL T. Rowe Price Exchange-Traded F - 22.14 - -
TWIO Spinnaker ETF Series Trajan Wea 0.79 % 18.55 4 -
TWM ProShares UltraShort Russell200 - - 4 -
TYBS Direxion Daily 20+ Year Treasury Bear 1X Shares 1.71 % - 2 -
TYD Direxion Daily 10-Yr Treasury B 11.09 % - 4 -
TYLG Global X Funds Global X Informa - 37.08 12 -
TYNE Direxion Nanotechnology ETF - - - -
TYO Direxion Daily 10-Yr Treasury B 0.31 % - 4 -
TZA Direxion Small Cap Bear 3X Shar 2.23 % - 4 -
TZO iShares Target Date 2035 ETF - - - -
UAG UBS ETRACS CMCI Agriculture Total Return ETN - - - -
UAUD Citigroup ETNs linked to the VelocityShares Daily 4X Long AUD vs. USD Index - - - -
UBCB UBC Algorithmic Fundamentals ETF - 24.52 - -
UBG UBS ETRACS CMCI Gold Total Return ETN - - 2 -
UBOT Direxion Daily Robotics, Artifi - 35.02 4 -
UBR ProShares Ultra MSCI Brazil Cap 0.09 % - 4 -
UBT ProShares Ultra 20+ Year Treasu 0.36 % - 4 -
UCC ProShares Ultra Consumer Discre 0.02 % 29.08 4 -
UCHF Citigroup ETNs linked to the VelocityShares Daily 4X Long CHF vs. USD Index - - - -
UCI UBS ETRACS CMCI Total Return ETN - - - -
UCIB ETRACS UBS Bloomberg Constant M - - - -
UCO ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Crude - - - -
UCON First Trust TCW Unconstrained P - - 12 20%
UDI USCF ETF Trust USCF Dividend In - 21.07 - -
UDN Invesco DB USD Index Bearish ET - - 1 -
UDOW ProShares UltraPro Dow30 0.16 % 27.45 4 30%
UEUR Citigroup ETNs linked to the VelocityShares Daily 4X Long EUR vs. USD Index - - - -
UGA United States Gasoline Fund LP - - - -
UGAZ VelocityShares 3x Long Natural Gas ETN Linked to the S&P GSCI Natural Gas Index ER - - - -
UGBP Citigroup ETNs linked to the VelocityShares Daily 4X Long GBP vs. USD Index - - - -
UGCE Uncommon Portfolio Design Core Equity ETF - - 3 -
UGE ProShares Ultra Consumer Staple 0.18 % 23.20 4 28%
UGL ProShares Ultra Gold - - - -
UJB ProShares Ultra High Yield ETF 2.23 % - 4 30%
UJPY Citigroup ETNs linked to the VelocityShares Daily 4X Long JPY vs. USD Index - - - -
UKW ProShares Ultra Russell MidCap - - - -
ULE ProShares Ultra Euro - - 2 -
ULST SPDR SSgA Ultra Short Term Bond 0.59 % - 12 30%
ULTR IQ Ultra Short Duration ETF - - 12 30%
ULTY Tidal Trust II YieldMax Ultra O - 31.10 12 -
UMDD UltraPro MidCap400 0.01 % 21.20 4 30%
UMI USCF Midstream Energy Income Fu 0.90 % 19.26 4 30%
UNG United States Natural Gas Fund - -12.26 - -
UNL United States 12 Month Natural - - - -
UPAR Tidal ETF Trust UPAR Ultra Risk - 16.84 4 -
UPGD Invesco Bloomberg Analyst Ratin - 21.10 - 30%
UPRO ProShares UltraPro S&P 500 - 28.77 4 30%
UPV ProShares Ultra FTSE Europe 0.13 % - 4 -
UPW ProShares Ultra Utilities 1.21 % 21.10 4 16%
URA Global X Uranium ETF - 22.48 2 30%
URAA Direxion Shares ETF Trust Direx - 13.28 - -
URAX Tidal Trust II - 23.41 12 -
URE ProShares Ultra Real Estate 0.50 % 34.22 4 18%
URNM Sprott Uranium Miners ETF - 9.17 1 -
URTH iShares, Inc. iShares MSCI Worl - 24.19 2 4%
URTY ProShares UltraPro Russell2000 0.00 % 19.21 4 -
USAI Pacer American Energy Independe 5.58 % 18.58 12 3%
USCI United States Commodity Index F - 39.35 - -
USD ProShares Ultra Semiconductors - 44.90 4 -
USDU WisdomTree Bloomberg U.S. Dolla 0.66 % - 1 -
USDY Pacific Global US Equity Income ETF 5.53 % - 3 -
USFR WisdomTree Floating Rate Treasu - - 12 30%
USHG AGFiQ Dynamic Hedged U.S. Equity ETF 2.10 % - 1 -
USI Principal Ultra-Short Active Income ETF 1.37 % - 9 -4%
USL United States 12 Month Oil - - - -
USML ETRACS 2x Leveraged MSCI US Minimum Volatility Factor TR ETN - - - -
USO United States Oil Fund - 24.66 - -
USRT iShares Core U.S. REIT ETF 2.08 % 31.84 4 0%
USSG Xtrackers MSCI USA ESG Leaders - 29.78 4 8%
UST ProShares Ultra 7-10 Year Treas 0.33 % - 4 30%
USV UBS ETRACS CMCI Silver Total Return ETN - - - -
USVT Lyrical US VALUE ETF - 7.87 - -
UTES Virtus Reaves Utilities ETF 1.99 % 22.80 4 3%
UTRN Vesper US Large Cap Short-Term 7.25 % 22.19 1 15%
UTSL Direxion Daily Utilities Bull 3 1.10 % 23.42 4 6%
UUP Invesco DB USD Index Bullish Fu - - 1 -
UVDV UVA Dividend Value ETF - 14.35 3 -
UWM ProShares Ultra Russell2000 - 16.81 4 -
UXI ProShares Ultra Industrials 0.03 % 27.06 4 30%
UYG ProShares Ultra Financials 0.21 % 19.48 4 4%
UYM ProShares Ultra Materials 0.44 % - 4 30%
VABS Virtus Newfleet ABS/MBS ETF 0.79 % - 12 -
VALQ American Century U.S. Quality V - 22.68 4 6%
VALT ETFMG Sit Ultra Short ETF 0.71 % - 11 -1%
VAW Vanguard Materials ETF 1.43 % 23.25 4 4%
VB Vanguard Small-Cap ETF 1.07 % 19.23 4 5%
VBK Vanguard Small-Cap Growth ETF 0.41 % 27.79 4 12%
VBND Vident U.S. Bond Strategy ETF 1.53 % - 12 18%
VBR Vanguard Small-Cap Value ETF 1.54 % 16.71 4 8%
VCAR Simplify Volt TSLA Revolution E - 79.84 4 -
VCLN Virtus Duff & Phelps Clean Energy ETF - 16.34 1 -
VCLO Simplify Volt Cloud and Cybersecurity Disruption ETF - 19.10 - -
VCR Vanguard Consumer Discretion ET - 28.34 4 8%
VDC Vanguard Consumer Staples ETF - 23.93 4 4%
VDE Vanguard Energy ETF 1.98 % 13.62 4 8%
VDNI V-Shares US Leadership Diversity ETF - 23.48 2 -
VEA Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets 2.37 % 16.52 4 4%
VEGA AdvisorShares STAR Global Buy-W - 24.40 1 30%
VEGI iShares MSCI Agriculture Produc 1.18 % 16.74 2 16%
VEMY Virtus ETF Trust II Virtus Ston - - 12 -
VERS ProShares Trust ProShares Metav - 22.62 - -
VETZ Tidal ETF Trust Academy Veteran - - 12 -
VEU Vanguard FTSE All World Ex US E 2.03 % 15.93 4 3%
VFH Vanguard Financials ETF - 16.76 4 4%
VFIN Simplify Volt Fintech Disruption ETF - - - -
VGFO Virtus WMC Global Factor Opportunities ETF - - - -
VGK Vanguard FTSEEuropean ETF 2.78 % 15.27 4 4%
VGT Vanguard Information Tech ETF 0.62 % 38.34 4 7%
VHT Vanguard Health Care ETF 1.05 % 32.01 4 5%
VICE AdvisorShares Trust AdvisorShar 1.10 % 18.84 1 10%
VIDI Vident International Equity Str 3.42 % 9.38 4 7%
VIG Vanguard Div Appreciation ETF 1.51 % 25.23 4 8%
VIOG Vanguard S&P Small-Cap 600 Grow - 21.61 4 11%
VIOO Vanguard S&P Small-Cap 600 ETF 0.83 % 18.11 1 8%
VIOV Vanguard S&P Small-Cap 600 Valu 1.36 % 16.84 4 8%
VIS Vanguard Industrials ETF 0.84 % 26.05 4 8%
VLLU Harbor ETF Trust - - - -
VLU SPDR S&P 1500 Value Tilt ETF 1.70 % 18.87 4 8%
VNAM Global X Funds Global X MSCI Vi - 14.79 2 -
VNLA Janus Henderson Short Duration 1.00 % - 12 29%
VNMC Natixis Vaughan Nelson Mid Cap ETF 0.34 % - 2 -
VNQ Vanguard Real Estate ETF 3.80 % 31.41 4 4%
VNSE Natixis Vaughan Nelson Select E - 30.10 1 30%
VO Vanguard Mid-Cap ETF 1.08 % 23.66 4 10%
VOE Vanguard Mid-Cap Value ETF - 18.57 4 8%
VOO Vanguard S&P 500 ETF 0.98 % 27.81 4 5%
VOOG Vanguard S&P 500 Growth ETF 0.60 % 35.55 4 6%
VOOV Vanguard S&P 500 Value ETF 1.95 % 23.04 4 10%
VOT Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth ETF - 31.95 4 18%
VOX Vanguard Communication Services 0.54 % 25.31 4 20%
VPC Virtus Private Credit Strategy 6.35 % 11.35 4 16%
VPL Vanguard FTSE Pacific ETF 0.39 % 13.78 4 4%
VPOP Simplify Volt Pop Culture Disruption ETF - - - -
VPU Vanguard Utilities ETF 2.59 % 20.66 4 4%
VRAI Virtus Real Asset Income ETF 3.82 % 12.86 4 22%
VRP Invesco Variable Rate Preferred 4.16 % - 12 8%
VSHY Virtus Newfleet Short Duration - - 12 12%
VSL Volshares Large Cap ETF 3.43 % - 4 30%
VSLU Applied Finance Valuation Large - 28.08 1 -
VSPY VectorShares Min Vol ETF 2.66 % 17.59 3 -
VSS Vanguard FTSE All-Wld ex-US SmC - 15.26 4 8%
VT Vanguard Total World Stock Inde - 21.69 4 5%
VTEB Vanguard Tax-Exempt Bond ETF 1.69 % - 12 9%
VTES Vanguard Wellington Fund Vangua - - 12 -
VTI Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF 0.95 % 26.62 4 6%
VTV Vanguard Value ETF 1.73 % 20.68 4 4%
VUG Vanguard Growth ETF 0.37 % 39.50 4 4%
VUSE Vident U.S. Equity Strategy ETF 0.99 % 26.28 4 0%
VV Vanguard Large-Cap ETF 0.96 % 27.12 4 6%
VWI Trust For Advised Portfolios Ar - - - -
VWO Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets 2.62 % 13.25 4 2%
VXF Vanguard Extended Market ETF 0.90 % 20.71 4 4%
VYM Vanguard High Dividend Yield ET 2.66 % 20.49 4 4%
WANT Direxion Daily Consumer Discret 0.06 % 27.93 4 -
WBIE WBI BullBear Rising Income 3000 ETF 0.16 % - 3 -
WBIF WBI BullBear Value 3000 ETF 1.39 % 18.80 4 10%
WBIG WBI BullBear Yield 3000 ETF 1.66 % 19.81 12 14%
WBII WBI BullBear Global Income ETF 2.93 % - 11 -7%
WBIL WBI BullBear Quality 3000 ETF 0.39 % 31.99 4 30%
WBIN WBI BullBear Trend Switch US Total Return ETF 4.14 % - 8 -
WBIT WBI BullBear Trend Switch US 3000 Total Return ETF 3.29 % - 3 -
WBIY WBI Power Factor High Dividend 4.12 % 13.05 4 4%
WCHN WisdomTree ICBCCS S&P China 500 Fund 1.78 % - 2 -
WDIV SPDR S&P Global Dividend - 14.02 4 0%
WDTE Defiance S&P 500 Enhanced Optio - - 48 -
WEAT Teucrium Wheat Fund ETV - - - -
WEBL Direxion Daily Dow Jones Internet Bull 3X Shares 0.03 % 35.50 1 -
WEBS Direxion Daily Dow Jones Intern 1.42 % - 4 -
WEEL Tidal Trust II - 18.65 4 -
WFH Direxion Work From Home ETF 0.86 % 28.00 4 11%
WGLD wShares Enhanced Gold ETF - - - -
WIP SPDR FTSE International Governm 3.92 % - 12 18%
WKLY SoFi Weekly Dividend ETF 0.98 % 11.82 52 -
WLTH LifeGoal Wealth Builder ETF 0.18 % 14.54 8 -
WMCR Invesco Wilshire Micro-Cap ETF 1.69 % - 1 -
WOMN Impact Shares Trust I ETF Impac 4.87 % 26.59 4 16%
WPS iShares International Developed 2.80 % 11.35 4 24%
WREI Invesco Wilshire US REIT ETF 2.97 % - 4 -
WTMF WisdomTree Managed Futures Stra 0.41 % 19.46 1 0%
WTRE WisdomTree New Economy Real Est - 35.84 4 3%
WTV WisdomTree U.S. Value Fund - 15.48 4 12%
WUSA Simplify Exchange Traded Funds - - - -
WWJD Inspire International ETF 2.23 % 16.60 4 -12%
WWOW Direxion World Without Waste ETF - - 1 -
XAR SPDR S&P Aerospace & Defense ET - 31.08 4 12%
XB BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx B - - 12 -
XBB BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx B - 60.89 12 -
XBI SPDR Series Trust SPDR S&P Bio 0.17 % - 4 -
XBUY Amplify International Online Retail ETF 0.12 % - 1 -
XCCC BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx C - 5.07 12 -
XCEM Columbia EM Core ex-China ETF 1.50 % 12.66 1 22%
XCLR Global X S&P 500 Collar 95-110 ETF - 21.78 2 -
XCOM ProShares Ultra Communication Services Select Sector 0.04 % - 1 -
XDIV Metaurus U.S. Equity Ex-Dividend Fund-Series 2027 - - - -
XES SPDR Series Trust SPDR S&P Oil 0.77 % 11.38 4 26%
XFIV BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx B - - 12 -
XHB SPDR Series Trust SPDR Homebuil 0.51 % 13.87 4 12%
XHE SPDR S&P Health Care Equipment 0.00 % 37.33 4 -
XHLF BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx B - - 12 -
XHS SPDR S&P Health Care Services E - 21.27 4 10%
XHYC BondBloxx US High Yield Consumer Cyclicals Sector ETF - - 11 -
XHYD BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx U - - 12 -
XHYE BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx U - - 12 -
XHYF BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx U - 61.90 12 -
XHYH BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx U - - 12 -
XHYI BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx U - - 12 -
XHYT BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx U - 5.02 12 -
XIDV Franklin Templeton ETF Trust - - - -
XITK SPDR FactSet Innovative Technol 0.05 % 32.80 4 -
XKFS SPDR Kensho Future Security ETF - - 3 -30%
XKII SPDR Kensho Intelligent Structures ETF - - 3 9%
XKST SPDR S&P Kensho Smart Mobility ETF - - 4 17%
XLB Materials Select Sector SPDR 1.67 % 23.48 4 4%
XLC The Communication Services Sele - 22.04 4 20%
XLE SPDR Select Sector Fund - Energ 2.46 % 14.33 4 3%
XLF SPDR Select Sector Fund - Finan 1.20 % 17.17 4 2%
XLG Invesco S&P 500 Top 50 ETF 0.99 % 30.17 4 0%
XLI SPDR Select Sector Fund - Indus 0.93 % 25.07 4 8%
XLK SPDR Select Sector Fund - Techn 0.48 % 37.60 4 8%
XLP SPDR Select Sector Fund - Consu 2.18 % 23.19 4 6%
XLRE Real Estate Select Sector SPDR 2.86 % 35.15 4 2%
XLSR SPDR SSGA U.S. Sector Rotation 0.82 % 23.73 4 -30%
XLU SPDR Select Sector Fund - Utili 2.49 % 20.52 4 3%
XLV SPDR Select Sector Fund - Healt 1.22 % 33.69 4 4%
XLY SPDR Select Sector Fund - Consu 0.52 % 27.75 4 8%
XME SPDR S&P Metals & Mining ETF 0.53 % 13.55 4 18%
XMHQ Invesco S&P MidCap Quality ETF 1.11 % 15.43 4 30%
XMLV Invesco S&P MidCap Low Volatili - 18.18 4 18%
XMMO Invesco S&P MidCap Momentum ETF 0.26 % 20.82 4 27%
XMVM Invesco S&P MidCap Value with M 0.79 % 13.19 4 11%
XNTK SPDR NYSE Technology ETF 0.20 % 32.70 4 18%
XOMO Tidal ETF Trust II YieldMax XOM - - 12 -
XONE BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx B - -28.13 12 -
XOP SPDR S&P Oil & Gas Explor & Pro 1.01 % 9.96 4 28%
XOUT GraniteShares XOUT U.S. Large Cap ETF 0.31 % 1.26 4 5%
XPAY Roundhill ETF Trust - - 12 -
XPH SPDR S&P Pharmaceuticals ETF 0.56 % 15.78 4 22%
XPND First Trust Expanded Technology 0.01 % 37.52 4 -
XPP ProShares Ultra FTSE China 50 0.21 % - 4 2%
XRLV Invesco S&P 500 ex-Rate Sensiti 1.22 % 23.42 12 19%
XRMI Global X Funds Global X S&P 500 1.34 % 27.28 12 -
XRT SPDR S&P Retail ETF 0.65 % 15.37 4 8%
XSD SPDR S&P Semiconductor ETF 0.18 % 30.49 4 26%
XSLV Invesco S&P SmallCap Low Volati 1.11 % 18.14 4 21%
XSMO Invesco S&P SmallCap Momentum E 0.40 % 18.67 4 30%
XSOE WisdomTree Emerging Markets Ex- 1.57 % 17.17 4 -2%
XSVM Invesco S&P SmallCap Value with 0.63 % 10.59 4 16%
XSVN BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx B - - 12 -
XSW SPDR S&P Software & Services ET 0.11 % 38.01 4 30%
XTEN BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx B - - 12 -
XTH SPDR S&P Technology Hardware ETF 0.85 % - 4 -
XTL SPDR S&P Telecom ETF 1.27 % 30.88 4 -3%
XTN SPDR S&P Transportation ETF 1.07 % 20.35 4 3%
XTR Global X Funds Global X S&P 500 - 24.70 2 -
XTRE BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx B - - 12 -
XTWO BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx B - - 12 -
XTWY BondBloxx ETF Trust BondBloxx B - - 12 -
XUDV Franklin Templeton ETF Trust - - - -
XWEB SPDR S&P Internet ETF 0.14 % - 2 -
XXCH Direxion Shares ETF Trust Direx - 13.84 - -
XYLD Global X Funds Global X S&P 500 8.73 % 27.46 12 5%
XYLE Global X Funds Global X S&P 500 - 21.27 12 -
XYLG Global X S&P 500 Covered Call & 4.17 % 27.69 12 30%
YANG Direxion Daily FTSE China Bear 0.84 % - 4 -
YAO Invesco China All-Cap ETF 2.24 % 16.69 209 -
YBIT Tidal Trust II YieldMax Bitcoin - - 12 -
YCL ProShares Ultra Yen - - - -
YCOM ProShares UltraShort Communication Services Select Sector 0.64 % - 1 -
YCS ProShares UltraShort Yen New - - - -
YEAR AB Active ETFs, Inc. AB Ultra S - - 12 -
YFFI Spinnaker ETF Series - - - -
YFYA Listed Funds Trust - - - -
YGRN MicroSectors U.S. Big Oil Index Inverse ETNs - - - -
YINN Direxion Daily FTSE China Bull 1.16 % 7.31 4 -20%
YLD Principal Active High Yield ETF 3.79 % - 12 8%
YMAG Tidal Trust II YieldMax Magnifi - - 12 -
YMAX Tidal Trust II YieldMax Univers - - 12 -
YMLI VanEck Vectors High Income Infrastructure MLP ETF 7.47 % 27.54 4 -
YMLP VanEck Vectors High Income MLP ETF 10.30 % - 4 -12%
YOLO AdvisorShares Pure Cannabis ETF 0.21 % - 4 30%
YUMY VanEck ETF Trust VanEck Future - 12.20 1 -
YXI ProShares Short FTSE China 50 0.08 % - 4 -
YYY Amplify High Income ETF 8.58 % 23.37 12 -2%
ZCAN SPDR Solactive Canada ETF 3.94 % - 2 -
ZDEU SPDR Solactive Germany ETF 3.16 % - 2 -
ZGBR SPDR Solactive United Kingdom ETF 3.89 % - 2 -
ZHDG ZEGA Buy and Hedge ETF - 26.79 1 -
ZHOK SPDR Solactive Hong Kong ETF 2.34 % - 2 -
ZIG The Acquirers Fund - 11.70 1 30%
ZJPN SPDR Solactive Japan ETF 1.92 % - 2 -
ZMLP Direxion Zacks MLP High Income Index Shares 9.46 % - 4 -
ZROZ PIMCO 25 Year Zero Coupon U.S. - - 4 5%
ZSL ProShares UltraShort Silver - - - -