Last dividend for EXPORT INVESTMENT (EXPO.TA) as of May 9, 2024 is 31.00 ILA. The forward dividend yield for EXPO.TA as of May 9, 2024 is 0.69%.

Dividend history for stock EXPO.TA (EXPORT INVESTMENT) including historic stock price, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.


Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-04-24 30.9993 ILA (-61.11%) 4492.00 ILA 4492.00 ILA
2023-04-27 79.7126 ILA (125.00%) 3551.00 ILA 3551.00 ILA
2022-12-07 35.4278 ILA (-20.00%) 4169.00 ILA 4077.48 ILA
2022-04-26 44.2848 ILA (150.00%) 4650.00 ILA 4509.72 ILA
2021-12-06 17.7139 ILA (-50%) 4063.00 ILA 3903.25 ILA
2021-10-06 35.4278 ILA 3085.00 ILA 2950.81 ILA
2020-04-19 35.4278 ILA (100%) 1768.00 ILA 1671.87 ILA
2019-04-16 17.7139 ILA 2121.00 ILA 1965.32 ILA
2018-06-14 17.7139 ILA (-33.33%) 1961.00 ILA 1801.75 ILA
2017-04-27 26.5709 ILA 2448.00 ILA 2229.09 ILA
2015-12-07 26.5709 ILA (-25.00%) 2236.00 ILA 2013.80 ILA
2011-09-12 35.4278 ILA (-0.12%) 1966.00 ILA 1749.59 ILA
2010-03-31 35.4718 ILA (-20.27%) 2480.00 ILA 2169.58 ILA
2008-05-05 44.4893 ILA (-39.76%) 1758.00 ILA 1516.61 ILA
2007-03-27 73.8523 ILA (-26.15%) 2180.00 ILA 1834.03 ILA
2007-01-08 100 ILA (149.75%) 2387.00 ILA 1942.35 ILA
2006-09-04 40.0404 ILA (-38.36%) 1961.00 ILA 1527.92 ILA
2006-04-03 64.9544 ILA (4.29%) 2040.00 ILA 1557.63 ILA
2005-09-08 62.2850 ILA (66.67%) 1630.00 ILA 1204.95 ILA
2005-03-07 37.3711 ILA (-2.33%) 1660.00 ILA 1181.55 ILA
2004-09-08 38.2608 ILA (-64.17%) 1391.00 ILA 968.16 ILA
2004-01-21 106.7744 ILA (20.00%) 1633.00 ILA 1105.97 ILA
2003-09-08 88.9797 ILA 1220.00 ILA 775.24 ILA


Price: ILA4,481

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 0.00%

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 0.69%

Payout Ratio: 338.79%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 31.00 ILA

Earnings Per Share: 9.15 ILA

P/E Ratio: 5.02

Exchange: TLV

Sector: Financial Services

Industry: Banks - Regional

Market Capitalization: 518.8 million

Average Dividend Frequency: 1

Years Paying Dividends: 7
