I.D.I. INSURANCE dividends

Last dividend for I.D.I. INSURANCE (IDIN.TA) as of May 9, 2024 is 442.63 ILA. The forward dividend yield for IDIN.TA as of May 9, 2024 is 7.66%. Average dividend growth rate for stock I.D.I. INSURANCE (IDIN.TA) for past three years is 30.00%.

Dividend history for stock IDIN.TA (I.D.I. INSURANCE) including historic stock price, dividend growth rate predictions based on history, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

I.D.I. INSURANCE Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-04-02 442.6252 ILA (62.39%) 10830.00 ILA 10830.00 ILA
2023-08-28 272.5740 ILA 8081.00 ILA 8081.00 ILA
2023-04-02 272.5740 ILA (-33.33%) 8771.00 ILA 8486.39 ILA
2022-04-05 408.8586 ILA (20.00%) 11100.00 ILA 10408.32 ILA
2021-08-30 340.7175 ILA (-54.55%) 11770.00 ILA 10644.53 ILA
2021-06-01 749.5785 ILA (175%) 11720.00 ILA 10294.55 ILA
2020-11-05 272.5740 ILA (-42.86%) 8503.00 ILA 7024.50 ILA
2019-09-02 477.0045 ILA (180.00%) 12340.00 ILA 9873.64 ILA
2019-03-31 170.3587 ILA (-64.29%) 17190.00 ILA 13248.44 ILA
2018-09-06 477.0045 ILA (-41.67%) 21210.00 ILA 16185.70 ILA
2018-03-28 817.7220 ILA (20%) 23000.00 ILA 17169.56 ILA
2018-01-02 681.4350 ILA (150%) 23800.00 ILA 17155.05 ILA
2017-09-03 272.5740 ILA (-20%) 22100.00 ILA 15487.35 ILA
2017-03-19 340.7175 ILA (-50.84%) 17440.00 ILA 12074.87 ILA
2016-04-05 693.0516 ILA (33.33%) 18550.00 ILA 12598.11 ILA
2015-08-06 519.7887 ILA (-1.67%) 18580.00 ILA 12166.06 ILA
2015-04-02 528.6121 ILA (25.00%) 14840.00 ILA 9448.47 ILA
2014-11-05 422.8897 ILA (-16.88%) 13880.00 ILA 8526.23 ILA
2014-03-23 508.7533 ILA 11230.00 ILA 6690.31 ILA


Price: ILA11,550

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 0.00%

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 7.66%

Payout Ratio: 9328.25%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 885.25 ILA

Earnings Per Share: 9.49 ILA

P/E Ratio: 11.58

Exchange: TLV

Sector: Financial Services

Industry: Insurance - Diversified

Market Capitalization: 1.6 billion

Average Dividend Frequency: 2

Years Paying Dividends: 11

DGR3: 30.00%

DGR5: 30.00%
