iShares Self-Driving EV and Tec - 3 year dividend growth rate

Dividend history for stock IDRV (iShares Self-Driving EV and Tec) including dividend growth rate predictions based on history.

YearDividendEstimated Yield on Cost
2034 5.820USD * 18.76%
2033 4.846USD * 15.62%
2032 4.035USD * 13.00%
2031 3.360USD * 10.83%
2030 2.798USD * 9.02%
2029 2.329USD * 7.51%
2028 1.939USD * 6.25%
2027 1.615USD * 5.20%
2026 1.345USD * 4.33%
2025 1.120USD * 3.61%
2024 0.932USD * 3.00%
2023 0.776USD
2022 0.774USD
2021 0.604USD
2020 0.297USD
2019 0.352USD

* These yearly dividends are calculated as current last years dividends times conservative dividend growth rate. Conservative dividend growth rate is calculated from DGR3 value and uses this function (in IDRV case 20.10% was used as conservative DGR).


Price: $31.03

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 0.58%

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 2.18%

Payout Ratio: 20.37%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 0.68 USD

Earnings Per Share: 3.31 USD

P/E Ratio: 9.50

Exchange: PCX

Volume: 51491

Market Capitalization: 277.0 million

Average Dividend Frequency: 3

Years Paying Dividends: 5

DGR3: 30.00%
