Mangold AB dividends

Dividend history for stock MANG.ST (Mangold AB) including historic stock price and split, spin-off and special dividends.

Mangold AB Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2022-04-07 49 SEK (183.24%) 3680.00 SEK 3680.00 SEK
2021-04-15 17.3000 SEK (136.99%) 2260.00 SEK 2231.75 SEK
2020-07-01 7.3000 SEK 1080.00 SEK 1058.11 SEK
2020-04-03 7.3000 SEK (57.67%) 812.55 SEK 835.00 SEK
2019-04-11 4.6300 SEK (-11.64%) 615.00 SEK 598.46 SEK
2018-04-11 5.2400 SEK (118.33%) 805.00 SEK 777.60 SEK
2017-04-19 2.4000 SEK (-73.33%) 350.00 SEK 335.89 SEK
2015-04-14 9 SEK (12.50%) 193.50 SEK 184.42 SEK
2013-04-03 8 SEK 185.00 SEK 168.38 SEK


Price: SEK2,420

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 0.01%

Earnings Per Share: -58.17 SEK

P/E Ratio: -43.32

Exchange: STO

Sector: Financial Services

Industry: Capital Markets

Market Capitalization: 1.2 billion

Average Dividend Frequency: 1
