NYSE American - ASE (310 stocks)

Expected withholding dividend tax for non-residents: 15%

StockDividend YieldP/E RatioDividend Frequency DGR
AAMC Altisource Asset Management Cor - 0.03 - -
AAU Almaden Minerals Ltd. - -1.93 - -
ACAQ Athena Consumer Acquisition Corp. - 554.50 - -
ACU Acme 1.60 % 7.35 4 4%
ACY AeroCentury Corp. - 0.86 3 -
ADEX Adit EdTech Acquisition Corp. - -52.63 - -
ADRA Adara Acquisition Corp. 2.37 % 38.50 4 -
AE Adams Resources & Energy, Inc. 0.63 % - 4 0%
AGE AgeX Therapeutics, Inc. - -1.02 - -
AIM AIM ImmunoTech Inc. - - - -
AINC Ashford Inc. (Holding Company) - - - -
AIRI Air Industries Group - - 4 -
ALFI AlphaClone International ETF 0.53 % - 1 -
ALO Alio Gold Inc. - -0.76 - -
AMBI Ambipar Emergency Response - 41.92 - -
AMBO Ambow Education Holding Ltd. Am - -0.54 - -
AMS American Shared Hospital Servic - 5.05 3 -
APT Alpha Pro Tech, Ltd. - 14.49 - -
ARMP Armata Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - - - -
ASM Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. - 67.50 - -
ASXC Asensus Surgical, Inc. - - - -
ATNM Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - -2.83 - -
AULT Ault Alliance, Inc. - 0.00 - -
AULT-PD Ault Alliance, Inc. 13.00% Seri - - 12 -
AWX Avalon Holdings Corporation - 13.44 - -
AXU Alexco Resource Corp. - -15.16 - -
BACA Berenson Acquisition Corp. I - 60.41 - -
BATL Battalion Oil Corporation - - - -
BCV 12944 - 7.68 4 -5%
BCV-PA Bancroft Fund Limited 5.375% Se - 3.07 4 -
BDL Flanigan's Enterprises, Inc. - 14.03 1 -
BDR Blonder Tongue Laboratories, Inc. - -1 - -
BGI Birks Group Inc. - -13.61 - -
BHB Bar Harbor Bankshares, Inc. - 11.34 4 8%
BHM Bluerock Homes Trust, Inc. - -13.85 - -
BITE Bite Acquisition Corp. - -89.42 - -
BKTI BK Technologies Corporation - 20.84 4 -
BLUA BlueRiver Acquisition Corp. - -40.11 - -
BMTX BM Technologies, Inc. - - - -
BQ Boqii Holding Limited - - - -
BRBS Blue Ridge Bankshares, Inc. - -0.86 4 -
BRG Bluerock Residential Growth REIT, Inc. 2.41 % 230.22 3 -
BRIA BrilliA Inc - 21.56 - -
BRN Barnwell Industries, Inc. - -24.50 4 -
BSAQ ITA Oct 2023 106.000 call - 40.19 - -
BSCG Guggenheim BulletShares 2016 Corporate Bond ETF - - - -
BSJG Guggenheim BulletShares 2016 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF - - - -
BSJI Invesco BulletShares 2018 HY Corp Bd ETF - - - -
BTG B2Gold Corp 6.56 % - 4 -
BTN Ballantyne Strong, Inc - 61.25 - -
BTTR Better Choice Company Inc. - - - -
CANF Can-Fite Biopharma Ltd Sponsore - - - -
CCEL Cryo-Cell International, Inc. - - 4 -
CCF Chase Corporation 0.78 % 36.64 1 6%
CDOR Condor Hospitality Trust, Inc. 5.24 % -2.74 2 -
CEF Sprott Physical Gold and Silver - 3.58 1 -
CEI Camber Energy, Inc. - -1.61 - -
CEV 10525 - 13.29 12 -5%
CHAA Catcha Investment Corp. - -41.63 - -
CHAQ Chardan Healthcare Acquisition 2 Corp. - - - -
CIX CompX International Inc. 4.61 % 15.71 4 30%
CKX CKX Lands, Inc. - 49.46 4 -
CLY iShares 10+ Year Credit Bond ETF 4.25 % - 11 -
CMCL Caledonia Mining Corporation Pl 5.57 % 21.67 4 12%
CMT Core Molding Technologies Inc - 7.79 2 -
COE 51Talk Online Education Group - - - -
COHN Cohen & Company Inc. 10.27 % 2.30 4 -
CPHI China Pharma Holdings, Inc. - -0.25 - -
CPSN Calamos ETF Trust - - - -
CTEK CynergisTek, Inc. - -2.06 - -
CTGO Contango ORE, Inc. - - - -
CTM Castellum, Inc. - - - -
CVM Cel-Sci Corporation - -3.31 - -
CVR Chicago Rivet & Machine Co. 2.68 % -3.97 4 -18%
CVU CPI Aerostructures, Inc. - 3.38 - -
CYBN Cybin Inc. - -1.83 - -
DHY 146692 - 5.76 12 -4%
DIT AMCON Distributing Company - 23.03 4 30%
DLA Delta Apparel, Inc. - - 4 -
DNN Denison Mines Corp - - - -
DPW Ault Global Holdings, Inc. - -0.15 - -
DSS DSS, Inc. - - - -
DXF Dunxin Financial Holdings Limit - -0.12 - -
ECF 27623 - 5.30 4 -6%
ECF-PA Ellsworth Growth and Income Fun 2.34 % -37.18 4 -
EFSH 1847 Holdings LLC - -0.01 3 -
EIM 100401 - 6.95 12 -7%
ELA Envela Corporation - 27.28 4 -
ELLO Ellomay Capital Ltd - - - -
ELMD Electromed, Inc. - 44.28 - -
EMAN eMagin Corporation - -12.08 - -
EMX EMX Royalty Corporation - -37.50 - -
EPM Evolution Petroleum Corporation 9.06 % 131.50 4 22%
EQX Equinox Gold Corp. - 12.05 - -
ESP Espey Mfg. & Electronics Corp. - 11.63 4 30%
EVBN Evans Bancorp, Inc. 3.11 % 20.26 2 4%
EVI EVI Industries, Inc. - 34.10 1 -
EVM 29200 - 7.08 12 -7%
EVY Eaton Vance New York Municipal Income Trust 3.63 % 12.88 13 -
EXN Excellon Resources Inc. - -4.64 - -
FLAG First Light Acquisition Group, Inc. 3.31 % 68.67 4 -
FRD Friedman Industries Inc. - 20.86 4 -13%
FSI Flexible Solutions Internationa - 18.21 1 -
FSP Franklin Street Properties Corp 2.17 % - 4 -16%
FTSI FTS International, Inc. - -0.98 - -
FURY Fury Gold Mines Limited - -3.73 - -
GAU Galiano Gold Inc. - 29 - -
GBR New Concept Energy, Inc - 25.25 - -
GDP Goodrich Petroleum Corporation 2.44 % -13.66 - -
GENC Gencor Industries, Inc. - 12.11 - -
GGN GAMCO Global Gold, Natural Reso 8.82 % 7.79 12 -4%
GGN-PB GAMCO Global Gold, Natural Reou 0.02 % 83.51 4 -
GLDG GoldMining Inc. - -6.72 - -
GLO Clough Global Opportunities Fun - 3.62 12 -14%
GLTA Galata Acquisition Corp. - 107.30 - -
GLU 6968 7.69 % 22.04 12 0%
GLU-PB The Gabelli Global Utility and - - - -
GMO General Moly, Inc. - -0.08 - -
GNS Genius Group Limited - 0.33 - -
GOED Polished.com Inc. - 1.81 - -
GORO Gold Resource Corporation - - 11 -
GPL Great Panther Mining Limited - 913.20 - -
GROY Gold Royalty Corp. - - 4 -
GSAT Globalstar, Inc. - - - -
GSB GlobalSCAPE, Inc. 0.00 % 13.58 3 -
GSS Golden Star Resources Ltd. - -3.57 - -
GSV Gold Standard Ventures Corp - -32.11 - -
GTE Gran Tierra Energy Inc. - 3.98 - -
GV Goldfield Corporation (The) - 21.47 - -
HMG HMG/Courtland Properties, Inc. 2.89 % -11.77 2 -
HPX HPX Corp. - 85.08 - -
HUSA Houston American Energy Corpora - -155 4 -
HWM-P Howmet Aerospace Inc. $3.75 Pre 0.00 % 80.15 4 0%
HYLN Hyliion Holdings Corp. - - - -
HZON Horizon Acquisition Corporation II - 80.89 - -
IBIO iBio, Inc. - - - -
ID PARTS iD, Inc. - - - -
IDR Idaho Strategic Resources, Inc. - 27.35 - -
IDW IDW Media Holdings, Inc. - - - -
IE Ivanhoe Electric Inc. - - - -
IGC IGC Pharma, Inc. - - - -
IHT InnSuites Hospitality Trust Sha - 91.01 2 -7%
IMH Impac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. - -2.89 - -
IMO Imperial Oil Limited 2.38 % 11.31 4 26%
INDO Indonesia Energy Corporation Li - -6.82 - -
INFU InfuSystems Holdings, Inc. - 113.71 - -
INTT inTest Corporation - 41.55 - -
INUV Inuvo, Inc. - - - -
IOR Income Opportunity Realty Investors, Inc. - 8.99 3 -
IPVF InterPrivate III Financial Partners Inc. - 138.63 - -
ISDR Issuer Direct Corporation - - 3 -
ISR IsoRay, Inc. - -7.57 - -
ITP IT Tech Packaging, Inc. - -0.13 2 -
ITRG Integra Resources Corp. - -1.35 - -
JOB GEE Group Inc. - - 2 -
JWSM Jaws Mustang Acquisition Corp. - 52.10 - -
KIQ Kelso Technologies Inc. - -5.21 1 -
KMCM Key Mining Corp. - - - -
KULR KULR Technology Group, Inc. - - - -
LBY Libbey, Inc. - -0.26 - -
LCTX Lineage Cell Therapeutics, Inc. - - - -
LEU Centrus Energy Corp. - 26.50 4 -
LGL LGL Group, Inc. (The) - 96.57 3 -
LLEX Lilis Energy, Inc. - -0.07 - -
LNFA L&F Acquisition Corp. - 21.06 - -
LODE Comstock Inc. - - - -
LSF Laird Superfood, Inc. - - - -
MAG MAG Silver Corporation - 22.31 - -
MAIA MAIA Biotechnology, Inc. - -1.08 - -
MCF Contango Oil & Gas Company - -9.73 - -
MHH Mastech Digital, Inc - - - -
MIMO Airspan Networks Holdings Inc. - -0.19 - -
MITQ Moving iMage Technologies, Inc. - -7.62 - -
MJC - - - -
MLSS Milestone Scientific, Inc. - - - -
MMX Maverix Metals Inc. 1.03 % 62.50 4 -
MNK Mallinckrodt plc - -0.04 3 -
MSN Emerson Radio Corporation - 25.75 - -
MTA Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd - -14.83 6 -
MTNB Matinas Biopharma Holdings, Inc - -2.08 - -
MWG Multi Ways Holdings Limited - 1.23 - -
MXC Mexco Energy Corporation - 18.59 - -
MYO Myomo Inc. - - - -
NAK Northern Dynasty Minerals, Ltd. - -6.14 - -
NBA New Beginnings Acquisition Corp. - - - -
NBO Neuberger Berman New York Municipal Fund, Inc. 3.43 % 14.63 12 -
NBW Neuberger Berman California Municipal Fund Inc. 4.52 % 16.79 12 -
NBY NovaBay Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - - - -
NEN New England Realty Associates L 0.48 % 21.37 4 6%
NES Nuverra Environmental Solutions, Inc. - -0.40 - -
NEWP New Pacific Metals Corp. - -23.60 2 -
NFGC New Found Gold Corp - -8.81 - -
NG Novagold Resources Inc. - -17.86 - -
NGD New Gold Inc. - 151.50 - -
NHC National HealthCare Corporation 2.32 % 12.86 4 5%
NILE BitNile Holdings, Inc. - 24.87 - -
NNVC NanoViricides, Inc. - -1.52 - -
NRO 70968 - 2.56 12 -6%
NTIP Network-1 Technologies, Inc. 7.35 % -14.20 2 -
OBE Obsidian Energy Ltd. - 5.23 8 -
OGEN Oragenics Inc. - -0.80 - -
OPHC OptimumBank Holdings, Inc. - 3.46 1 -
OPTT Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. - -0.57 - -
ORLA Orla Mining Ltd. - 22 - -
OZ Belpointe PREP, LLC - -15.12 - -
PCG-PA Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 6% P - 12.10 4 -
PCG-PB Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 5 1/ - 11.06 4 -
PCG-PC Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 5% 1 - 3.24 4 -
PCG-PD Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 5% 1 - 9.71 4 -
PCG-PE Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 5% 1 - 9.80 4 -
PCG-PG Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 4.80 - 10.64 4 -
PCG-PI Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 4.36 - 2.84 4 -
PED Pedevco Corp. - 37.60 - -
PHGE BiomX Inc. - -0.37 - -
PHGE-UN BiomX Inc. - - - -
PLAG Planet Green Holdings Corp. - -0.89 - -
PLG Platinum Group Metals Ltd. - -16.57 - -
PLM PolyMet Mining Corp. 2.14 % -4.74 - -
PLX Protalix BioTherapeutics, Inc. - - - -
POL Polished.com Inc. - -0.08 4 -
PRK Park National Corporation 2.52 % 17.98 4 0%
PTN Palatin Technologies, Inc. - -1.47 - -
PW Power REIT (MD) - -0.07 4 -
PZG Paramount Gold Nevada Corp. - -2.70 - -
QFTA Quantum FinTech Acquisition Corporation - 256.50 - -
QLTB iShares Baa - Ba Rated Corporate Bond 1.08 % 13.36 10 -
QLTC iShares B - Ca Rated Corporate Bond - - - -
RCOR Renovacor, Inc. - - - -
REI Ring Energy, Inc. - 2.31 - -
REPX Riley Exploration Permian, Inc. 4.36 % 5.88 4 -
RHE Regional Health Properties, Inc - 0.09 - -
RHE-PA Regional Health Properties, Inc. - -0.09 4 -
RLGT Radiant Logistics, Inc. - 25.17 - -
RMED Ra Medical Systems, Inc. - -0.12 - -
RVP Retractable Technologies, Inc. - - - -
SACC Sachem Capital Corp. 6.875% Not 4.32 % - 4 0%
SACH Sachem Capital Corp. 30.70 % - 4 -6%
SACH-PA Sachem Capital Corp. 7.75% Seri 2.25 % 36.63 4 -
SBEV Splash Beverage Group, Inc. (NV - - - -
SCCB Sachem Capital Corp. 7.125% Not 10.60 % - 4 -
SCCC Sachem Capital Corp. 7.75% Note 4.39 % - 4 25%
SCCD Sachem Capital Corp. 6.00% Note - - 4 -
SCCE Sachem Capital Corp. 6.00% Note - - 4 -
SCCF Sachem Capital Corp. 7.125% Not - - 4 -
SCCG Sachem Capital Corp. 8.00% Note - - 4 -
SDPI Superior Drilling Products, Inc - 7.21 - -
SEB Seaboard Corporation 0.35 % - 4 -
SEG Seaport Entertainment Group Inc - -1.04 - -
SENS Senseonics Holdings, Inc. - - - -
SGN Signing Day Sports, Inc. - - - -
SIF SIFCO Industries, Inc. - -2.18 3 -
SILV SilverCrest Metals Inc. - 19.34 - -
SIM Grupo Simec, S.A.B. de C.V. 4.68 % 20.66 - -
SLI Standard Lithium Ltd. - 2.37 2 -
SMTS Sierra Metals Inc. 1.90 % 1.43 1 -
SNMP Evolve Transition Infrastructure LP - -3.94 3 -
SSY SunLink Health Systems, Inc. - -4.29 1 -
STRW Strawberry Fields REIT, Inc. 1.05 % 23.10 4 -
STXS Stereotaxis, Inc. - - - -
SVM Silvercorp Metals Inc. 0.78 % 11.97 2 3%
SVT Servotronics, Inc. - 220 1 -
SYN Synthetic Biologics, Inc. - -0.48 - -
TAT TransAtlantic Petroleum Ltd - -0.46 - -
TEK BlackRock ETF Trust - 42.91 - -
TELL Tellurian Inc. - - - -
TELZ Tellurian Inc. 8.25% Senior Not - - 4 -
TGB Taseko Mines, Ltd. - 17.64 - -
TGC Tengasco, Inc. - -4.50 1 -
THM International Tower Hill Mines, - -26.07 - -
TKAT Takung Art Co., Ltd. - -6.42 - -
TMBR Timber Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - -0.05 - -
TMP Tompkins Financial Corporation 3.48 % 14.02 4 4%
TMQ Trilogy Metals Inc. - -3.93 - -
TOPP Toppoint Holdings Inc. - 92 - -
TOPS TOP Ships, Inc. - 0.38 4 -
TPET Trio Petroleum Corp. - -0.78 - -
TRT Trio-Tech International - 46.15 - -
TRX TRX Gold Corporation - - - -
TRXC TransEnterix, Inc. - -0.24 - -
TWND Tailwind Acquisition Corp. - 8.80 - -
UAMY United States Antimony Corporat - -5.59 - -
UAVS AgEagle Aerial Systems, Inc. - -0.09 10 -
UEC Uranium Energy Corp. - - - -
UFAB Unique Fabricating, Inc. 6.08 % -9.20 3 -
URG Ur Energy Inc - - - -
USAS Americas Gold and Silver Corpor - - - -
UTG 53270 - 3.17 12 2%
UUU Universal Security Instruments, - 9.61 - -
UUUU Energy Fuels Inc - - - -
VFL 3404 - 4.13 12 -6%
VGZ Vista Gold Corp - 7.40 - -
VHAQ Viveon Health Acquisition Corp. - -287 - -
VINE Fresh Vine Wine, Inc. - -0.88 - -
VKI 9268 4.30 % 10.44 12 -9%
VNRX VolitionRX Limited - - - -
VOLT Volt Information Sciences, Inc. - -5.92 - -
WBEV Winc, Inc. - - - -
WLMS Williams Industrial Services Group Inc. - 12.50 - -
WRAC Williams Rowland Acquisition Corp. - 262 - -
WRN Western Copper and Gold Corpora - -50 - -
WTT Wireless Telecom Group, Inc. - 191.02 4 -
WWR Westwater Resources, Inc. - -2.43 - -
WYY WidePoint Corporation - - - -
XPL Solitario Resources Corp. - -10.28 - -
XTNT Xtant Medical Holdings, Inc. - - - -
YCBD cbdMD, Inc. - - - -
YCBD-PA cbdMD, Inc. 8.0% Series A Cumul - - 12 -
ZDGE Zedge, Inc. - - - -
ZOM Zomedica Corp. - - - -
ZONE CleanCore Solutions Inc. - -14.14 - -